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What You, The Fans, Have To Say

This is what you guys are saying about the Zel+Ami pairing. The rules are this: send e-mail to the link below with the subject heading Zel+Ami. It MUST have that subject heading, or I won't accept it. You basically write a short paragraph (emphasis on short) about why you think they should/shouldn't/are/will be a couple. You can also disagree, put forward other theories, tell me who Zel or Amelia is better with, etc., but any hate mails not eaten by my carnivorous sister will be recycled into Z/A fluff fics: one for each nasty mail. You have been warned. No anonymous mails will be accepted; you MUST include your screen name and e-mail address. That seems to be all, so e-mail away!

Sasami-chan says:

I disagree with this pairing. Well, yah, it's the intended couple by the creators, but I don't think Zel could handle Amelia. While what you said in your reasons are true, remember how the creators meant for them to be a couple? Well, obvioulsly, they'd try to show it in the show. I mean, I respect your opinion, but I find that the other reasons basically tied into the first. So, as far as I can see, you only have one reason for the pairing. It's the canon couple. I think Zel should be w/ Lina. But, I respect your opinion and find it admirable that you will accept other peoples opinions. You've seen how vicious people can get, I'm sure, so I hope that you don't get any flames! Thanx for letting me share my opinion.

Gale says:

Hi! ^_^ I wanted to make an addition to the reasons why, no matter how unobvious, Zel and Amelia should be together. In my opinion,*DONT HURT ME!* that throughout the series, that Zelgadis has always liked her, even when the first met. All the signs are there, but hidden to those who are too ignorant to pay attention. ^_^

Juu-chan says:

Zel and Amelia were ment to be just as much as Lina and Gourry. First clue to me being the blushing. Zel is always blushing around Amelia and have you ever noticed how Ameila ALWAYS seems to end up getting thrown into Zel's arms all the time? And the biggest clue that Zel likes Ami-chan is when he has been used as an ancho to catch a lake dragon and Ameila says they should give him artifical reseitaion and Zel has a big smile on his face when she says that and blushes madly and as the shadow comes over his face he even opens his mouth a little before he opens his eyes. It's so kawaii. To bad it wasn't Ami-chan though. But yes. I fully support Zel and ameila as a couple. I hope others don't hate me for this but it is true. Just look at the clues!

Vaneral Chisuko says:

First of all, this is my all time favorite couple. I cried when Lina and Gourry kissed because it proved that Zel and Lina weren't meant for each other (and the fact it was so darn romantic--and I'm not one who loves romance!) I have watched every single season for the Slayers, to my greatest joy, and in every season there is a sign that Zel loves Ameria. In the first season, Zelgadis blushed when Ameria fell on top of him in Rezo's lab (lab?) and in their double Ra Tilt, it formed a HEART! ^_^ In NEXT, there was a lot more evidence. For instance, as we all remember the episode where they were hunting lake dragon, Zelgadis was unconscious. When he was unconscious, or semi unconscious as we know, Ameria made the comment, "Maybe we should give him Mouth-to-Mouth?" There he goes, he blushes, as if waiting for her to give him mouth to mouth (kiss!!) and when that doesn't happen, well, we know. Also at the end of that season *spoiler alert!!* when Phibbrizo destroys her soul stone, and she dies, Zelgadis is the one holding her, and the one who goes and attacks Phibbrizo for revenge! For TRY, it is obvious at the end when Zelgadis is holding the bracelet Ameria wears all the time! All in all, Zel loves Ame and Ame loves Zel. Ahhh...Love.

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