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Sailormoon Sailorstars Villains: Nehellenia & Shadow Galactica


  Nehellenia, after remaining in her mirror for a time, was awakened by a mysterious voice and, plotted her final revenge on Sailormoon, whom she blamed for her imprisonment. Nehellenia kidnapped Mamoru and Sailorchibimoon from Earth and challenged the rest of the Senshi to come to the rescue. Being the Senshi, they went and battled Nehellenia. Every Sailor had been systematically defeated and imprisoned in a mirror except Sailor Moon, who Nehellenia wanted to see suffer. During their battle, Sailor Moon reached to her and gave Nehellenia a second chance at a happy childhood, which she got to live out in peace. The rest of the senshi were freed, and Sailorstars had a shiny, happy ending. For about five minutes...

Sailor Galaxia

GalaxiaChaosGood Galaxia

  When Galaxia first appears, she seems to be yet another in the long line of world conquering maniacs, but we soon get the idea that there is something much more to her. Galaxia was the most powerful and heartless enemy that the Senshi had ever faced. It was also revealed that she too was a Senshi of some sort. In fact, it was eventually learned that Galaxia was once known as the Golden Sailor, the greatest of the Sailor Senshi. However, in a battle between good and evil, Galaxia sealed her enemy, Chaos, inside herself so that she could save the universe. This eventually corrupted Galaxia and caused her to go insane. However, Galaxia sent the light of her soul out for help, which took on the form of Chibi Chibi. Galaxia traveled the universe seeking to recruit other Senshi by stealing their essence (known as a Star Seed). It was also discovered that Galaxia was the true source of all of the evil that the Senshi of Earth had faced before. During the battle royale with Serenity, Chaos completely overcame Galaxia (appearance and all). However, Serenity returned Galaxia's Light of Hope to her, and Chaos was finally purged from the Golen Sailor's soul.

The Sailor Animamates

left to right: Sailor Iron Mouse, Sailor Lead Crow, Sailor Aluminum Siren, and Sailor Tin Nyanko

  The Sailor Animamates (a.k.a. "The Metal Senshi") were the reincarnated forms of good Senshi whose star seeds had been stolen by Galaxia, and so were corrupted. They appear in very modified Sailor uniforms and also retain their attacks. Like many of the other villians, they were very competitive and always tried to out-do their fellow Animamates. The Animamates were sent to Earth by Galaxia to continue the search for more Star Seeds of other Sailor Senshi.

Sailor Iron Mouse was the first of the Animamates to appear. She was established on Earth as a producer for Galaxy TV named Nezu Chuuko. She would entrap someone she felt had "star quality" and would extract their Star Seed and turn them into a certain type of "sailor" or phage (these Star Seeds were actually found in all humans, but only the shines of a Senshi's seed lasted). Unfortunately for her, Sailor Iron Mouse was repeatedly defeated by Sailor Moon and the rest. Despite the fact that Iron Mouse learned of Sailor Star Fighter's identity, the poor little dear was destroyed by Galaxia for her failures.

Sailor Lead Crow was the second of the Animamates, and was eventually paired with Sailor Aluminum Siren. Sailor Lead Crow established an identity for use on Earth as Karasuma Akane. It's also known that she was once Sailor Coronis. Despite their bickering (and Sailor Aluminum Siren's stupidity), Sailor Lead Crow actually grew to be friends with her partner. This was the reason for her bitter animosity with Sailor Tin Nynko, whom she blamed for Siren's death. Eventually, Sailor Lead Crow was killed when she was sucked into a black hole created by Tin Nyanko.

Sailor Aluminum Siren was the third Animamate to travel to Earth. Once there, she assumed the identity of Aya Reiko. Siren also had the rather amusing habit of eating snacks (usually seafood related products) whenever she was disappointed. As a Sailor, Siren's attack was known as the Galactica Tsunami. During a report to headquarters, Sailor Aluminum Siren shared her knowledge of Eternal Sailor Moon's identity. However, Sailor Tin Nyanko suggested that Siren was lying and so Galaxia destroyed her.

Sailor Tin Nyanko was the last and meanest of the Sailor Animamates. She didn't assume an identity while on Earth. During an attempt on Sailor Moon's life, Tin Nyanko's attack was reflected back at her by Chibi Chibi. This resulted in the destruction of one of her bracelets and a semi-healing of Tin Nyanko. After this, her costume appeared half white and half black, and she regained some memories of her former existence. This experience drove her crazy and she was destroyed by Galaxia.

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