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Villains of Sailormoon S: The Deathbusters and The Witches 5

from left to right: Mistress 9, Professor Tomoe, and Kaolinite

  The Deathbusters are evil beings from another dimension. Their ultimate goal was to collect 3 Pure Heart Crystals that contained the Talismans, so that they could bring Pharoh 90 into Earth's dimension so he could take control of it. The Deathbusters inhabited beings on Earth.

Mistress 9: Mistress 9 is the member of the Deathbusters that inhabited the dead body of the young Hotaru Tomoe, who had died in an accident. After reviving Hotaru, Mistress 9 remained dormant, allowing Hotaru to lead a fairly normal life until she was about 11 or 12. At this time, it was discovered that Hotaru was Sailor Saturn, knowing this, Mistress 9 controlled Hotaru's mind everytime there was danger. Later, Mistress 9 transformed Hotaru's body to a form of her choosing, a woman with really, really, really long black hair. Eventually, Mistress 9 managed to begin Pharoh 90's entrance to Earth after taking the Holy Grail from Sailor Moon, however the good of Hotaru's spirit destroyed her, and regained control of the body. This of course meant the end of the Deathbusters' plans.

Professor Tomoe: Professor Souichi Tomoe is Hotaru's father. When she died in the accident in his lab, he made a deal with the Deathbusters; In exchange for the use of his and Hotaru's body, the Deathbusters gave the professor his daughter back. It was Professor Tomoe's responsibility to gather Pure Heart Crystals (three of which contained the Talismans needed to release Pharoh 90). He sent his various assistants out to do the actual gathering. Eventually, when Pharoh 90 was in the process of crossing over, Professor Tomoe regained control of his mind and body, and was healed when the Deathbusters were defeated.

Kaolinite: Kaolinite was Professor Tomoe's first assistant. She went along with the Daimons that he had created to collect the Pure Heart Crystals. After a battle with the Sailor Soldiers, it seems that Kaolinite had been killed after she was knocked off a building by an attack from Sailor Uranus. However, Kaolinite reappears as a housekeeper at Professor Tomoe's mansion. Though after Hotaru turned into Mistress 9, she killed Kaolinite.

The Wicthes 5

  The Witches 5 took over as Professor Tomoe's assistants after Kaolinite became a housekeeper. They were a viciously competitive group of women who were always trying to beat each other in their fight to win Professor Tomoe's good favor.

Eudial: Eudial was the first of the Witches 5 make her appearance. She also lasted the longest. Eudial usually drove a van that popped out of the strangest of places in her different missions. She drove it to specified sites where she delivered the Professor's Daimons so that they could collect Pure Heart Crystals. Eudial persued her quest for the Heart Crystals which contained the three Talismans even after she started recieving death threats from the other members of the Witches 5. Eventually, Eudial succeeded in extracting two of the Talismans (which happened to be inside Sailor Neptune and Uranus' Heart Crystals). However, she was defeated by the newly transformed Super Sailor Moon, but she did manage to escape that battle alive. However, when she was driving away from the scene, she had discovered that her brakes had been taken out by another Witch, Mimete. Because of this, Eudial and her van were sent over a cliff to their destruction.

Mimete: Mimete was the second of the Witches 5, and she didn't really last that long (9 episodes). Mimete mainly attacked famous people as she was a bit of an idol-chaser. Eventually, Mimete got the desire for more strength and used a machine that was supposed to do so. The catch was that while in this machine, if the plug was pulled, the person inside would be stuck there forever. And so, another witch, Tellu, disconnected the machine, and Mimete had been trapped in it forever. Tellu then stepped up to be the Professor's assistant.

Tellu: Tellu was the third of the Witches 5, and proceeded to die in her second episode. Tellu greatly loved plants and used them in her one and only attack. However, Tuxedo Mask had thrown a rose at the black star Tellu used to hold the Pure Heart Crystals and her plant had killed her.

Viluy: Viluy was the fourth of the Witches 5, and also died in one episode. Her one time only attack method was the use of computers and electronics. Like Tellu, Viluy was destroyed by the Sailor Soldiers during their confrontation.

Cyprine&Ptilol: Cyprine and Ptilol are the last of the Witches 5. Technically these twins are two people which would make them the Witches 6, but because of their insanely identical nature, they are counted as one. Naturally, Cyprine and Ptilol worked together in attacks. They used staves that reflected the Sailor Soldiers' powers back at them. Howerever, Cyprine and Ptilol were quickly dispatched in their one episode when the Sailors tricked them into killing eachother.

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