A/N: Well, another, even shorter and even more depressing Slayers fic. I think I’m better at the short and dark as opposed to the long and dark. I'm sort of stalling for time until I can think of what to do next with the Wheel story. Writer’s block; what’s a girl to do?
........Red and black are the colors of the sky. Even the moon is reddish in the inky, starless east. A solitary flower lies crushed on the cracked and otherwise barren ground, all the testament that remains of the lush, vibrant, forested valley that had stood in this place only hours before. The acrid tang of smoke stings the eyes and nostrils of the one left standing alone, bleeding, clutching his one remaining possession as a lifeline to keep him from slipping down into the darkness.
........That is where all his companions, those he never dared to call friends, have gone. Sucked into the one place from which there is no escape. The depths of madness claw at his mind, reaching hungrily, threatening, looming more terrifying to one who has so rarely felt true fear than anything he has ever experienced. He is alone; there is no one to play with, his mind tells him, his voice piping an echo. No one to manipulate. His original life’s purpose is vanished on the wind that carries the scent of burning flesh and the childlike sound of his own words.
........“Mama,” he says shakily. “I-I mean, mother—I mean, m-my Lord B-B—” He stutters into silence. She cannot hear him. She, too, is gone. She was one of the few he truly loved, and feared. His mother, his lord, his only family.
........He had loved one other. She he mourns, regrets. His enemy, she was. His only solace. His life.
........The blood runs still down his naked body, and lets the jeweled staff fall from his nerveless fingers.
........Now the darkness, once his foe, becomes his comfort, his pathway to her.
........In the aftermath, there is no one left.
A/N: Like? I assume most of you know who this is about, but I want to make sure; one person thought it was Zelgadis. Well, it isn’t. It’s Xelloss, for those of you who are too thick to realize it. Send me feedback! Please, do something!