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§Saints & Angels Gallery§

Waddap? I'm Carey, guardian of the fanart page! This is S&A's miniature gallery for those who like to share their art! These pics were created with much love and care (TLC! Awww...*^_^*) and belong to the artists, not me...unless, of course, I drew the picture, which will not happen, I can't draw. -_-;;
Anyway, if you wish to use the art for your own personal enjoyment, you may, but YOU MAY NOT USE IT ON YOUR SITE WITHOUT THE ARTIST'S PERMISSION, YOU HEAR ME? *ahem* good.
Though it's sad to say, if anybody steals fanworks, I'll be among the angry legeion of fanartists coming to track them down. Nothing personal. ^_^V
So, on with the artwork! Touché, AWAY!!!!!



I love this pic. I love my job. I love fanart! ^-^

Zeras Metallium

Shelly Bergquist

Michelle Lehman

click HERE to see the full version.

SUBMIT your artwork to the S&A gallery!