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By ArtzAngel

Warnings by Chibi J: Minor swearing, heavy Zel+Lina.

Disclaimer: I HATE THIS PART!! oh well *monotone* I do not own slayers and I never will because I am not rich or live in Japan. It does however belong to big big big companies with lots of money....which I don't have. so obviously I borrowed the characters from the series but this whole setting was MY IDEA...thank you and enjoy the show...I mean story.... heh heh... ;P,:


Mend The Dragon's Heart


........ It had been 4 years since the battle against Dark Lord Dark Star.
........ Everyone had gone their seperate ways aside from Lina, and Xellos who just pops in whenerver he felt like it. as time went by more dangers have started raising up in the world. Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev had gone their seperate ways after their trip to Athena two years ago.
........ Lina had become more mature, beautiful, powerful, and fuller than she was back then, but she was never able to compare with Naga the white snake. Many men had tried to marry her but her mind was filled with visions of only one man.
........ Zelgadis was still in search for his cure but with no luck. He still had the item that Amelia had given him but he had memories of another woman with bright red hair and crimson eyes.
........ Gourry had found his way to Syphill’s and had stayed there learning more and more. (surprisingly) He had also sharpened his sword techniques with the sword of justice that he had gotten from the City of Justice, just in case he met Lina again and joins her in another journey.
........ As for Amelia, she had grown more responsible but she still judged people from what they looked like. She had a responsibility as the Princess, she was to keep peace treatys and to help pass laws. Yet in her mind she hoped that she and her friends would go on an adventure someday.
........ Well as fate planed out they all met again in Sailune, 4 years after Dark Star was destroyed. Yet a new threat to the world has emerged and all four met once again to start their journey without knowing of this threat. They had gone on a journey to cure Zelgadis of his curse. And the story begins.

Disclaimer: I HATE THIS PART!! Oh well *monotone* I do not own slayers and I never will because I am not rich or live in Japan. It does however belong to big big big companies with lots of money....which I don't have. so obviously I borrowed the characters from the series but this whole setting was MY IDEA...thank you and enjoy the show...I mean story.... heh heh... ;P,:

Ch. 1

A Quest For The Cure

Or was it to save the world?

........ A young woman,around 20 years old stood in front of an evil monster. His dripping fangs stained with the blood of innocent people, its sharp eyes reminded her of daggers. She was tiring fast and she was up to her neck in pain. Her hair and eyes were the color of crimson red same as the blood on its teeth. She knew what had to be done especially after its insult to her about her breast size.
........ Her companions, to her left a tall blonde man around 23 years old who held a sword that seemed to be made of light was named Gourry Gabriev. To her left was a small girl who looked 17 or so, her raven hair fluttering in the wind, this was the Princess of Sailune, Princess Amelia Wil Telsa Sailune. To the read heads right stood a Chimera around the age of 21.. his body looked as if it was stone, but softer, and his skin and eyes were blue...his eyes darker than his skin but still blue. His purple wired hair was hid under his cloak and mask...hiding his face from view his name was Zelgadis Greywaters. They all were ready to keep on fighting when they heard a soft chant coming from the red head. They all stopped and listened to the words coming from her lips.
........ “Darkness Beyond Twilight,
Crimson from the blood that flows...”
........ “L...L...Lina?? you can’ wouldn’t..not here..” Gourry was soon cut off by Zelgadis and his comment, “She is.” Amelia grabbed Gourry and all three of them flew to a 100 mile radius away from Lina... yes the red head was Lina Inverse..also Known as “The Bandit Killer.”
........ “....buried in the flow of time;
in Thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness!
Those who oppose us shall be destroyed
by the power you and I posses
........ Lina threw a victory sign towards them as they flew back towards her. “He deserved that!” the memory of the huge monster calling Lina a “flat-chested girl who had no chance of beating this girl named ‘Naga’ that I defeated a few days ago,” he said while he was laughing at her. That had made her furious with chills as she heard her former rivals name. “Damn bastard.” The gang flew back towards Lina and the slip of Gourry’s tongue made her feel even worse. “You know that monster was right Lina you are still a flat chested little girl you know.” Lina started to growl and the young idiot looked around. “Did i say something wrong?”
........ “FIREBALL!”
........ Soon where Gourry was standing was only a stream of smoke. Zelgadis just shook his head. *Damn idiot doesn’t know when to stop!* He looked over to Lina and just stood ther admiring how the wind played with her hair. *Sure she is a little small but she is bigger than some women, she had out-grown Amelia.* He then noticed that he had been staring at Lina for a while now. He felt a blush start to creep on his face and he quickly pulled his mask over his face. He looked at Lina again and noticed how she was so beautiful to him he looked down at his feet. *She wouldn’t like me... Im a monster and Amelia would probably pounce her if she knew I liked Lina. Me and that Justice kid? Thats sickening..she’s like a little way in hell can she be anything more.* He was lost in thought untill a familiar, happy voice cried out , taking him back to reality.
........ “Zel..oy Zel!” He looked and was soon face to face with Lina. They both started to blush a mad shade of colors. “ off in dreamland...” She soon only had a faint blush. “Hey Zel! we got another lead to your cure!” she said as she held up a victory sign. They looked at the map for a minute or so. Lina stood up and pointed towards the ancient ruins that “held” the cure of the chimera curse. “Lets go! For Zelgadis” Hearing this Zel blushed slightly but no one noticed it.
........ They had walked for a couple of miles, fighting off bandits and monsters on the way when they soon stopped in front of a crystal clear lake surrounded by willow trees. They decided that they would camp there for the night. So Gourry went on search for food while Amelia searched for wood. Zelgadis and Lina started to set up the site. “Look at the sunset.. isn’t it gorgeous Zel?” Zelgadis looked up and blushed when he saw Lina.
........ She was staring off into the sunset. Her hair was shining like fire, her eyes twinkling like they were made from rubies..and her lips like they were from a light pink rose. without thinking he replied, “Yeah you are.” He noticed what he had just said and blushed furiously hoping that Lina had not heard his comment. There was silence. She had heard it and she too was blushing but the reflection of the sunset allowed the blush to be faded out. *He likes me? Zel likes me?* She looked over in Gourry’s direction as he returned with tons of fish. *What I felt for Gourry is not as strong as the one I feel for Zel..but why do I like Zel?...I guess it was from that whole “Cute” thing he said when I was dressed like Alice. * She left it at that. Amelia came back with firewood and they began to cook dinner. Lina, Gourry, and Amelia, as always had a bottomless stomach and fought over food. Soon as night fell everyone fell into a deep sleep.
........ “Lina Inverse
you must save the world once more”
........ “Why me? Why do I always get this job?” Lina’s dream figure asked to the nothingness around her.
........ “Because Lina you are the chosen one.. The Child of Chaos.
........ “Fine..What do I have to do now?” Lina asked with a tint of complain in her voice.
........ “You must go to the Cave of Chaotic Dreams... there is a portal at the ruins you are heading to. You must go there. The fate of the world is in your hands, and the fate of your love.”
........ She was confused.. very confused.
........ “What the hell do you mean by LOVE you Asshole! tell me!!” Lina screamed on the top of her voice. The voice of nothingness had vanished all that was left was Lina’s utter of confusion.

........ Lina mumbled in her sleep “Love....who...Zel?” Zelgadis woke up from her tossing and turning. He heard her mumbling in her sleep and blushed. *I wonder what Lina is dreaming about* Without another word he fell back asleep.
........ “Zelgadis..I..I love you, I really do!” Lina screamed at Zel. His dream form ran up to her and embraced her.
........ “Lina I love you too...I always have” his form said to Lina. He then noticed that Lina’s breasts were bigger than real life. He blushed furiously.
........ *Is that what i think about?*
........ He started hitting himself on the head but a hand stopped him from proceeding. *She is so soft.* He held onto the hand and looked up to the fiery red eyes.

........ “Really, Zel is usually up before anyone else why is he still sleeping?” Lina still dripping from the morning dip in the lake grabbed a long t-shirt and some boxers. She kneeled next to Zelgadis and started lightly shaking him.

........ He and Lina Kissed in the moonlight holding eachother tight.

........ “Zel Wake u...” She was interrupted when the still-sleepy Zelgadis planted several light kisses on her lips. “Lin.......a...oh Shit!” They both turned three shades of red.
........ Lina began to sputter “WHY YOU LITTLE!! HOW DARE YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF AN INNOCENT GIRL LIKE ME!....FIREBALL!” She chased after Zelgadis and once she reached him she bopped him over the head. Instead of hurting him she bruised her hand...she had forgotten the Zelgadis was made of stone. In a tree a man looked at the two. his eyes closed and his hair was a dark shade of purple....his name Xellos, the Trickster priest.
........“Well this is interesting...the Chimera has fallen for the sorceress." He faded out but his smile was imprinted in the sky.

To be continued...

Part 2
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