Ranma 1/2: The Challenge --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * To: ffml@fanfic.com * Subject: [FFML] [Ranma][oneshot][xover} Ranma 1/2: The Challenge * From: Jack Staik * Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 22:41:30 -0700 * Reply-To: jstaik1043@earthlink.net * Sender: ffml-bounce@fanfic.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ranma and Akane squabbled like children over lunch; Soun commiserated over them never getting married; Nabiki figured out the dojo finances (and how many pictures of Onna-Ranma topless she'd have to sell to cover it); Genma stole his son's food; and Kasumi grinned like an idiot. An average day in the Tendo home. Kasumi's head came up. "Oh my," she sighed. "Not again." The wall of the dining room collapsed with a crash. A *HUGE* gaijin strode in, his humongous broadsword glinting in an evil manner. "I am Logos!!" he boomed. "Kasumi Tendo, I challenge you!" "Just a moment." she said. "Excuse me." She left the room and came back wearing a leotard (Soun smacked Genma for staring) and holding a katana. "This shouldn't take a moment." Ranma was curious. "What's going on?" he asked. "Nothing major." Nabiki said. "This happens every few months." The sounds of clashing swords came from out back. "I didn't know that Kasumi knew how to fight." he commented. "She doesn't advertise." Akane replied. "How long has this been going on? People challenging Kasumi?" Nabiki looked thoughtful. "Oh, a long time. Right, Daddy?" Soun nodded. "I remember people challenging Kasumi when I was a small child. And my grandmother remembered Kasumi fighting challengers when *she* was a young girl." "Huh?" Ranma said, curiously. "I thought Kasumi was your daughter." "Oh, we just tell people that." Soun remarked. "Easier than the truth. My grandfather used to say the same thing." >From out back came Kasumi's voice shouting "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!" Then lightning flashed and winds howled, blowing dust around the backyard. Electricity arced, thunder boomed. "Kasumi's done." Nabiki commented as the commotion died down. Kasumi came in, several cuts in her leotard. "Daddy, can you handle the mess? I've got dinner to prepare." Soun sighed. "Ranma-kun, Genma-san, can you help me with the corpse?" "C-c-corpse?!?" Ranma stammered. "What the heck is this?" Kasumi sighed. "Well, Ranma-kun, it's very complicated. But if you'll help me in the kitchen, I'll tell you about the Great game,and the Legend of the gathering, and why there can be only one..." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Prev by Date: Re: [FFML][IDEA] Red Dwarf 1/2 * Next by Date: [FFML] [Ranma][Fanfic] Nerima Home Companion - Haha Ukyou * Prev by thread: Re: [FFML][RANMA][slayers][XOVER] Old Soul 1/2 - Prologue * Next by thread: Re: [FFML] [Ranma][oneshot][xover} Ranma 1/2: The Challenge * Index(es): o Date o Thread