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February 24, 2001
Dais: ~stares at pictures in Dais gallery~ That me!! That me!! ~grins stupidly~ Me like cheese! Cheese cheese cheese!

Anubis: Oookay . . . Dais, whatever those caffeine pills Sakura slipped you are telling you, don't listen. ~glares at Sakura-chan~ This is all your fault you know.

At least now you know caffeine pills dissolve in oatmeal! ~evil laughter~ Who knew drugging could be so fun?

Anubis: I could call the cops and have you arrested you know!

Hah hah, I'd like to see you try! Now be quiet, I'm trying to update!

Anubis: ~grumbles something under breath and continues to try to and calm Dais down~

~holds up bottle of caffeine pills and cackles manically~ Anyway, today I fixed a bold problem I hadn'ty noticed before on the update page. I added a new lick to the Dais links page, and added more pictures to the Dais gallery. It's 7 pm, have you drugged your roommates yet? ~laughs evily as Dais bounces around the room~

February 23, 2001
Hello! I'm Sakura-chan, but you probably already knew that! But guess what! Today I final got around to converting all of the pictures in the Dais gallery to thumbnails! ~stands proudly as Warlords cheer in background~

Kale: It's a miracle!

Dais: Go Sakura-chan!

~bats eyes at Dais~ Yes, it's true, despite what the rumors say, every once in a while I do get up and do something. Just not very often. Anyway, I discovered a new art today!

Anubis: Art?

~looks happy~ Oh, your talking to me again? Does this mean you've forgiven me for making you be cupid?

Anubis: Humph.

~sighs~ Actually, the art I discovered was the art of resizing pictures using height and width tags. Before I always made smaller, seperate images for the thumbnails. Boy, was that annoying! But I finally figured out how to do it, and if I didn't, I'd probably have never got it done! I also added some new pictures, so go check um out!

Dais: I'm so fine in that one with the fan!

Note to self: Shrine is begining to go to Dais's head. ~secretly agrees with him~ Anyway, I also adopted 4 kawaii Warlord kitty from Ghost's Kitty Adoptions, try and find the time to see them. Well, that's all for now.

February 19, 2001
Hello! Isn't today wonderful! ~smiles happily~ Today's been a great day! First off, I made a banner! Go check it out! Second, I'm ready to announce the new arrivals too the den/freakshow! I'd like you to meet . . . Ken-oki!

Ken-oki: Jorw!

And next next to Ken-oki is . . . huh? Where'd Ryo-oki go?! ~munching sounds are heard from kitchen~ Well, there goes my carrots!

Ken-oki: Jorw? ~stomach growls~

~anime sweatdrop~ I have a feeling my food bill is about to skyrocket. And carrots are more expensive then you think!

Ghost Kitty: Meow! ~stomach growls~

Not you too!

February 18, 2001
~stumbles into room like she has just performed some difficult task~ Yes! Go me! I just finished re-copying the Football fanfic, it's all done and up!

Kale: So? What's so tiring about that?

~is too tired to throw frying pan~ The original copy was written. I had to copy it onto the computer. There's nothing I hate more then have to rewrite something. I had to add the HTML signs. In the original, I used my real world name. I had to change it everytime I spoke. And it's also the longest fic I've ever done.

Kale: ~grateful at not being frying panned~ Oh.

Yeah. Oh. Anyway, I'm sure you're wondering about those carrot-loving things I mentioned in the next update. They're come soon. And one more thing . . . what do the initials COA mean to you?

Sekhmet: Carrots On Airplanes?

Uuuummm . . .

Kale: Cat's Opium Anonumous?

~growls in annoyance~ Kale . . .

Kale: Children On Acid?

I think strength is returning to my throwing arm. ~raises frying pan warningly~

Kale: Uh oh. ~runs off, frying pan hits wall with a clank~

February 17, 2001
Hello! Did you all have a good Valentines day? I sure did!

Anubis: I didn't. You made me do that stupid cupid bid!

Dais: I had a great Valentines Day! Lots of pink!

Sekhmet: Sakura glomped me!

Kale: Sakura glomped us all. Even me!

Heh heh . . . sugar high. Well, anyway, I've been working a lot on the site. I posted up the Midnight Haircut in the fanfics section, I changed the picture in the Dais shrine, I worked on the Football fanfic, and I added a links page to the shrine!

Dais: Dang.

Oh yeah, I fixed the Rabid fan list up a bit. And guess what! Pretty soon they'll be new additions to the gang . . . let me give you a hint: their half cat, half rabbit, and they love carrots!

Febuary 16, 2001
Hello! Me proud. Me do lot's 'n lots of stuff! Me happy! Me have to much chocolate! ME LOVE VALENTINES DAY! Me update Dais shrine, you can read my new poem now! Send in your fanfics! Me take down Valentine's Day theme. Me have trouble remembering what I wrote on webpage before. ~anime sweatdrop~ Me work on Dais bio!

Anubis: ~has been staring at Sakura~ You have too much sugar.

Me know. Me like sugar! Me Dark Warlord of Chocolate!

Anubis: I'll be sure to add that to the list.

Me fixed Football link. Me need to finish putting fanfic in me site. Me need to add bios. Me lazy. Me need to finish fics. Me planning on adding Dais links to shrine.

Febuary 13, 2001
My poor little site. I've been ignoring it. And it's been calling me to update it. I can almost here it now . . .

Weird voice: Saaaakuuuuraaaaa! Update me . . . update me . . .

Kale! ~throws frying pan into shadows, their is a clank as metal hits hard skull followed by a cry of pain~ Serves you right. Now, anyway, I was going to go crazy start build new sections like their was no tomorrow, when I stopped. What was the point of building new sections if I couldn't take care of the ones I had? So setting the plans for the "Warlord Diaries" section aside, I decided to update only the existing sections from now on! Starting today, expect to see new fanfics up!

Kale: ~crawls weakly from shadows, an over exagerated bump in his head~ Some arm . . . ow . . .

Febuary 5, 2001
Hello! I'm updating from my friend Loren's house! I usually go to her house in the morning, then her mom takes us to school. When we got there, they told us it had been cancelled because of snow! Too bad the guys aren't here. Well, about the, I've been fixing up the pages a bit. Also I added a bit to the FAQ section. Nothin' much.

Febuary 3, 2001
I'm back! Sorry for not updating the site in so long, it's just that with school and homework and all, I haven't gotten a chance to!

Dais: I thought your mom grounded you for two weeks. ~is hanging from the ceiling, lowers head and looks at the computer screen~

Dais! ~pushes away his hair~ I can't see the screen!

Dais: ~snickers~

Grrrr . . . yes, actually, she did grounded me. But then she forgot! And I didn't exactly do much in reminding her ~wink wink~

Dais: Your so sneaky!

Thank you. Anyway, I was think that there were a lot of things in the den that needed brushing up. I already did a bit on Dais's bio in the shrine, and I'm planning on putting up some more of the fanfics. Don't expect any real additions, just fixing up the already existing stuff.

Dais: She too lazy too think up anything new.

Shut up! Anyway, the other Warlords keep bugging me to put up sections in the den for them, and that might get done sometime soon.

Dais: Their just jealous because I have a shrine and they don't!

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