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~Saints & Angels Literature~

Heyla! Welcome to S&A Literature!! I would be Yamato, Carey's partner in crime who has been entrusted to work on the fanfictions page! HUZZAH! Revere me like a God! ^_^
Nah, joking, I just wanted to tell you all that these authors have worked extremely hard to bring you these fanworks, so could you please EMAIL them and ask permission before you use their fics? That's all for now, enjoy!

Carey Ishida

When a new world is in trouble, Yamato begins to have strange premonitions and visions of a girl only he can see. What does she want from him? And how can they help her if she lives a mortal plane away?

Acquiesce; Chapter 1: Heaven Sent.
Yet another fic involving Matt and the supernatural! In this story Yamato is just about to turn 16, and, unbeknownst to him, a prophecy is made that when he turns 16, all evil will be destroyed at his hands. People want him dead, but in an effort to save the world, heaven interferes, sending an unlikely guardian angel to help him on his way. But she's no ordinary angel. What destiny was left unfulfilled when she died?

Acquiesce; Chapter 2: When in Odaiba...
A continuation of the previous story. Matt and the girl finally meet! Not a lot of plot in this part, but Carey felt like being lazy and silly. I promise, she'll write something more serious next time, other than "fluff", as she so colorfully puts it...

Digimon on 'Survivor'
Total fluff and utter nonsense, but funny as hell. The digidestined are competing against eachother for the million bucks, and poor old Carey is stuck in the middle of it all! Oh the humanity, even though it DOES only cover the last Tribal Council...oh well! ^_^
On a lighter note, I really enjoyed reading who won the million bucks in the end!! Read and enjoy!

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