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by SakuraIsthill

The majority of this fic was written during school. It all started second period, when a bunch of guys were talking about football, and started wondering what the Warlords would think. And it just sort of evolved into a rant.
Oh yeah, I don't own anything in here except my self. I am making no money of of this. ~quickly hides bag with money sign on it~ And this? Heh heh, this is my laundry . . .

Sakura: Their talking about football again.

Kale: Football? I love football!

Dais: You love cheerleaders, you mean.

Kale: Same difference.

Sekhmet: What's football? I'm confused!

Anubis: Football is a game where a bunch of idiots run around a field, throwing a funny shaped and ramming into each other.

Kale: Don't forget the cheerleaders!

Sekhmet: Why do they do that?

Sakura: They say it build "character". Go figure.

Kale: What about the cheerleaders?!!

Sakura: Oh please. Could there skirts be any shorter?

Kale: That's the best part!

Dais: I doubt it. Why the hell do they call it a pig skin anyway? Do they really make it out of pig skin?

Sakura: No, but maybe they used to . . .

Kale: Cheerleaders!!!

Anubis: Enough about the cheerleaders! We get it already!

Sekhmet: What are cheerleaders?

Sakura: Then there are the uniforms . . .

Dais: Football sucks!

Anubis: Right on!

Kale: Hey! Don't diss football!

Sakura: Why not?

Anubis: Yeah, why not?
Sekhmet: What are cheerleaders?

Kale: (sounds outraged) Why not!!

Anubis: That's what we said . . .

Kale: WHY NOT!!!!

Sakura: Uuhhhh . . .

Kale: How can you have missed the majestic beauty?!!

Dais: (raises eyebrow) 'Scuse me?

Kale: (jumps up on table wavine arms around) Oh what joy you have missed! How can you move through your wrenched lives without football?!!

Sakura: Oh gee, I don't know!

Kale: Listen, my friends, women have ruled the world for thousands of years . . .

Sakura: Damn straight!

(Dais and Anubid exchange glances)

Dais: They have?

Kale: Crushing men under their oppresive power! Long have we been forced to put down the toilet seat, ask for directions, sleep on the sofa, and endure their periodic PMS!!

Sakura: (balls hands into fists) 'Scuse me!!

Sekhmet: (throws hands into air and runs around screaming) AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! WOMEN ARE GOING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND TURN US INTO THEIR SEX SLAVES!

Dais, Anubis, & Sakura: WHAT!!!

Kale: Well fear not, my brothers! For from this darkness of oppresion their IS a light! A SAVIOR!

Anubis: For Pete's sake!

Sekhmet: Who? Who is this savior of which you speak of who you speak of, who shall cut the binds of oppression from all men?!

Dais: Oh I wonder who or what it could be.

Sakura: How obvious can you get?

Anubis: Well, judging by Kale . . .

Kale: Not WHO, Sekhmet, but WHAT!

Anubis: . . . alot.

Sekhmet: WHAT is this that you speak of?! Tell me! Tell me!

Kale: Will do, my beady eyed, green haired friend! You see, not so long ago, a group of men united to bring an end to the female's tyrant rule! They gathered all which stood for manhood-such as belching, poker, and girls in short skirts-into one marvelous activity! And they bestowed upon it, the ultimate holy name! FOOTBALL!!!!


Sakura: What! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!

Kale: (jumps off table and points accusing finger at Sakura) You scoff what your weak, feminine mind cannot understand! Bah! I am protected from your evil, DEMON!!


Anubis: Excuse me, but what's so holy about the name football?

Kale: You don't know?! It's Hebrew for savior!

Dais: What?

Sakura: No it's not!



Sakura: I give up! This fanfic doesn't make any sense!

Kale: (puts arm around Sekhmet) Come, my brother! Let us enjoy America's pastime favorite pastime!

Sekhmet: You mean baseball?

Kale: (smacks Sekhmet upside head) No you idiot! Football!

Sekhmet: (stares stupidly) Oooww! Dat huurrt!

Kale: AHAHAHAHA! Of course it did! (leads Sekhmet off)

Sekhmet: What are cheerleaders?

Kale: Sekhmet my man, they're the best part . . .

(Sekhmet and Kale leave) Dais: (shakes head) Pitiful . . .

Sakura: Do you realize that this fanfic is now 9 pages long?

Dais: What! That's longer then the last one! And that actually had a plot!

Sakura: Go figure.

(Sekhmet runs back in with a huge grin on his face) Yeah! I love cheerleaders! I LOVE FOOTBALL!

(Everyone turns to stare at him)

Anubis: Oh god . . . he's turning into Kale!


Dais: Two Kales? That's horrific!

(Kale walks back in, Sekhmet is practically jumping off the walls)

Sekhmet: Let's go! Letsgoletsgoletsgoletsgo!

Anubis: Go where?

Sakura: Where are you going?

Kale: Me and Sekhmet are going to a football game!

Sekhmet: (jumps up and down) When do we go?! When do we go?!

Kale: We can go right now, if you want.

Sekhmet: YAY! Let's go!

(Kale and Sekhmet leave)

Anubis: (shakes head) I'm going to have to talk to him some day . . .

Dais: (leans back and looks bored) So what now?

Anubis: Uuummm . . . we could . . . (looks at ceiling) stare at the ceiling.

Dais: (shrugs) Sure, why not?

(Anubis and Dais both stand there, staring up)

Anubis: I'm getting dizzy . . .

Sakura: Hmmmm . . . (thinking) hmmmm . . . (looks at Anubis and Dais) hmmmm . . . (looks at door) hmmmm . . . .

Dais: Do you know how dumb it is, saying hmm all the time?

Sakura: At least I'm not staring at the ceiling!

Dais: Good point.

(Several minutes tick by, Anubis and Dais continue to stare at the ceiling, and Sakura continues to say "hmm" every five seconds, until . . . )

Sakura: Aha! (jumps up) I've got it!

Anubis: Got what?

Dais: I think she's finally found her sanity!

Sakura: No, I've given up on that! (laughs) I mean I've got an idea!

Anubis: What is it?

Sakura: (raises eyebrow) Dais, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Dais: (looks confused) I think so Sakura-chan, but where are we going to get a bathtub full of Jell-O(tm)?

Sakura: Uuuummmm . . . good point. Forget it.

(Sakura sits back down, Anubis and Dais looks back up)

Sakura: Wait! (jumps up) That wasn't what I was thinking! I was thinking we should go to the football game with Kale and Sekhy!

Anubis: (raises eyebrow) Sekhy?

Sakura: That's what I said . . . (grins) Anuby.

Dais: (waves hands) Wait wait wait . . . were going to pay money to to go to a game we hate, just to get embarassed by two idiots?

Sakura: (nods) Exactly.

Anubis: Better then staring at the ceiling.

Sakura: It's starts at five, we can still go!

Dais: (shakes head) Sorry, can't.

Sakura: Why not?

Dais: My schedule just won't allow it.

Anubis: Schedule? What schedule?

Dais: (pulls out pocket planner and opens it) See, from four to five I have "whittle away time with friends", and at 5 I have "hang upside down from ceiling" for an hour. I just can't miss that!

Sakura: What? Give me that . . . (takes planner) Oh, well you can move the hanging upside down thing to eight, and you still have time!

Dais: But at eight I have "stare into nothingness while evaluating my total self-worthlessness"! (shakes head and takes back planner) I'm sorry, but it just doesn't work in!

Heather: (puts hands on hips and glares at him) You ARE going to this game!

Dais: (glares back) No. I'm not.

Heather: Can't you see I'm doing this for your sanity? You don't want to be turn into Sekhmet, or worse yet, me?

Dais: (eyes . . . eye widens) Oh god . . . you mean . . . I might be like . . . you?(sounds frightened)

Sakura: (devilish grin) Come! Join me in my insanity! (forms hands into claws and walks menacingly toward him)

Dais: (puts hands up) No! Stay away from me! Anything but that! Nooo!

Sakura: So, are you coming?

Dais: (lowers hand in defeat) Okay.

Sakura: (pats his head) Good Day. Now go get ready.

Dais: (nods head sadly, then walks off)

Sakura: (watches Dais walk off, then turns to Anubis and bats eyes) Oh Anuuuubiiiis . . . (moves closer) we're aloooone!

Anubis: (looks scared) Uuhhh . . . um . . . I-I think I'd b-better . . . get ready! Yeah, that's it, I need to get ready! (runs off)

Sakura: (takes a step forward and holds out hand) Wait! (he is already gone, she sighs) I'd better go get ready too . . .

The End

Sakura: Hi! Ya like the fic? Make sure you read the sequel, which I will do . . . uh . . . whenever I feel like it!

Dais: Dedicated, ain't she?

Sakura: Ahahaha! GO AWAY!!

Dais: Okay! Okay! Geez . . . (he walks off)

Sakura: (clears throat) Anyway . . . don't miss it. And also . . . (holds up book)don't forget to buy my new book, "How to Fill Up 17 Page With Absolute Mind-numbing NOTHINGNESS! (puts away book and waves) Bye bye!

Dais: Ya'll come back now, ya hear?

Sakura: I SAID GO AWAY!!!

Dais: (snickers and runs off)

Sakura: Uuuummmm . . . bye! (runs off) COME BACK HERE DAIS!!!

The End(for real this time!)

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