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Sailormoon R 1 Villains: The Aliens and the Makaiju

left: Anne, right: Ail

  Ail and Anne crash-landed on Earth in something that looked like a seed pod. It turned out that this pod was actually a tree called the Makaiju, and the two aliens it brought with it depended on it for life. The way the tree worked was that it absorbed energy and then passed it on to Ail and his girlfriend Anne. However, these two had to go out and gather energy from humans for the tree. And so, their path to villainy was set. Ail and Anne had a special way of gathering energy: Ann had the ability to choose what would be a good "cardian"-a monster that would come to life from a special set of cards, and Ail had the ability to bring these monsters to life by playing a special song on his flute. Of course, the monster would then steal the enrgy from humans. Ail and Anne decided that secret identities would help them to scope things out and discover good sources of energy. Their secret identities were those of two students at Usagi's school. There, they posed as brother and sister, Seijuurou Ginga (Ail) and Natsumi Ginga (Anne). While at this school, Seijuurou fell in love with Usagi, and Natsumi fell for Mamoru, even though they were, in fact, already in love with each other. Oh yeah, and Usagi and Mamoru were in love, but that changed because Mamoru lost his memories so Usagi was trying to win him back. During a final battle with Sailor Moon and the other Senshi, Ail and Anne were killed by the Makaiju, who could stand no more of their violence, fortunately though, the two were reincarnated by the tree and were sent off with it to start a new life on a new planet.

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