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The Sailor Starlights

  Now for those of you who have either never heard of them or for those of you who didn't know, don't be fooled by their appearances. They are guys. However, they used to be girls and still become girls when they become the Sailor Starlights. The Starlight scouts are from a distant planet called Kinmoku and were Princess Kakyu's(Fireball's) most trusted soldiers. The Starlights and Princess Fireball were in the time of peace we know as The Silver Millenium. But one day Sailor Galaxia came and conquered the Starlights' planet, and so they left with the Princess hoping to later reclaim their planet. The Starlights were the best singers on their planet and became men on Earth. They did this because they needed to find their princess on Earth and they believed the best way they could get her attention was to become a male pop group, The Three Lights. As for Princess Fireball, she went into hiding, but always went to the Three Lights concerts in a disguise.

Choose the Sailor Starlight you want to see information on.

Sailor Starfighter
Sailor Starhealer
Sailor Starmaker

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