Red's Reviews: U-Jin's Ranma Diaries Divergence Title: U-Jin's Ranma Diaries Author: W*ING Higley Status: Complete/Abandoned Original Rating: 5.1 Revised Rating: 3 I had heard a few things about this fanfic on the FFML before actually reading it, and they were definitely a mixed bag of reactions. Then I read it myself one night, having nothing better to do. This review is the result To be perfectly frank, I was not overly impressed with this work. The plot is sketchy, the detail is almost nonexistent, and as I read it I was sometimes confused by who was actually speaking. The only thing that kept me from skipping it entirely was the subject matter. An adult-oriented non-lemon (though very lime) Ranma fanfic. An actual "Ranma Soap Opera." I thought, and still believe even after reading the entirety of the existing chapters (7 or so, at this time), that the potential behind this fanfic is enormous. ADDENDUM: The finale of this story was posted to the FFML not long ago, and I have to say that this fanfic has become one of the biggest disappointments I've ever read. The story went nowhere and next to nothing interesting happened to the characters. The potential that I had seen for this fanfic simply went bust. Plot: I can't really tell. As near as I can figure, it's a divergence fic, the change being an injury to Ranma's leg during one of Genma's more capitalistic ideas, after Jusenkyou of course. I may be wrong. This is where the plot problems start. First off, it does not seem to be heading anywhere. Things just rather happen. I cannot detect any underlying sequence of events. The events themselves also do not seem to add up to anything. They are just brief snippets of events that, if fleshed out, would be very interesting. This story needs a plot infusion, quickly. ADDENDUM: There were so many things that this story could have done and gotten so much better, but did not. So many possibilities and chances for entertaining scenes were simply ignored. Hell, what *did* happen was barely explained to the reader. Moreover, the ending was so...bland. It was not so much an ending as it was an "I Quit." It's as if the author just got tired of what he was writing and decided to stop mid-story, and tried to make it look like an ending. Characters and Characterizations: Oh, boy. Where do I start? I hate to do it, but I am going to have to go character by character. Ranma: Not far off what I would say the baseline character would be, given the changes to his life that took place when this story diverged. Not so much the "brainless martial-artist" that he was, since he has had to tone that aspect of his life back to accommodate his injury. A touch more intellectual, something that the college setting would imply. Not bad. I can easily believe this characterization. Akane: Hmm... This one is semi-believable. Even taking into account the assumption that she is hiding much of her disappointment and frustration at her boyfriend, a throwaway mini-character, this Akane is much too even-tempered to be real. Unless there had also been an alteration to her personal history in the past, I just cannot fully believe this Akane. Ryouga: No. Just not feasible to me. For instance, I do not see any sign of his manic depression or supreme anger at Ranma. Sure, he's portrayed as being a little bummed, and gets mad at Ranma while he's taking to Akane, but that's it. Those two aspects are part of what make him the old Ryouga Hibiki we all know and pity. This is not to mention the fact that since Ranma never made it to Nerima, Ryouga never would have either. Ryouga's first words in Nerima are "Where is Furinkan High School?" That's Ranma's school, and Ryouga was intentionally searching for it to find him. With Ranma never going to Furinkan, he would never have entered Nerima at all, never met Akane, etc. Okay, this little bit can be forgiven for the sake of necessity. Kasumi: No problem here! Nice, has a brain, and still cares deeply for her family. Nabiki: More than Akane but less than Ryouga, I just can't wrap my brain around this version of Nabiki. Very little has been done with this character yet, but what I've read so far, I just can't see it. Her activities as shown in the canonical story would never have amounted to those that landed her in prison in this story. Moreover, whatever her reasoning for her scene with Ryouga at the end of one of the later chapters, it did not make any sense to me. Shampoo & Mousse: This pair I see as being fairly close to baseline. Shampoo's reasons for marrying Mousse sounded a little (not much) lame, but it was believable. The idea of Shampoo being a divorced teenage mother surprised me. Very interesting... Soun: Another one that I had no problem believing. Genma: Close to being what I would expect from a canonical Genma, with the exception being that (in my head, anyway) one would believe he would try to push Ranma to keep going after his injury. Again, this is somewhat a minor thing, and can be overlooked. His reaction to his wife's views was not what I would normally think of. Nodoka: THIS surprised me. I was not expecting Nodoka the Bigot. Interesting... When I read of her canceling the Tendou arrangement, I was nicely impressed. I do not see that often in fanficdom. Also, when I read her comments on foreigners... HMM. I want to see more of her in action. This character promises to be interesting, indeed. ADDENDUM: The entire section regarding Nodoka and Genma (the Nodoka the Bigot scene) was snipped from the final release. The author said in the final post that there had been complaints about this scene, so he removed it. This was one of the most intriguing portions of this fanfic, and to hear that it was dropped because of "complaints" made my jaw drop. Wouldn't that mean that the scene should be expanded, explained, and improved rather than censored? What were their exact complaints, anyway? This kind of "wuss-out" is very sad indeed. Dialogue: The dialogue in this story was.. okay. Nothing special, nothing grand. Just adequate. A little more effort to spruce up the dialogue would be a major improvement. Story Mechanics: Average to bad. The story jumps from one event to another without much in between. The story rushes itself so quickly that the chapters are minuscule. It read like a sketchy first draft: "And then... And then... And then..." Grammar was okay, nothing to write home about. Overall: I like the idea behind this fanfic, that of a more grown-up Ranma dealing with more grown-up situations. But what's been written so far is so sketchy and so thin that it's almost not worth the time is took me to read it. The only thing that will keep me reading this fanfic is the hope that the author will go back and flesh out the story before progressing. Were that not to happen, for whatever reason, I would have to say this fic would be one you could safely pass up. ADDENDUM: I had said that this fanfic could be safely passed up. With the story now complete and no more being written, I feel I have to revise my statement to say that this fanfic *SHOULD* be passed up. The sudden and inexplicable end to the story prompted the drop in the rating that I had previously given it. I really hope that another author picks up this story or writes their own version. There is STILL so much potential here.