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~Graphic Help~

This place is for graphic help for advance working. Not like putting a pic, like putting a pic with a lake effect. So plaese Take anything to help your site.

e1) Lake Effect

This is the lake effect to make any pic to have a ripply effect on the bottom. Just download this ZIP file at:~Lake ZIP~. If you don't have winzip or any other unzipping file, just e-mail me at

e2)Hover Text
This is the hover text like this:~Neptune Heavan~. When you hover over the text it will change the text, or clicking it. the thing : ~Hover ZIP~.

e3)Anti-Right Click
This is an anti-right click html. you know when u go to a site and want to save a pic but it says and alert like "No Stealing!" So here is it: ~Anti-Right Click~.

e4) Scrolling Text
This is an example of scrolling text If you want that and/or the one in the ~thankies.html~, you want the scrolling html so get it here: ~Scroll HTML~.

Like I said, if you don't have winzip or any other unzipping file, just e-mail me at