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Sailormoon R 2 Villains: The Black Moon Family


  -Wiseman was the manipulative leader of the Dark Moon Family, who wanted only to conquer the future city of Crystal Tokyo. He used people for his purposes and disposed of them after their usefulness had run out. Wiseman corrupted and controlled each member of the Dark Moon's royalty at a young age. When they had grown up, he used them to go back to the past and alter the future in his favor. Eventually, Wiseman betrayed each member of his "family". However, he was ultimately destroyed by Neo-Queen Serenity.

The Black Moon Family

left to right: Demando, Esmeraude, Saffiru, Rudeus, and Black Lady

  The Dark Moon was the place where the people who refused to undergo Neo-Queen Serenity's purification process were sent. These people, angered by their exile (characterized by a black, upside down crescent moon on their forehead) planned a takeover of the city Crystal Tokyo and revenge on Neo-Queen Serenity. This is why Demando decided to ally his family with Wiseman.

-Demando was the prince and head of the royalty of the Dark Moon. He was the older brother of Saffiru and the lover of Esmeraude. Despite his "committment" to Esmeraude, Demando became obsessed with winning over Neo-Queen Serenity. Demando trusted Wiseman to keep his family's best interest in mind. However, when he discovered that Wiseman had both Esmeraude and Saffiru killed he realized that his leader was wrong and he tried to stop their plans. Wiseman killed Demando before the the final battle with Neo-Queen Serenity.

-Esmeraude was the love interest of Prince Demando. She was petty, jealous and vain, she also had this really insane laugh. Esmeraude was sent to Earth to take Rubeus' place after he was "dismissed" by Wiseman. She used little crystal statues of herself to take over key pionts of Tokyo to win her family's battle in the future. Eventually Esmeraude and Saffiru realized that Wiseman had been using them and planned to warn Demando of this fact. Before they could do this, Wiseman offered Esmeraude a chance at power and winning Demando's heart. Her desire for Demando outweighed her distrust of Wiseman and so Esmeraude accepted. However, Wiseman's gift (as always) backfired and transformed her into a huge green dragon with pink hair, which was sent to attack the Sailor Senshi. It was during this fight when Esmeraude was finally destroyed.

-Saffiru was the younger brother of Demando. Saffiru basically went along with Wiseman because he believed in his brother. When he discovered that Wiseman was, in fact, using his family, Saffiru and Esmeraude planned to expose the old creep to Demando. Of course, Wiseman discovered this and tried to kill Saffiru. He managed to escape to the past and find the Ayakashi Sisters where he was partially nursed back to health. He left to find Sailor Moon but was found and killed by Wiseman before he was able to do so.

-Rubeus was the first of the Dark Moon Family to appear. He was sent to the past with the Ayakashi Sisters to try and saturate key points of Tokyo with negative energy so that Wiseman would be able to conquer the city in the future. Another mission was to find Chibi-Usa and capture her, as she was also a figure in the course of the battle. Rubeus was an arrogant and cold man. He used and manipulated his underlings and abandoned them when they failed. When Rubeus was trapped on his rapidly crashing spaceship, he waited for help to come, and Esmeraude did appear. However, since Rubeus had failed in his mission, Esmeraude had actually showed up to inform him that he was no longer needed. And so, Rubeus died when the ship had exploded.

-Black Lady The Black Lady was Chibi-Usa when she had been captured by Wiseman in the future. She had been separated from the Sailor Senshi and was crying about how no one loved her when Wiseman found her. He hypnotized her and convinced her that no one but he actually cared for her. Wiseman then used his magic to accelerate Chibi-Usa's age into that of an adult so that he could use her considerable power for his own needs. Black Lady was sent to the past to terrorize the Sailor Senshi. Eventually, during the fianl battle with Wiseman, Black Lady was returned to normal by her mother Neo-Queen Serenity.

The Ayakashi Sisters

left to right: Beruche, Keraberas, Cooan, and Petz

  The Ayakashi Sisters were a part of the Dark Moon Family and accompanied Rubeus to the past to aid him on his mission from Wiseman to capture Crystal points and Chibi-Usa. They were an extremely vain and fashion obsessed group of young ladies, but bascially good on the inside, and so they were all eventually reformed by Sailor Moon. After that, they opened a shop and lead a good life from then on.

-Petz was the oldest of the Ayakashi Sisters. Petz was probably the most dedicated to their mission and was the most likely to follow orders directly. Petz often bickered with her rival, Keraberas. After the other sisters had decided to join Sailor Moon rather than fight her, Petz attacked them (along with the Senshi) with a dark crystal scepter which multiplied her power and ego tenfold. However, when she was beaten by the Senshi, she begged for Rubeus' help. He basically wrote her off as a failure and abandoned her. After this, Petz decided to be purged of all her negative energy by Sailor Moon.

-Keraberas was the second oldest of the sisters. Keraberas was probably the most vain of the four sisters and usually didn't take their mission very seriously. When Keraberas accompanied Petz on her assignment to get their sisters back, she was betrayed by her older sister and so saw the error of her ways. She and Petz were both purged of evil simultaneously by Sailor Moon.

-Beruche was the second youngest of the four sisters. Beruche was the intellectual of the group and disliked physical confrontations. She was probably closest to Cooan and so accepted an assignment so that she could possibly win her sister back from the Senshi's side. During this mission, Beruche played a life or death game of chess with Sailor Mercury. When Beruche saw that her other two sisters were nothing but glory hogs who didn't really care about her, she decided to destroy herself. However, Cooan helped to convince Beruche that there was a better way of life with people who truly cared for her. And so, Beruche was rid of her negative energy by Sailor Moon.

-Cooan was the youngest of the Ayakashi sisters. Cooan was the first of the sisters to be sent out on her own to try and capture Chibi-Usa. She encountered Sailor Mars at her temple on numerous occasions. During one mission (of course, it conveniently ended up at that same temple) Cooan was defeated by Sailor Mars. Rubeus appeared, and when Cooan asked for help, he turned his back on her. After realizing Rubeus did not love her (as she had believed) Cooan took the bomb she had been given and planned to destroy herself and the temple. When the rest of the Senshi arrived to fight Cooan, Sailor Mars defended her and convinced Sailor Moon to rid the depressed villian of her negative energy, making her the first to be healed in such a way.

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