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Sailormoon SuperS Villains: The Dead Moon Circus


  Nehellenia is, of course, the leader of the Dead Moon. She only appears occassionally in mirrors throughout most of Supers, only passing on orders to her underlings. You don't really get to see her in action till the very final episodes. Her mission is to gain control of the Golden Crystal so she can control everything. This was all sparked by her jealousy of the Silver Millenium, while she had to rule over a dark planet.

  Nehellenia's people age and look like Zirconia once they are older. Nehellenia maintained her beauty by "eating" the dreams of her subjects, who became members of the circus once their dreams had been removed. When the Senshi defeat the Dead Moon Circus, Nehellenia seals herself behind mirrors so she can remain forever young and beautiful. However, this isn't the last we see of her. Nehellenia has the distinction of being the only enemy in Sailormoon to appear in more than one season.

  In the opening of Sailorstars (5th season), she is "awakened" by an unknown voice. The voice convinces her that she was tricked by Sailormoon and she should seek revenge against her. Nehellenia then starts appearing in mirrors on Earth, sending monsters called Mirror Paredory to attack the Senshi. She eventually lures a brainwashed Mamoru into her realm and captures him. Of course, the Senshi try to follow in order to save him.

  Nehellenia traps each of the Senshi, except Usagi. In the end, Usagi frees her friends, and she "heals" Nehellenia by returning her to her kingdom as a young princess before she was corrupted by the search for enternal beauty. Later it's revealed that Galaxia was responsible for awaking Nehellenia. Galaxia somehow knew that Nehellenia's return would also "awaken" Sailor Saturn within Hotaru which would cause her to age and become a Sailor Senshi once more. Galaxia wanted this so she could capture all of the Senshi's Star Seeds.


  Zirconia is the ugly bug-like, Yoda, snail thing above. She is Nehellenia's representative in "The Human Realm" and passes her orders on to the Amazon Trio and The Amazoness Quartet. Zirconia's constant companion is an eye with wings named Zircon. Zircon often appears with photos of the Circus' next victim or is used to keep an eye on the Trio and Quartet for Zirconia. When it's not flying around it perches on Zirconia's staff.

  Zirconia has various problems with the quartet including a one on one fight with VesVes. In the last battle between the Senshi and Zirconia, she betrayes the Quartet and starts absorbing their powers to use against the Senshi. Mercury figures out the energy is coming from the Quartet's orbs and says they must destroy them. VesVes says they can't or they will become adults and lose their dreams. Moon assures them their dreams will not disappear and the Quartet decide to destroy their own magic orbs. Zirconia is powerless and retreats, however Nehellenia kills Zirconia for her failures.

The Amazon Trio

TigersEyeHawks EyeFishEye

  The Amazon Trio appear in the first half of Supers. The Trio are sent by Zirconia to find the Pegasus in people's dreams. All three were at one time animals and were transformed into human form to carry out Zirconia's and Nehellenia's bidding. They dress rather femininely, and when not seeking dream mirrors, they usually hang out in some kind of weird bar, talking about who they will attack next. They also have this strange power they use to capture and extract dream mirrors from people. They usually count: "One, two, three," and as they count, a wall magically appears, then their victim is restrained against this wall, and finally their dream mirror is removed. The Trio eventually seem to have a change of heart, but just as they do Zirconia destroys them.

TigersEye: The blonde is TigersEye. In the anime TigersEye believes that the beautiful dream the Pegasus hides in can only be in the most beautiful girls. He always charms them into his trap and then magically makes a curtain appear in front of him to transform out of his disguise. TigersEye often uses a whip as his main weapon.

HawksEye: HawksEye is the Trio member with the red hair. While TigersEye seems to prefer young, beautiful girls, HawksEye prefers to attack older women. In one anime episode he tries to trick Usagi's mother into believing that she reminds him of his dead mother so she will let him get close to her. However, he is only trying to capture her mirror. He attacks by blowing fire.

FishEye: The one with the blue hair is Fisheye. Do not let his appearance fool you, FishEye IS male. FishEye doesn't believe HawksEye's and TigersEye's targets are beautiful, and is the one only of the Trio who attacks men. So, FishEye IS gay. In one anime episode FishEye disguises himself as a girl so he can flirt with Mamoru to try to capture his dream mirror. This is one of the funniest episodes of Supers, because not only does Usagi become insanely jealous of FishEye, but it's a funny moment when FishEye is scared off after seeing Diana nearby. FishEye, being originally a fish, has a strong fear of cats. He attacks by throwing knives.

The Amazoness Quartet

left to right: JunJun, CereCere, PallaPalla, and VesVes

  The Quartet were drawn into the Dead Moon Circus by the promise that Nehellenia would give them magic orbs which will allow them to stay forever young in exchange for their help in finding the Golden Crystal. They wanted to stay young because they felt adults lack the ability too have dreams.

  The Amazoness pick up the job the Amazon Trio did in the second half of Supers. They hunt for the Golden Mirror, which the person who is hiding Pegasus will have as their dream mirror. Zirconia calls them "little girls" which is a good description of them. Because, despite their skimpy clothing, the Quartet are somewhere between 12 and 14 human years old! They are quite playful and are usually found at the Circus causing some kind of mischief. They also don't like obeying Zirconia at first and only follow their orders after VesVes is defeated in a fight with Zirconia. They continue to be mischievous, playing with Zircon (Zirconia's pet eye thing), stealing the Pegasus away from Zirconia for themselves.

  At the end of the Supers anime, Sailor Moon convinces the Quartet that they will not lose the ability to dream as they age and if they destroy their magic orbs they will be free of the Dead Moon Circus. Thus, they destroy the orbs, but do one more thing for the Senshi. They steal the Golden Crystal away from Nehellenia and replace it with none other than a pineapple! At the end of Supers they simply become normal girls and disappear forever.

CereCere: CereCere is the one with the pink hair. On the surface she doesn't seem to be as tough as VesVes or JunJun, with her love for flowers and all. However, she can be exteremly devious and tricky when she needs to be. CereCere, like the rest of the Quartet, usually uses some kind of trick and lure her victims in so she can remove their dream mirrors. Her magic orb is colored yellow. In the manga after she is healed, she becomes Sailor Ceres.

VesVes: The redhead is VesVes. She's a bit tough and she isn't one to like authority too much. She almost defeats Zirconia in a fight, so she can be considered to be fairly powerful with her powers and trusty whip. Like the others, she can control and summon lemures to attack people and the Senshi. Her magic orb is colored red. After being healed in the manga, she becomes Sailor Vesta.

JunJun: The green haired one is JunJun. As you can tell by her usual expression, she's a bit of a tough cookie. Her magic orb is colored green. She becomes Sailor Juno in the manga.

PallaPalla: The one with the blue hair is PallaPalla. PallaPalla is, well, a little psychotic and often refers to herself in the third person, saying "PallaPalla...etc..." instead of "I" when talking about herself. Her magic orb is blue. PallaPalla becomes Sailor Pallas after being healed in the manga.

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