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Sailor Uranus

Japanese Name: Haruka Tenou
Meaning of Japanese Name: Distant King of the Sky
North American Name: Amara Tenou
Other Names Considered: Alex(Alexandra), Eric(Erica), Corrine(Cory)
Irwin Toy Name: Corrine
Birthdate: January 27th (Aquarius)
Blood Type: B
Likes: Motorcycle Racing and Piano Playing
Dislikes: Fermented Soybeans
Favorite Foods: Salad
Favorite Color: Gold
Hobbies: Racing


Uranus Planet Power Make-Up (Uranus Planet/Star Power): Haruka's transformation into Sailor Uranus in Sailormoon S.
World Shaking ([Uranus] World Shaking): Sailor Uranus gathers energy from the ground, and it forms into a yellow ball with a ring around it, then she strikes the ground and the energy ball hurls torwards the enemy.
Space Sword Blaster: Using the Talisman, the Space Sword, Sailor Uranus slashes at the enemy and the slash is formed into energy which is directed torwards an enemy.

  Haruka goes to Mugen Gakuen. She appears very sure of herself and tends to be very good at everything she does. However, what she likes to do most is race. She can quite often be found racing on her motorcycle or driving around in a car.

  She also acts very much like a boy and likes to dress in boys clothing. This creates some confusion in the beginning as the inner senshi believed she was a boy to the point that Usagi and Minako actually liked her. Of course they found out later she is a girl.

  As for the rest of the sailors, she saw them as just getting in the way while she and Michiru were searching for the Talismans. Haruka is sometimes seen in the company of Setsuna, but spends most of her time with Michiru as the two are lovers (cousins in english dub).

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