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~ The Angels' Secret ~

The time has come to reveal all. These delicious specimens are from the manga Angel Sanctuary.

Now, there is also a three episode anime which I have seen (My good friend Angel bought it and I borrowed it from her). It was . . . interesting. ~ looks around to make sure Treize isn't going to come babble at her ~ Basically there was this Angel, Alexiel who started a war against God and failed (what a shock). As puishment, she was trapped in the body of this kid Setsuna. So now all these Angels (including Alexiel's fucked up brother Rosiel who is obsessed with her and looking pretty - he looks like a chick) and Demons (namely two cross-dressers) are chasing Setsuna around and trying to reserruct Alexiel for one reason or another. Plus, just to screw things up a little more, Setsuna is madly in love with his little sister Sarah, and - to quote Winnie Chow, Animerica - "I'm not talking the familial kind of love between siblings, either; I'm talking the Jerry Springer type of love between siblings." Screwy, ne? Despite all this, it was a fairly entertaining show. And there were a crap-load of sexy bishonen running about (namely Katan, Rosiel's henchman, and Kira, Setsuna's friend and sort-of over-watching guy). Never mind they were all either gay, drugies, or in love with their sister. I actually went through all the characters and decided the only normal one was Setsuna and Sarah's mom.

But, anyway, this pics are from the manga, which I haven't read. And they're very pretty, so they're going to stick around. Besides, they were kind enough to agree to grace my page with their presence and help you all find your way about. They also protect this page from flames and plagiarism, so watch your step!

And if any of you happen to know where I can get my hands on a translated (sadly i can't read Japanese *sweatdrop*) copy of the manga, EMAIL ME!

And now you know the secret. ^_^

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