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Boring Updates
Irvine: *sigh* This is the updates section. Why anyone would want to come here is beyond me but…
Irvine: Er, I mean… updates are great! They’re so fun and exciting and… they’re the best thing since… since… sliced bread! *big, fake grin*
That was lame.
Irvine: ... I know.

Sorry it took so long, to put up the rest of "Pupu's Saga" Jer. I should be getting those pics up soon (I hope). And yet another fic from Arian joins the archive! It's absolutely hilarious, go read it now! *grins*

Gosh, it's been so long since the last update! Whatever, at least I'm still here. ^^ Two new fics, one by Arian, the other by a new author, Jeremy Chapter. Wooo!

New layout! And I didn't even realize that it was "valentine-ish" until I put it up... heck, I don't even like Valentine's Day (just the chocolate). Oh well, the SephxAeris pic was too cute to pass up. ^^ I think this layout should be better, I was kinda iffy with the whole frames deal. But oh well! ... OH! New fanfic by Soul Hunter in the fic section. (how could I forget?...)

Back again! Three new fanarts (from other people!) and a couple links. All in their respective sections of course... I'm thinking I'll change the layout again. Or maybe I should just change the pic on the side? *sigh* Or maybe I should just go and do my homework... ya, that's it.

Hoooly, it's been awhile. But I have an excuse this time... SCHOOL! *arg* Anyhoo, I changed the layout (a while back, but forgot to mention it), and added a new link in the link section... where else? Don't expect much for a while, because I have exams and all... toodleloo!

Uh... it's a Christmas layout! Whoopdeedoooooo... er, I'm gonna change it soon! I dun' like it much..

I added some more junk to the misc. page. Literally. And aside from revamping the layout, nothing much has changed here.

Vincent: NEVER mention that word again!
Huh? Oh, you must mean revamp-
Vincent: *sob* Why must everyone insist that I'm a vampire?
Er... okie Vinnie.

Hmm... not much to say here, but YAY ME! My very first webpage has had over 100 hits! And I really wanna thank my pal Mashanna for making that Sephiroth piccie for my Seph shrine (where else would it be?). Go see it now! It's really cool! ^^

10/10/00 (has it been a whole month? YES IT HAS!)
Okie... have I told you recently how much I HATE school?! Maybe not... but I do! Ya, it's just another excuse for me to prolong updating my page, but hey it's TRUE. And the hockey season's started up now, so I'll be even busier! And one more thing you all should know... I uh... HAVE A LIFE! I don't spend all my days in front of my computer. *ahem* Anyhoo, you're not here to hear me ramble on about my life... you want those updates... or DO you?

Well, first off, a BIG, HUMONGOUS, GIGANTUAN (no, it's not a word... more of an inside joke) thank you to Arian. She sent me a a bunch of really amazing fanfics, that are now up in the fanfic section (duh). So YAY Arian! And we made a lil' webring/group sorta thing for all you Laguna lovers out there. The link is on the main page if you want to see it. You know you do! ... and there's a couple new links in the... LINK section... Laguna sites! Yay Laguna! :) Oh ya, did I mention I spiffed up my main page?

One last thing, to make this update longer than it really is: I finished my fic, "Through a Child's Eyes"! GO READ IT! I am so proud, I actually finished it... *sniff* I've even considered a sequel, but it probably won't be finished (or STARTED for that matter) for a while... you know, school gets in the way of these kinda things. And while we're on the topic of school getting in the way of the fun things in life, I thought I should let you all know that my Seifer page is just gonna stay the way it is. A page. I just don't have the time, or patience to make it any bigger than it already is. And do you KNOW how many Seifer pages are already out there?! YIKES, it's scary!

My first week of school is done! It wasn't all that bad, but I'm sure it's gonna get worse... *ahem* Now for the updates. First of all, my friend Mashanna FINALLY put up her webpage (and we're affliates now too), and I think it's pretty funny... looking. It's still under construction (or so she says), so it may look kinda... I dunno how to describe it. Anyhoo, I added a Miscellany section, there's only one rant in there, but more will move there soon... as soon as I write them that is! And I've added another sorta-fic to the fanfic page... uh, I dunno what to say about that one either.
