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*Scene- the digidestined are all on Survivor, because the author is obsessed with the show and can't let Sue live for her actions, and they're at the final tribal council.  The remaining two are Tai and Sora.  They are just making the closing statements*

Tai: *ahem* dudes, dudettes, I just wanted to say *clears throat* WWWAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP???????????

Entire Jury (in response):


Tai: *cough* thank you. *sits back down*

Carey (the host): Sora?

Sora: *stands up* I just wanted to tell you that...I've been living a lie.  I'm not Sora, I'm really...I'm really...MYOTISMON IN DISGUISE!!!!!

All: WHAT??

Sora: *sniffle* yes, it's true, it's true, I'm really the undead king in a disguse!! *tugs at neck* hmn...this mask seems to be...stuck....hmn...Ah well, I can prove it another way.  Crimson lightning!  *pause*

I said Crimson lightning!!!  Crimson lightning, dammit!!  CRIM-SON-LIGHT-NING!!!!  ARGH!!!  STUPID SPECIAL EFFECTS!!!  They can make a digivice go kaboom, and yet they can't give me superpowers??  What kinda cheap ass joke is this??  I'm gonna be a Sailor Scout, maybe THEY will appreciate a fine looking evil digimon!!! *spies Wizardmon* AHA!  *tackles him and tries to steal his cloak*

Carey: ^^;;;;; yeah...okay, Jury, make your final decisions.

*Jury go off to vote*

Matt: *jumps into the center stage in a cheerleading outfit, waving pompoms* Ready?  Okay!  Tai, Tai, hey's our guy, he's the one who will survive!  Tai, Tai, he's our man, if he doesn't survive, nobody can!!!  *pulls out butcher knife*

Carey: *thinking* man he looks good in a skirt...*evil thought* heehee....

*the last jury member casts their vote.  Matt seems to have disappeared*

Carey: Anything you would like to say before we end this?

Sora: YES!!  BEHOLD MY POWER!!! *whips open cloak ala "Grisley Wing"*


Okay....where's my power?  Where are the little bats that go flappy flappy?  WHERE THE HELL ARE MY LITTLE BATS????  LOOK THERE THEY ARE!!  MWAH HA HA HA!!  EAT THE DIGIDESTINED ALIVE, MY PETS!!!!!!  MY CHILDREN, SOON WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD!!!

*All digidestined just kind of stare at her for a minute*

Carey: SECURITY!!!  *security comes and seizes Sora to haul her off to the happy hut*

Carey: THANK

Voice: STOP!!!

Carey: no.

*figure in scream mask leaps into the room*

Scream guy: hello, Sydney, miss me?

Carey: I'm not Sydney, I'm Carey.

Scream guy: close enough!  Anyway, do you like scary movies??

Carey: yeah.  Especially the ones where the bad guys win.

Scream guy: *pause* NO!  You're supposed to be all scared and frightened of the big guy with the really big knife!!!

Carey: you mean the PLASTIC butcher knife?  *sigh* take off the mask Matt.

Scream guy: SHH!!!  I'm not Matt!  NO!!!  I....killed him!!!  Yeah, totally impaled the guy, real mess....a pity, he was really nice, and handsome too...


Matt: *takes off Scream mask and pouts*

Carey: Good Matt.  And NOW, without further adieu...


Carey: Oh for the love of-

*a shadow drops into the room.  a figure in a vampire cloak*

Shadow: Hello.  My name, is Death.

Carey: *in Brooklynn accent* Duo, is that you again?

Duo: NO!  My name is Death, DEATH!!!!!!  MWAH HA HA HA!!!

Carey: sit down, Duo.

Duo: *drops act and sits down*

Carey: NOW, we are gonna draw names.

*pulls out votes and counts them*

Oh look, Tai won with all the votes!!  Fancy that!

Mimi: HE DID NOT!  I didn't vote for Tai!!!

Kari: Neither did I!!!

Izzy: me neither!

TK: me neither!

Joe: I didn't vote for him!

Tai: *sigh* gee, thanks...

Carey: well....Sora couldn't have won!  She's in the loony bin!!!

Tai: HEY!  Lemme see these votes!!!  *reads them*



Matt....shake it...BABY????  Kari???  IS THIS YOUR HANDWRITING??? 

Kari: *blush* maybe....

Tai: *scoffs* I DON'T BELIEVE IT!   These are all for MATT, and he was the first one voted off the island because we all knew he was the greatest threat!!!

Matt: *grins* WOOHOO!

Carey: well, the votes are in!  They say they want Matt to win, so he wins the million!!!

Matt: *victory sign* score!!!

Tai: *whiney voice* WHAT??????  *starts to flip out*

Carey: SECURITY!!!

*Aaryn comes in dressed as a security guard*

Aaryn: c'mon, Tai, I think you need some rest.  How bout a sponge bath, ne?  My treat!

Tai: *incomprehensive babble*

Carey: *sigh* well, that's it!  Congrats, Matt!  What are you gonna do with all that money?

Matt: *grin* have some fun!  Toga, toga, toga, toga....

All: TOGA!  TOGA!  TOGA!  TOGA!  TOGA.........

~The End~

A/N: whoo!  Enjoy it much?  I think I'll copy and paste it into a fic, and put it on my site, if y'all dont mind!!  Enjoy!!  Sayonara minna-san!