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Hit Me, Please!!!

*ducks* JOKING!!! Anyway, I'm sure you know that with a lot of sites, if you happen to be the lucky one to fall on a numer that is a multiple of 100 (100, 200, 300, etc...)on the hit counter, the webmaster or mistress will give you a present! Usually these presents are pictures. Well, this one is no different! If you land on my page with a hundred number on the hit counter, right click the counter, save the image, then send it as an attatchment in an email! I'll draw you the pic, send it to you, and I'll post it on my featured hit pic page, and you can post it on yours! But remember, please don't steal the hit pics, they're not yours!!! I'll be seeyin y'all later, and I hope you're the one who stumbled upon a hundred number! Later!

Your Email Should Include....

Past Hit Gifts
