DISCLAIMER: All Ranma 1/2 characters and places and things are the sole creations of Rumiko Takahashi-san; and I am obviously not her because I'm a redheaded Valkyrie from the Mid-West. ---------------- Ranma 1/2 - The Diary by Lady Tesser ---------------- Dear Diary-Mother, I didn't mean to fall in the cursed spring. It just happened, after tagging along with Ranma and the rest of them. How was I to know it would give my life ... peace? It was a beautiful day. I had awaken to a gorgeous Spring morning. The cool breezes from the mountains rolled over the area of Jusenkyo, and I decided to go for a walk. It was before breakfast, so I knew everyone was still asleep. I sat on a large rock, admiring the rising sun sparkling on the springs. The warm gold glitter of the waters dancing in the breeze was quite beautiful. "Excuse me, madam?" I turned to see a little Chinese girl. Well, she wasn't little, but she was young. "Yes?" "Hi, my name is Plum. My daddy is the Jusenkyo Guide, but I can show you around myself. The Springs are quite beautiful." "They are, very much." I slipped off the rock and followed the girl, mindful of keeping my feet to the paths. Plum walked confidently around the springs, explaining to me the history of each spring and its particular curse. "And this spring," Plum pointed down near her feet. "Is the most beautiful of them all. Look carefully into the water, you'll see that it is a lavender color, and the water always remains as smooth as glass." I knelt down, careful to remain on the grass around it. I inhaled, and noticed the spring smelt of cherry blossoms. It was a sweet, almost hypnotic scent. I slitted my eyes to see my reflection in the lavender water and breathe in the sweet blossom scent. "Look out!" the roar from the other side of the Jusenkyo snapped me out of my thoughts, and I lost my balance, falling head first into the water. I immediately lept up, a look of horror on Plum's face. "Oh, no!" she cried. "You fell in Spring of Drowned Seer! About seventeen hundred years ago, a seer haad drowned in that spring. She always wore the scent of cherry blossoms and liked the color of lavender. Very tragic story she had." I closed my eyes, and saw everything play out: everything that will happen to the families, to the people of Nerima. Some things were horrifying, some were a little funny, some were outright unbelievable. . . Ryoga is P-chan!!!! Akane will be upset if she ever finds out. I managed to crawl out, and find a warm kettle of water to drench myself. It was odd, seeing everything that will come to pass. But I felt a sense of calmness. I knew everything, no matter how dire, was going to end up all right. There may be pain and horror, but everything was going to end up right. I told no one that I was cursed. Every bath I took, starting with the cold scrub and rinse and ended when I entered the furo, was a time to sort out what was going to happen. I was always prepared to handle these things when they came about. I don't think I'll ever tell anyone. I'll retain what I know to myself, and let the world play itself out. You always told me that things happen, no matter how we try to alter them, they always happen somehow. And I know everything will turn out just fine. I have to go. Time to cook dinner for everyone. Yours, Kasumi -End-