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My Favourite Actors

Here's my little shrine to the actors who I love and adore. Bear in mind that they're not all ordered in rank. Some of them I just can't choose over each other. ^_^ Pics coming soon.

Liam Neeson -Ranking #1!! I love everything about this guy. His acting, his mannerisms, his looks...he's the bomb. Some of his roles left me absolutely speechless and I always look forward to his new films.

Sean Connery -Another European wonder! Even though he's gotten on up there in years (age), he's still H-O-T-T! I loved his portrayal of Draco in Dragonheart, but I'll always remember his character Juan Sanchez Ramirez from Highlander. ^_^ He's the coolest "Spanish Peacock" I've ever seen!

Christopher Lambert -THE Lord Rayden! What can I say. This guy is a lot like Sean. He's awesome! And he always seems to get the girl in the end...shoot, the beginning sometimes!

Alan Rickman -This guy rocks. He's been in so many films, and his voice has become so familiar. He makes an awesome villain, but he can also make one hillarious angel! (Metatron, from Dogma) And as for Harry Potter, I don't think there could have been a better Professor Snape.

Willem Dafoe -*shudder* Ooooo, this guy can send chills down your spine. (no pun intended from Spider-Man) From vampires, to soldiers, to priests, to insane glider-flying maniacs, this guy puts it all into his performaces...too cool for words.

Brad Dourif - *blush* Oh my...I'm not sure if I can accurately describe how I feel about this wonderful person. He's great. No, more than great. He's...incredible! He plays mostly baddies, but he does it so well! I enjoy watching this genius at work. His acting is almost intoxicating. Not only that, but his voice as well. It's very soft and soothing, yet POWERFUL. I don't watch many R rated movies, but to see Mr.'s worth it! Viva la Grima!

James Woods -Another guy who is too cool for words. Plays an awesome vampire hunter, doctor, scientist, whatever. Also does great voice-acting. He's really dynamic. GO SEE A JAMES WOODS MOVIE! NOW!!

Robin Williams -'Nuff said.