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Sailor Venus

Japanese Name: Minako Aino
Meaning of Japanese Name: Love of Everyone
North American Name: Mina Aino
Other Names Considered: Kari, Monica
Birthdate: October 22nd (Libra)
Blood Type: B
Likes: Sports
Dislikes: Mushrooms
Favorite Foods: Ramen and Curry Rice
Favorite Color: Yellow and Red
Hobbies: Volleyball and Wasting Time


Venus Power Make-Up (Venus Power): Minako's transformation into Sailor Venus in the first season.
Crescent Beam (Crescent Beam Smash/Venus Crescent Beam Smash): Sailor Venus uses two crescent moons to fire an energy beam from her finger.
Crescent Beam Shower (Venus Meteor Shower): Sailor Venus uses two crescent moons to fire multiple energy beams from her finger in the first half of Sailormoon R.
Venus Star Power Make-Up (Venus Star Power): Minako's transformation into Sailor Venus in Sailormoon R and Sailormoon S.
Venus Love Me Chain (Venus Love Chain Encircle): Sailor Venus directs a chain of hearts torward an enemy.
Venus Crystal Power Make-Up (Venus Crystal Power): Minako's transformation into Super Sailor Venus in Sailormoon SuperS and Sailormoon Sailorstars.
Venus Love And Beauty Shock: Super Sailor Venus's attack in which she blows a kiss and throws a heart at the enemy.

  Minako used to live in England, before she joined the sailor scouts, where she was Sailor V(the character of Usagi's favorite video game). She also plays volleyball. Minako now lives in Tokyo with her parents and is the only one of the sailors who goes to Shibakouen Junior High School.

  Minako acts alot like Usagi, although not as extreme. She doesn't like school and spends a great deal of time goofing off. She gets along fine with most of the scouts, although she has been known to get into the occaisional argument with Makoto over boys.

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