The Newly Discovered List of Rejected Sailor Scouts:

1. Sailor Aluminum Siding

2. Sailor Candy . . . (Was rejected due to Venus inevitably being Sailor Dum Dum.)

3. Sailor Chef (Hmmmmm...Where have I seen this accidentally thrown in?)

4. Sailor Steam Cleaned Rat (Sailor Iron Mouse's Low-Budget Counterpart)

5. Sailor Voldo (!???)

6. Sailor McDonald, Sailor Michael Finagen, Sailor Pop Goes the Weasel, etc. (VERY SCARY!)

7. Sailor Cramitt (Just think of high Sesame Street Characters or should I say Seesamea)

8. Sailor Kiss, Hugs, and Tenderheart (Bad Care Bears Crossover)

9. Sailor College (You KNOW the show has too little intelligence for this one)

10. Sailor STD (because kids don't need to learn about things like this)

11. Sailor Bad Movie Catch Phrase (Calling out around the world...."The family is everything" and "Do I take the Red pill or the Blue pill?")

12. Sailor Bad Song from the Show (Sailor "Power of Love," Sailor "I want to be a Star"...Do I need to go any further? I think not.)

13. Sailor Colin (Whose Line is it Anyway? Some jokes go wrong, check back for our version)

14. Sailor Altoids (The curiously strong Sailor Scout)

15. Sailor Superted (Don't think you are alone, I cried too)

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is copyright 1992, Takeuchi Naoko, Toei Animation, TV Asahi, DIC, Cloverway, Bandai, and other associated companies. We are not affiliated with any restaurants mentioned on this page in any way. Any copyrighted terminology on this page was used as parody/satire under fair use laws. This is a fan page and does not earn profit in any way, shape, or form. Yeah right, like people would pay money for this. Most people wouldn't waste time on this (except us!), let alone money.

This page was copyrighted October 2000 upon creation by J & K.