Red's Reviews: Kasumi ½ Continuation Title: Kasumi ½ Author: Rainman Status: Abandoned Rating: 7.3 To be honest, my first thought when I saw the title of this story is "Oh, good grief... Not another 'so-and-so ½' fic... Aren't there enough of those?" Then one day, having nothing better to do than watch files download, I read it. And was pleasantly surprised. The adult nature of the story is refreshingly irregular. I am used to the majority of Ranma fanfics being somewhat silly, concentrating more upon the fanciful side of the Ranma universe. While K½ could still go that route, and perhaps do it well, it hasn't so far. The subject matter is distinctly grown-up, giving the story up to this point (chapter 5 at this time) a much more serious flavor. This fanfic is one that the more rabid canon-fanatics will be howling for blood after reading. You know the kind I mean, right? The ones who think Akane is perfect, and that any deviation from the canonical story is a death-penalty offense. The idea that Ranma would do this (lucky guy, if you ask me) with anyone other than Akane is blasphemy to them. Plot: The primary plot: Ranma gets Kasumi pregnant. Hmm, VERY interesting. Up to the current chapter, we are shown what happens and how (no bad jokes, thank you!), and the initial revelation to the Tendou family. The story is entertaining, with a definite surprise or two. However, it does have a few minor problems. For instance, we are not given an indication of how long Ranma and Kasumi spent house-sitting alone at her friend's home. Was it just one day (which I doubt, who would cross the Pacific for a day-trip?) or longer? If it was longer, were they able to control themselves during that time, or was the house a- rockin' more than that? ADDENDUM: It was later pointed out to me that this was indeed a two-week trip. Also, this friend of Kasumi's. The one who seems to be some sort of interpersonal-relationship genius. Is it just me, or does the fact that this woman sees everything going on behind the scenes and blurts it out the way she does a little too convenient? Somehow working out a way to make this woman, or at least her observations, a little subtler would be a step up. It would certainly thicken out that section, but that's not necessarily a bad thing if done right. Characters and Characterizations: There were some characterizations here that struck me as odd, in a number of ways. However, not the ones the spring immediately to mind. I was surprised at Genma and Soun. I was not expecting Genma to be so accepting of it, despite the fact that the well being and/or happiness of others has never been of the slightest importance. While I found this characterization surprising, it was well within the realm of belief. I was very surprised when Soun bitch-slapped him into the pond. Soun attacking Ranma?! As outclassed as Soun is, I expected either some much-overblown waterworks or outright catatonia. Yet another nice surprise. Rather than Genma, I had thought it would be Soun who would have been enthusiastic about these circumstances. Ranma is still the clueless dope trying to do the right thing, Kasumi's still Kasumi, Tofu is not involved at this point. This Nabiki, however, leaves me feeling that there is something missing where her character is concerned. I just can't put my finger on it, but that feeling will not go away. In addition, Ryouga seems right on track. I can hear most of you asking "What about Akane?" Well, I'll tell you what I thought: I did not see much of a change from the canonical Akane character. Angry, self-centered, untrusting. It was almost purely Akane. For the most part, the characters were very believable. Dialogue: The dialogue in Kasumi ½ is excellent. It fit the personalities of the speakers, and made clear what they wished to say. I can't really say much more than that. Story Mechanics: The chapters were a little short, but not devastatingly so. They'll get by. The biggest problem this fanfic had, in my opinion, was the dream / flashback / present switches. At times it was very difficult to tell which time period the author was speaking in. More than once I was thrown off the story after the narrative changed from the present time to one of the characters' flashbacks. The same thing happened regarding the dream and daydream segments. Overall: I liked Kasumi ½, despite its unfortunate title. The "character gets knocked up" device has been used before, but rarely as the opening plot line in a Ranma fanfic. The writing is good and the idea is definitely interesting. I am looking forward to future chapters. If I were asked if I would recommend Kasumi ½, I'd say I would. It is certainly worth reading.