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Slayers Spells Info

This page does not contain the index of spells. It just explains how it works in the Slayers World.
In the Slayers world, there are three main types of spells. They are Shammanist, Black/Summonung and White Magic. Shammanist Magic has five main divisions: Air, Water, Fire, Ground, and Spirit. The most powerful spell in Shammanist Magic id the Ra Tilt that falls into the category of the Spirit Shammanism. What the Ra Tilt does is totally destroys your soul. This means that you will die and not go to Heaven or Hell. However, this spell only seems to work on monsteers and deamons. It seems to have little or no effect on Human beings. The most powerful spell in Black Magic is the Dragonslav that draws power from the dark lord Shabranigdo.
The most powerful spell in white magic is the resurrection spell, which revives a dead person that has been dead for only a short period of time.

Oh, and another thing, everyone in the Slayers world has a magic capacity. This is how much magic they can use before they run out. Everyone's magic capacity is not the same. If you have a higher magic capacity, this means that you can cast more stronger spells and that you can cast a lot of spells. For Example: Lina can may be able to cast like 4 Dragonslaves untill she gets tired since her magic capacity is fairly high. But, another person may not be able to cast the Dragonslave because their magic capacity is low and even if they can, they may be able to cast only one. If one's magic capacity is used up, they can replenish it by resting. Also, one's physical condition will determine their current capacity. For example: If one is injured or that person's magic capacity will not be at it's peak. In the Slayers Series, Lina loses most of her power when she has "That Time Of The Month". If you don't underestand this, you're probably too young.

There are also items that in the Slayers world that amplify or increase your magic capacity. Examples: The Philosopher's stone, The Talismen, or The Binding Stone. These items usually need a amplifier spell that activated them. For example:This is the spell that Lina chants when she uses her Talismen:
"Lord of the four worlds, grant me all the power you posses"
This amplies or increases Lina's magic capacity for a short period of time, so that she may use her most powerful spells.

Click on the links below to go to a specific category of magic.

Shammanist magic
Black/Summoning Magic
White Magic
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