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~Sumberge Awards~

Award Rules:
1)No stealing them cuz i keep track of my awards!
2)All sites must be suitable for all ages!
3)Your site must be a anime or manga (can also be DBZ or Tenchi Muyo)
4)You dont have to sign my guestbook, if i have one!

Hardness will me graded= * easy----***** hard and hover over the pic to see ho to get it! and if your comp isnt that uptodate e-mail me with the form and i'll give you the quailtites!!

I will decide for you if you don't get an award, ok so you have a 2/3 of a chance getting an award!
Also i will judge you and i will not put the qualities need for the award! These awards might be blurry i need to have a better paint thing, but oh well and award is an award!

~I know the submerge is spelled wrong, but that makes the award seem seprate then the word and make the award unique!!!~

your site must be totally cute in all ways!!
your site must be unique and very nice layout!

very hard to get, must be at least creative, unique, vey pretty in its own way!

this award i mostly give out to ppl scince all site are beautiful!

this award i mostly give out to ppl the just start out like about 1 month or so!


this award must have 1100 ppl atleast

this award are for the ppl who gave me an award
9,10,11)****** These are secret, i give them out personally and y did i give them, hehe
I have shrine awards too, so u can just apply SHRINE AWARD. So apply.

~Award Form~

Sailor Moon Site:

Your email address:

Award Number or Name?

Why do u want this award? Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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