My Fanfics:
Final Fantasy ONLINE
FF7 in a... chatroom?! YEGADS! What in Jenova's name was I on when I came up with this idea? *sigh* Anyway, Cloud wants to hold a meeting over the net, when... THINGS start to happen. What things, you say? Well I can't tell you, 'cuz that would spoil everything now, wouldn't it?
Mother and I (poem)
This is something I wrote in one of my more depressed moments (yes, I WAS thinking about school). You should already know who this is about.
The Beginning of Something?
This is a series of re-write type things from FF7 that I posted for an egroup I belong to. But you get to read it all as one story. It begins where Aeris is tending to her flowers in the church in Sector 5, then... well you KNOW what happens after that. It's pretty boring, but since I have so few fics in here, I decided I'd add this to make it look like there's more. =)
Dreams in the Darkness (poem)
I'll leave it up to you to decide who's talking about who in this poem.
What has AVALANCHE Been Up To?
This isn't really a fanfic, just a set of really long-winded thoughts... it may turn into a fanfic someday. See what Cloud and co. do to make some money after meteor!
Through a Child's Eyes
Not much (in fact practically nothing) is known about Sephiroth's childhood... so I tried to give it to you here in this short story.
Fanfics By Other Authors
Brief Candle
By: Arian
A beautiful short story about the well-known Temple scene in FF7 (*sniff*). But it's in the point of view of someone who you wouldn't expect... or would you?
An Unlikely Dance
By: Arian
This fic takes place after that home-video scene at the end of the game. Quistis gets an offer from an unlikely person... and I can't say anymore, besides re-writing the title, or I'll give the entire story away!
By: Arian
What were the Seeds of today like in their childhood? This fic will give you an idea. It's set at the orphanage (duh), and focuses mostly on Irvine.
A Second Chance
By: Arian
A depressing Vincent story... then again, that's why it's Vincent, now isn't it?
Part One | Part Two
Thoughts and Memories
By: Arian
This is by far Arian's best fic ever. It focuses on Laguna, so of course I'd like it! (no, I'm not biased...)
A Loving Betrayal
By: Soul Hunter
A trip through the mind of someone who has betrayed their closest friend. How would they feel?
By: Arian
Five hundred years after the end of the game, Red XIII remembers his past with Avalanche. What has become of them now? A very deep and thoughtful fic.
PuPu's Saga
By: Jeremy Chapter
How does the death of one alien cripple all of the Gardens, bury Squall and his friends, and threaten to end the world? You'll have to read it to find out.
By: Arian
An incredibly hilarious fic. The only thing serious about this is the Aeris-bashing. (I suggest you don't read this if you really like her, nor if you don't have a weird sense of humor... ^^)
Hey you. Ya YOU! If you happen to have any fanfics about Final Fantasy (or any other game, I won't mind, really) you can email me. Believe me... I really need it. Oh! One other thing, if you want to use my ficcies on your site or wherever, just let me know first, k?