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Dragonball/Z/GT News

Posted by:Vegetto9/16/02
OK the new dbz episodes did'nt air on Sept. 3rd but they are on today! I can't wait!
Posted by:Vegetto8/21/02
Well i don't know why I didn't post this before but the new episodes are gonna be aired on September 3rd.
Posted by:Vegetto7/27/02
Well guys the results are in the fans of Dbz voted for Goku to be played by Jet Li in the new Dragonball Z Live Action Movie coming to theaters. Currently you can vote for who you want to be Vegeta.
Posted by:Vegetto6/26/02
The heroes from your favorite series are headed to the big screen. 20th Century FOX announced the acquisition of feature film rights to the “DragonBall” property, and is planning for its studio division, FOX 2000, to develop a live action movie based on the property. This is very exciting news for Dragon Ball Z fans. FUNimation Vice President and Producer Daniel Cocanougher had this to say:"FUNimation is very excited to be working with FOX in their production of a live-action Dragon Ball Z Feature Film." FOX plans to place this movie on a fast-track production schedule, and may have a movie released as early as Fall 2003 or Summer 2004. FOX is an excellent movie studio, producing such huge hits as X-Men and Star Wars, among many others. They feel that this project will not end with one movie, but will become a major, multi-picture franchise like Star Wars. Clearly, this is a remarkable upward turning point for the Dragon Ball Z property. It will also be very interesting for all Dragon Ball Z fans to try to predict the names of the stars, the director and producers, and the storyline that will be used. FUNimation plans for its web site,, to be the focal point of information on the production of the movie and all the fan events leading up to it.

Site News

Posted by:Vegetto8/21/02
Ok I've been trying to get as much info as possible to redo some of then pages on my website, alot of the information is wrong. Ive been watching more Dragonball Z Japanese Episodes so hopefully i can bring you some more backed up details on the sagas.
Posted by:Vegetto7/27/02
Well I did it I finally finished reconstructing the website I hope everyone likes my new layout I personally like it a real lot.
Posted by:Vegetto6/26/02
Wow, I was really serious about opening the Rpg back up but I guess I never got back into it, I was fixing everything up that created a problem in the Beta rpg like some of the moves and what you could do. I guess I stopped working on it because it became to confusing, some of the moves were just to hard to figure out how they were gonna be used. I think for now on Im gonna be posting mostly Dragonball/Z/GT news about when certain movies or episodes are gonna be released on Cartoon Network and out to the public. And also ill be making more links if I gather any more useful information about the series.
Posted by:Vegetto3/06/02
Hey everyone long time no see, I did some major fix-ups on the site, many people couldn't access the site so now its fully compatible with all browers. As you can see I as thinking about opening the Rpg back up but I never got to it, I had a couple of people join but I never put them up. Maybe Ill bring it back up and running but chances are slim to none.
Posted by:Vegetto12/20/01
Ok I haven't done much since the 17th becuase I have been trying to figure out how to work the moves this time around...I dont want peeps getting kick ass attackes at the beginning of the game. I probably will probably attach the moves with Super-self Levels.
Posted by:Vegetto12/17/01
Ok everyone I have been working form a couple of days now and I got alot of work done so far, I have a handful of more things to go including: Moves, Abilities, Items, and Jobs. I gotta figure out how some things are gonna work since I changed alotta things around.
Posted by:Vegetto12/14/01
Hey everyone I decided to open the site back up I will be working hard during the next few weeks to fix everything up and get everything running, currently right now Im working on getting the pages fixed and fising all the errors and mistakes that were on the site. For my Rpg I will be changing it dramatically but not to much, so get ready!

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