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Who *IS* Yamato Ishida?

Full Name: Yamato "Matt" Ishida
Age: 11 (14 in 02)
Crest: Friendship
Personality: Yamato is a rebel, through and through. In fact, he rebels against all athourity! Including Tai's! Matt may seem to be cold and distant, but he really is an active member in his group of friends. He has a magnetic personality, and makes lifelong friends quickly. He's quiet, shy, introspective, rebellious (but we talked about that already) and sensitive. He has a delicate ego, and he takes criticism very harshly, perhaps because when his parents divorced when he was so young, he felt as though it was all his fault. Yamato is really a kind individual, and he deserves the respect of his peers, instead of being treated like Tai's sidekick. Matt has a little brother named Takeru "TK" Takaishi, and even though it says in the american TV series that they are half-brothers, they really are full brothers.
