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Saints & Angels....MOVING???
Yep, that's right, we're moving, but don't you worry, we've got our new, too-cool webmistress (who's a couple of years younger than me, but she rules anyways, and she knows html) MELI!!!! YAY ANIMEGURL!
Yeah, that's right, we need a talented fanartist to draw us a picture for our moving! Like Yama with suitcases or something! All entries will be posted on the new S&A, but only ONE will be our redirecting picture, and earn the first pic in our updates section!!! So put pencil to paper, and draw somethin purdy for us! WE KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!! YAY! *waves little flags for the fanartists* You guys are the greatest! Seeya!

Whatcha do is....
Draw and scan in yer pic, and send it to Carey with your name or handle, and stay posted! We'll put them up here and when we find out winner, we'll letcha know!! Later!