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Ami's Info Center

Hi! I'm Ami, and this page has info that I've collected about the show.

Attacks & Items
English Dub Voices
Romanized Phrases
Monster Types
English Dub Casts
Extra Info

Japanese Version vs English Version


-Juuban Junior High= Crossroads Junior High
-T*A School For Girls= Brookdale Private School("First School For Girls" in English Manga)
-Shibakouen Junior High= Grass Valley Junior High
-Mugen Gakuen= Mugen School/Infinity Institute(in English Manga)
-Juuban High School= (not yet shown in Dub)


-Tsukino Usagi()= Serena Tsukino (Nicknamed "Bunny" in English Manga)
-Mizuno Ami()= Amy Anderson/Mizuno
-Hino Rei()= Raye Hino
-Kino Makoto()= Lita Kino
-Aino Minako()= Mina Aino
-Meiou Setsuna()= Trista Meiou
-Kaiou Michiru()= Michelle Kaiou
-Tenou Haruka()= Amara Tenou
-Tomoe Hotaru()(pronounced "toh-moh-eh")= Hotaru Tomoe(pronounced "toh-moh")
-Chiba Mamoru= Darien Shields
-Tsukino Chibi-Usa= Rini
-Tsukino Shingo= Sammy Tsukino
-Momo= Melissa/Melanie
-Osaka Naru= Molly Baker
-Gurio Umino= Melvin Gurio
-Sakurada Haruna-sensei= Ms. Patricia Haruna
-Furuhata Motoki= Andrew Kadison
-Furuhata Unazuki= Elizabeth(Lizzie) Kadison
-Nishimura Reika= Rita
-Queen Beryl= Queen Beryl
-Dark Kingdom= Negaverse
-Queen Metallia= Negaforce
-Jadeite= Jedite
-Nephrite= Nephlyte
-Zoicite(male)= Zoycite(female)
-Kunzite= Malachite
-Tsukino Ikuko= Ikuko Tsukino
-Tsukino Kenji= Dad
-(Ail)Ginga Seijuurou & (Anne)Ginga Natsumi= Alan Granger and Ann Granger
-Makaiju= Doom Tree
-Rubeus= Rubeus
-Cooan= Catzi
-Beruche= Bertie
-Calaveras= Avery
-Petz= Prizma
-Esmeraude= Emerald
-Saffiru= Sapphire
-Demando= Diamond
-Black Lady= Wicked Lady
-Kaolinite= Kaori Night
-Eudial= Eudial
-Mimete= Mimet
-Tellu= Telulu
-Viluy= Biruit
-Cyprine= Cyprine
-Ptilol= Petirol
-Pegasus= Pegasus
-Helios= Helios
-Zirconia(female)= Zirconia(male)
-Zircon= Zircon
-Tigerseye= Tigerseye
-Hawkseye= Hawkseye
-Fisheye(male)= Fisheye(female)
-Queen Nehellenia= Queen Nehellenia
-CereCere= CeleCele
-PallaPalla= ParaPara
-JunJun= JunJun
-VesVes= Vesu Vesu

Attacks, Items, and Miscellaneous

-Moon Tiara Action= Moon Tiara Magic(but later changed to original)
-Moon Tiara Stardust= (the episode this attack was used in was never shown in the Dub)
-?????= Moon Tiara Vaporize (this was just made up for the Dub, they do that alot)
-Moon Healing Escalation= Moon Healing Activation
-Moon Healing Escalation= Moon Crystal Healing Activation
-Moon Princess Halation= Moon Scepter Elimination/Activation (in R movie= Moon Princess Elimination)
-Rainbow Moon Heartache= Rainbow Moon Heartache Reform(in S movie)
-Shabon(Bubble) Spray= Mercury Bubbles Blast
-Shabon Spray Freezing= Mercury Ice Bubbles Freeze
-Shine Aqua Illusion= Mercury Icestorm Blast(later changed to original)
-Double Shabon Spray Freezing= Double Mercury Icestorm Blast
-Fire Soul= Mars Fire Ignite
-?????= Mars Firestorm Flash(made up)
-Fire Soul Bird= Mars Firebird Strike
-Burning Mandala= Mars Celestial Fire Surround
-Supreme Thunder= Jupiter Thunder Crash/Supreme Thunder Crash(later changed to original)
-Supreme Thunder Dragon= Jupiter Thunder Dragon
-Sparkling Wide Pressure= Jupiter Thunderclap Zap(later changed to original)
-Crescent Beam= Venus Crescent Beam Smash
-Crescent Beam Shower= Venus Meteor Shower
-Venus Love Me Chain= Venus Love Chain Encircle
-World Shaking= Uranus World Shaking(planet prefix is sometimes not used)
-Deep Submerge- Neptune Deep Submerge(planet prefix is sometimes not used)
-Dead Scream= Pluto Deadly Scream
-?????= Super Moon Target
-Twinkle Yell= Crystal Twinkle Bell
-Cutie Moon Rod= Moon Scepter
-Spiral Heart Moon Rod= Spiral Heart Moon Scepter
-Kaleido-moonscope= Rainbow Moon Energy Wand
-Crystal Carillon= Crystal Chime
-Sailor Moon Kick= (no words used)
-Sailor Body Attack= (no words used)
-Moon Power= Disguise Power
-Luna-P Henge= Kitty Magic, Luna Ball Kitty Magic, Kitty power
-Sailor Teleport= Scout Power
-Talismans= Crystal Treasures
-Holy Grail= Purity Chalice
-Messiah= Sovereign
-Silence Glaive= Silence Scythe
-Deathbusters= Heartsnatchers
-Witches 5= Bureau of Bad Behavior(still called Witches 5 a few times)
-Lemures= Remlis
-Stallion Reve= -----
-Dream Mirror= Dream Mirror
-Golden Mirror= Golden Mirror
-Elysion= Elysion
-Golden Crystal= Golden Crystal

Voice Actors for North American Version

Serena= Tracey Moore(eps. 1-11, 16, 21, 41) Terri Hawkes(eps 12-15, 17-20, 22-40, 42-82 and movies), Linda Ballantyne(eps 83-159)
Amy= Karen Bernstein(eps 5-82 and movies), Lisa Balkan(eps 83-159)
Raye= Katie Griffin(eps 7-65, 83-159 and movies), Emilie Barlow(eps 66-82)
Lita= Susan Roman
Mina= Stephanie Morganstern(eps 25-82 and movies), Emilie Barlow(eps 83-159)
Rini= Tracey Hoyt(eps 54-82 and movies), Stephanie Beard(eps 100-159)
Trista= Sabrina Grdevitch(eps 66-82 and movies), Susan Aceron(110-120)
Michelle= Barbara Radecki(eps 83-120 and movies)
Amara= Sarah Lafleur(eps 83-120 and movies)
Darien/Tuxedo Mask= Rino Romano(eps 1-11), Toby Proctor(eps 12-40, 42-65), Vince Corazza(eps 41, 66-159 and movies)
Ikuko(Serena's Mom)= Barbara Radecki
Serena's Father= David Hubard
Sammy= Julie Lemieux
Luna= Jill Frappier
Artemis= Ron Rubin
Diana= Naomi Emmerson
Queen Serenity= Wendy Lyon
Negaforce= Maria Vercratis
Queen Beryl= Naz Edwards(eps 1-40), Jill Frappier(ep 82)
Jedite= Tony Daniels
Nephlite= Kevin Lund
Zoycite= Kirsten Bishop
Malachite= Dennis Akayama
Miss Patricia Haruna= Nadine Rabinovitch
Grandpa Hino= David Fraser(first and second series)
Chad= Steven Bednarski(first, second, and fourth series)
Molly= Mary Long
Melvin= Roland Parliament
Andrew= Colin O'Meara
Mr. Baxter= Chris Wiggins
Game Machine Joe= Rino Romano
Peggy Jones= Katherine Trowell
Misha= Jeff Lumby
Janelle= Tracey Hoyt
Mika= Kathy Laskey
Mika's Mom= Wendy Lyon
Countess Rose/Polite Society= Wendy Lyon
Peter Fisher= Joel Feeney
Greg= Eric Kimmel
Alan Granger= Vince Corazza
Ann Granger= Sabrina Grdevitch
Doom Tree= Liz Hannah
baby Jordan= Tony Daniels
Wiseman/Doom Phantom= Tony Daniels
Rubeus= Robert Tinkler
Catsy= Alice Poon, Mary Long(eps 61-65, 79)
Bertie= Kathleen Laskey
Avery= Jennifer Griffiths
Prisma= Norma Dell'Agnese
Chess Tower Owner= Roland Parliament
Emerald= Kirsten Bishop
Prince Sapphire= Lyon Smith
Prince Diamond= Robert Bockstael
Wicked Lady= Liz Wartenberg Brown
Professor Tomoe= Jeff Lumby
Kaori Night= Kirsten Bishop
Announcer/Narrator= Chris Wiggins
"Monsters of the Day"= Harvey Atkins, Lindsay Collins, Lisa Dalbello, Tony Daniels, David Fraser, Terri Hawkes, Elva Mai Hoover, Loretta Jafelice, Julie Lemieux, Allison Sealy-Smith, Maria Vacratisis
Background Voices= Steve Bednarski, Chris Britton, Lindsay Collins, Tony Daniels, David Fraser, Hillary Goldhar, Loretta Jafelice, Julie Lemieux, Roland Parliament, Alice Poon, Nadine Rabinovitch, Greg Swanson
Peruru= Julie Lemiuex
Badiyanu= Kirsten Bishop

Romanized Japanese Pronounciations

*created by ArgoX*

Muun Purisamu Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Moon Prism Power, Make-up!)
Muun Tiara Akushiyon! (Moon Tiara Action!)
Muun Hiringu Esukareshiyon! (Moon Healing Escalation!)
Muun Kurisutaru Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Moon Crystal Power, Make-up!)
Muun Purinsesu Hareshiyon! (Moon Princess Halation!)
Muun Kosumiku Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Moon Cosmic Power, Make-up!)
Muun Supairaru Haato Aataku! (Moon Spiral Heart Attack!)
Kuraishisu, Meku Apu! (Crisis, Make-up!)
Reinbo Muun Haato Eiku! (Rainbow Moon Heart Ache!)
Muun Kuraishisu, Meku Apu! (Moon Crisis, Make-up!)
Muun Gorujasu Medeteshiyon! (Moon Gorgeous Meditation!)
Muun Etanaru Meku Apu! (Moon Eternal, Make-up!)
Sutaaraito Hanemuun Serapi Kisu! (Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!)
Siruba Muun Kurisutaru Paawaa Kisu! (Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!)

Maakyurii Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Mercury Power, Make-up!)
Shabon Supurei! (Shabon Spray!)
Shabon Supurei Furizingu! (Shabon Spray Freezing!)
Maakyurii Sutaa Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Mercury Star Power, Make-up!)
Shain Akyua Irujon! (Shine Aqua Illusion!)
Maakyurii Kurisutaru Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Mercury Crystal Power, Make-up!)
Maakyurii Akyua Rapusodi! (Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!)
Maakyurii Akyua Miraaju! (Mercury Aqua Mirage!)

Marusu Pawaa, Meku Apu! (Mars Power, Make-up!)
Faia Soru! (Fire Soul!)
Faia Soru Barudo! (Fire Soul Bird!)
Marusu Sutaa Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Mars Star Power, Make-up!)
Baruningu Mandara! (Burning Mandala!)
Marusu Kurisutaru Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Mars Crystal Power, Make-up!)
Marusu Furemu Sunaipa! (Mars Flame Sniper!)

Jupitaa Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Jupiter Power, Make-up!)
Supurimu Sanda! (Supreme Thunder!)
Supurimu Sanda Duragon! (Supreme Thunder Dragon!)
Jupitaa Suta Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Jupiter Star Power, Make-up!)
Suparukuringu waido puresha! (Sparkling Wide Pressure!)
Jupitaa Kurisutaru Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Jupiter Crystal Power, Make-up!)
Jupitaa Oku Eborushiyon! (Jupiter Oak Evolution!)

Binasu Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Venus Power, Make-up!)
Kureshento Bimu! (Crescent Beam!)
Kureshento Bimu Shaawaa! (Crescent Beam Shower!)
Binasu Suta Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Venus Star Power, Make-up!)
Binasu Rovu mi chen! (Venus Love Me Chain!)
Binasu Kurisutaru Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Venus Crystal Power, Make-up!)
Binasu Rovu ando Biuti Shoku! (Venus Love and Beauty Shock!)

Pinku Shugaa Haato Ataku! (Pink Sugar Heart Attack!)
Tuwinkaru Eru! (Twinkle Yell!)

Puruuto Puraneto Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Pluto Planet Power, Make-up!)
Dedo Sukurimu! (Dead Scream!)

Nepuchuun Puraneto Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Neptune Planet Power, Make-up!)
Dipu Sabumaaji! (Deep Submerge!)
Sabumarinu Rifurekushiyon! (Submarine Reflection!)

Uranasu Puraneto Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Uranus Planet Power, Make-up!)
Worudo Sheikingu! (World Shaking!)
Supeisu Sorodo Burasuta! (Space Sword Blaster!)

Sairensu Gureibu Surupuraisu! (Silence Glaive Surprise!)
Sairento Woru! (Silent Wall!)

Faiita Sutaa Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Fighter Star Power, Make-up!)
Sutaa Seriasu Reiza! (Star Serious Lazer!)

Meika Sutaa Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Maker Star Power, Make-up!)
Sutaa Genteru Yuuterasu! (Star Gentle Uterus!)

Hiira Sutaa Paawaa, Meku Apu! (Healer Star Power, Make-up!)
Sutaa Sensitebu Inferuno! (Star Sensitive Inferno!)

Monsters of the Series

Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon: Youma
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon R pt.1: Cardian
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon R pt.2: Droid
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon S: Daimon
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon SuperS: Lemures("Remlis" in english dub)
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Sailorstars: Phage

*The lists below are shown at the end of the episodes and some of the characters' VAs aren't shown in the cast*

Cast of the Dubbed Sailormoon Series

Dennis Akayama
Karen Bernstein
Kirsten Bishop
Tony Daniels
Naz Edwards
Jill Frappier
Katie Griffin
Terri Hawkes
Julie Lemieux
Mary Long
Kevin Lund
Tracy Moore
Collin O'Meara
Stephanie Morgenstern
Roland Parliament
Toby Proctor
Nadine Rabinovitch
Barbara Radecki
Susan Roman
Rino Romano
Ron Rubin

Cast of the Dubbed Sailormoon R Series

Karen Bernstein
Kirsten Bishop
Tony Daniels
Robert Tinkler
Terri Hawkes
Tracy Hoyt
Mary Long
Julie Lemiuex
Emilie Barlow
Katie Griffin
Stephanie Morgenstern
Susan Roman
Kathy Lasky
Jill Frappier
Vince Corazza
Ron Rubin
Robert Bockstael
Lyon Smith
Sabrina Grdevitch
Barbara Radecki
Loretta Jafelice
Toby Proctor

Cast of the Dubbed Sailormoon S Series

Susan Aceron
Lisa Balkan
Linda Ballantyne
Emilie Barlow
Stephanie Beard
Kirsten Bishop
Vince Corazza
Jill Frappier
Katie Griffin
Loretta Jafelice
Sarah Lafleur
Mary Long
Jeff Lumby
Roland Parliament
Barbara Radecki
Susan Roman
Ron Rubin

Cast of the Dubbed Sailormoon SuperS Series

Lisa Balkan
Linda Ballantyne
Emilie Barlow
Jason Barr
Stephanie Beard
Steven Bernardski
Robert Bockstael
Vince Corazza
Tony Daniels
Deborah Drakeford
Jill Frappier
Jennifer Gould
Katie Griffin
Daniela Olivieri
Benji Plener
Roland Parliament
Barbara Radecki
Susan Roman
Ron Rubin
Rowan Tichenor

Extra Info

1. The last names of Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna can be spelled different ways:
Haruka/Tenou, Ten'ou, Tenoh
Michiru/Kaiou, Kaioh
Setsuna/Meiou, Meioh
Naoko-sama uses the "oh" at the end of the names.

2. If you hear someone mention Lita's "talents" they are refering to her breasts. In the Doom Tree series episode with the Snow White play, Makoto said she should be Snow White because of the size of her breasts. In the dub she said she should be Snow White because she has "talent".

3. Aya Hisakawa(voice of Ami) plays Cerberus(aka Keroberos) in Cardcaptor Sakura. Megumi Ogata(voice of Haruka) also does the voice of Yukito(known in the dub as Julian) in Cardcaptor Sakura. Plus, Kotono Mitsuishi(voice of Usagi) made a guest appearance in the episode "Sakura, a panda, and a cute shop" as the voice of Maki, the owner of the Twin Bells shop.

4. Michie Tomizawa(voice of Rei) plays Linna in Bubblegum Crisis: Mega Tokyo 2032/2033.

5. Kotono Mitsuishi(voice of Usagi) is the voice of Juri Arisugawa in Shoujo Kakumei Utena/Revolutionary Girl Utena. She is also the voice of Misato Katsuragi in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Kotono-sama has also guest-starred in an episode of Cardcaptor Sakura.

6. The manga version of Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon is similar in some ways, but very, very, very different from the anime. Characters in the anime may appear sooner in the manga or they may not be in the manga at all! There are a total of 36 senshi seen and/or mentioned in the manga. The anime only has 18. The inner senshi also have more attacks in Sailormoon R, Sailormoon S, and Sailormoon Sailorstars. The inner senshi also have "planet power" transformations in Sailormoon S. ALL of the 10 main senshi have another transformation power up in Sailormoon Sailorstars. So basically the manga is a whole different Sailormoon adventure. Why don't you start your collection of the 18 volumes today!

7. The names of the Sailors are usually spelled as one word. For example: Sailormoon, Saiormercury, Sailormars, etc...
This is how their names are written out in English on most of the Japanese merchandise, so this is the way I spell their Sailor names. This is just my preferrence, so using "Sailor Moon" is still fine.

For more info on the dub, visit The Sailormoon Guide for Dubbies

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