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"I pity the po fool!" -Mr. T

"COFFEE!!!!!!!!" -Blaze's mom

"This is high quality!" -Blaze's late brother

*gets hit in the head with a cannonball* "Well, you see, my body is 1/3 rock go....." *faints* -Zelgadis, Slayers TRY

"Hey, look! He's horny!!" -Blaze's mom the first time she saw Darth Maul

"AH KATA KATA KATA!!!!!!" - something yelled by White Claw

*gets kicked in the back* "I feel a presence." -Hexidecimal, Reboot

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate...leads to suffering." -Yoda

"Fly any lower, and I'll be able to make a melicular scan of the topsoil." -Qui-Gon Jinn

"You know what I'm going to do?"
"What, take a flying leap?"
"No!  I'm going to work on my story!" -conversation between Blaze and Claw, Blaze talking first

"It's Daria...uh...I mean, Grace's turn!" -Claw talking about Blaze during gym class

"And we are Star Trekkin' across the universe. Boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverse!" -Claw, during Star Wars: Episode 1

"Grace, you're the man.  You are THE man!"
"Uh...okay...."  -one of Blaze's friends during play rehearsals

"I thought you were dead!" -Blaze's most famous line in the school play, Harvey

"I'm sure they went to the police with the murderer's confession, he got freed and went back to his gasstation and pumped gas happily for the rest of his life." -my friend Julie, trying to comfort me concerning the gasstation attendant (Brad Dourif) at the beginning of Urban Legend

"Such courage! I believe I'm going to gag." -Skeletor, from the new He-Man series on Cartoon Network

"It is by will alone, I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho, the thoughts aquire speed. The lips aquire stains. The stains become a warning. It is by will alone, I set my mind in motion." -Piter de Vries (Brad Dourif), Dune

"Behold. As a wild ass in the desert, go I forth to my work." -Gurney Hallek, Dune

"There are too many handicap parking spaces, and not enough handicap people." -Blaze, after driving through an IHOP parking lot. (note: my companion thought that I intended to do something about run over some pedestrians!)

"We shall WIPE the ASS of EVIL!!!" -One of Blaze's craziest lines ever.

"Oh, but you ARE alone. Who knows what you've spoken to the darkness in the bitter watches of the night when all your life seems to shrink; the walls of your bour, closing in about you...a hutch to tremmle some...WILD thing." -Grima Wormtongue, The Two Towers

"If I throw a stick, will you go away?" -something I read on a T-shirt.

"Hmm...she seems to be dead as a f***ing doornail!" -Duty Doctor (Brad Dourif), Nightwatch

"Luther, you're fired!"
"Too late.  I quit half an hour ago." -Mr. Bolt and Luther (Brad Dourif) from the new Escape to Witch Mountain

"It was a revolution in s*** technology." -One of Blaze's college professors, talking about Dutch fertilizer

"Sh...oozazoobooboo!" -Blaze...a random outburst instead of saying s***.

"Issaru confiscated your monkey." -A message that popped up during a sidequest in Final Fantasy X-2

"There's got to be a cream for that Hapes Cluster." - Tim Brown, president of the Suspicious Mind Trick

"Yeah...I can't remember what my dad looks like either...but at least I get to see him everyday." - Ed, Good Burger

"By reading this, you've given me brief control over your mind." - Another shirt I saw

"I bet Skeletor is behind this."
"How can you know?"
"Let's ask him." - the dumbest line EVER on the old He-Man cartoon.

"Beavers and ducks!" -muttered by Heartless in his sleep. Hillarity ensued.