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The Only Way Out- ~*Links*~

Hey everyone, this is my Links page, please check out some of these awesome sites from which I have accumulated all my digimon stuff! Or, if you want, Link to me, by clicking on the banner below!

This site used to belong to my very good friend Ashmoria, but she has abandoned it! *sigh* Arigato, Ashy-chan, and thanks for the memories! But, on a lighter note, my other good friend Austin works on fanart! A gold mine for all Matt fans!!! GO SEE!!!

Admit it, you want the sexy bitch as much as I do! ^_^

Shweet site for anyone new to the concept of our beloved Yama-sama! *drowns herself in a sea of Yama plushies and enjoys it*

This is a new site, so there's nothing much yet, but it's coming along big time! I'm super-proud of my friends Aly and Linzy for making this site, they even let me make a link banner for them!!! ^_^ Arigato, guys!! Love the site!