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Daini Tsuki Part 6

Putting a hand to her head, Usagi woke up. Her head was pounding unmercifully. She probably had, what did Ami-chan call it? A contusion? No, concussion. Looking to her right, she saw her father staring out the window. To the left, asleep on a plastic chair, was Mamoru. Usagi smiled, but let him sleep. “Papa...” she whispered.

“Usagi!” Kenji said rushing to her side and hugging her.

“Oh, Papa!” They were both crying now. “Papa, it’s so good to see you!”

Mamoru woke up to the sound of Usagi’s voice. He was so happy that he started crying too. “Usa-ko!”

“Mamo-chan!” Usagi said turning to face him. Then she thought about her little brother, jumping in front of her. Usagi immediately sat up as a wave of dizziness washed over her. “Shingo!”

“Usa-ko, calm down. Take a deep breath,” Mamoru told her pulling her into a hug. “That’s my girl. Everything will be all right, we’ll go see Shingo-kun in a minute.”

Kenji watched the two in awe. He had no idea how caring Mamoru could be. Of course, that evil man didn’t give him much of a chance to find out. He could tell how much Usagi loved him. He decided that it didn’t matter how they met, as long as Mamoru would protect her. “Usagi, lets go see your brother, ne?”

Usagi nodded as Mamoru picked her up. “Just a minute!” A nurse shouted. “Tsukino-san should not be out of her bed!”

Before either Usagi or Mamoru could respond, Kenji walked up to her. “This is my daughter and I take full responsibility for her! Now, step aside kudesai.”

“Fine, let me get a wheel--”

“That’s not necessary!” Mamoru said. “I’ll take her.”

The three walked out leaving the nurse with her mouth hanging open.




Usagi smiled at her friends. They all had tears in their eyes, but were happy to see her. “Daijobu?” Minako asked.

“I am now. I’m going to see Shingo. Come to my room later, minna!”

“H-hai...” they replied as Mamoru walked away carrying Usagi.

Rei sighed. “Ano, Tsukino-san, does Usagi not know yet?”

“Iie, Rei-san,” Kenji said. “I-I couldn’t tell her. I don’t know how to tell her.”


Mamoru gently placed Usagi in the chair next to Shingo’s bed. The only sounds were the beeping of the heart monitor and various other machines. Ikuko watched Mamoru leave then gave Usagi a hug. “Mama, what’s wrong with Shingo? How come he’s not awake yet?”

“Usagi... Shingo is in a coma.”

“A c-coma?” She could barely get the words out of her mouth. “Demo, he’s going to be all right, ne? Mama! Shingo’s going to be fine!”

Ikuko shook her head. “The doctors just don’t know. All we can do now is pray.”

“Mama...” Usagi said. Her voice cracked as she asked her mother if she could be alone with Shingo.

“Hai. If you need anything, we’ll be out in the hall,” Ikuko told Usagi, kissing her cheek.

Usagi waited for her mom to leave, then looked back at her baby brother. “Shingo... onegai, Shingo! Wake up! I don’t want to live without you, Shingo!” Usagi’s sobs racked her entire body. She held on Shingo’s hand. “Shingo, onegai! Open your eyes. I need to hear you call me baka, and klutz, and ditz! Onegai...”

“U-usagi...” Usagi’s head shot up. “Usagi, I can’t call you those things anymore.”

“Nani? Why not?”

“Because I’d be lying,” Shingo answered opening his eyes. He smiled at the expression on his sister’s face. “Usagi-sama, you’re my hero! Always remember that!”

“Shingo!” Usagi cried out, giving him a hug.


Mamoru brought Usagi back to her room. She was worn out from the excitement. Sighing, she looked at him. “Usa-ko,” Mamoru said as he placed her on the bed. Usagi looked at him. “Usa-ko, gomen nasai. I feel horrible for doing that to you, but Nisei said she would kill you. I realize now that saying those words nearly did.”

Usagi brushed a lock of hair from his eyes. “Of course I forgive you, Mamo-chan. You’re my Prince and we’re bonded through centuries of love. No one could tear us apart. Aishiteru, Mamo-chan.”

“Aishiteru, Usa-ko.”

He lifted her chin with his hand and bent down to caress her lips. *I will always love you, Usa-ko, always!*

The End.

Well, how was it? This was my first huge fic so I need some feedback! Again, I'd like to that Leena and Rukie, my beta readers. Without you girls, none of this would have been possible! Thanks so much! : )

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