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Things Orphen Characters Would Never Say

Orphen: Cleo, I love you. (BARF!!!)
Majik:  I am Galstaff, Sorceror of Light!
Orphen:  Then how come you had to cast Magic Missle?

Flameheart: Like yeah! (he is blonde, ya know.)

Leki: Gimme another beer!

Stephanie: (singing) I'm just a sweet transvestite from Transsexual Transylvania!

Flameheart: (after being ordered to destroy the Bloody August) I won't do that...because it's wrong.

Bloody August: (singing) Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my rag-time gaaaal!

Dortin: Do I remind you of Melvin from Sailor Moon?

Volcan: You know...I think we really should return the sword. After all, we're all friends, right?

Ly: Screw the Divination Chamber! I'm going to a bar.

Hartia: (as the Black Tiger) I'm am the Assasin of the Night! I live...oh forget it. I'm going home.

Childmaan: (prancing around) I'm too sexy for my robe! Too sexy for my robe!

Azalie: (after being returned to human form) And I would have gotten away with it, too! If it hadn't been for you kids and that stupid dog!

Flameheart: Screw the Tower of Fang! I'm taking over Burger King!

High Council: May the Shorts be with you.

Flameheart: (jumping up and down) No fair! Orphen gets more close-ups than I do!!

Orphen: (holding up the Sword of Baltandars) By the Power of Grayskull!!

Orphen:  (to Stephanie)  You know, you look like a female Harry Potter.
Stephanie:  Shhhh!  Don't blow my cover!

Everyone: (looking at Cleo) KILL THE MUGGLE!! KILL THE MUGGLE!!

Volcan: Ain't I a little angel?

Childmaan:  (to Flameheart)  What IS it with those pink sheets?!
Flameheart:  Aww, drop it!  Mom went shopping that day!

Childmaan: (to Flameheart) Momma's boy! Momma's boy!!

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