I found this in my files, and since I've been working so much lately, I haven't had a chance to write anything new. So, just to keep the C&C coming in .... -------------------- Sailor Moon Redux by Jack Staik, Bookkeeper-At-Arms -------------------- FOREWORD: The basic concept came from Gregg Sharp; namely, Sailor Moon without the offensive sentai crap. This is my own idea in that direction. What this author knows about Sailor Moon comes from three tapes watched several years ago and assorted fanfics; my knowledge is insufficient to take it much further. So no writing asking for sequels or prequels. If anyone wants to take the concept and run with it, you have my blessing. * * * * * * * * * * Artemis heard the girls talk excitedly among themselves in the next room. The dreams of a thousand cold years were coming to fruition; the Inner Senshi were reunited, the Dark Kingdom could be destroyed, and, in the distant future, shining Crystal Tokyo, the true successor to the Moon Kingdom, could reign over a happy and peaceful human race. But everything was so *wrong*!! "Spill it, Luna," Artemis said harshly. "What happened?" "I'm not really sure," the black cat said guiltily. "I have only a theory that I worked out by using the Mercury Computer. It seems to fit the observed facts -" "Dammit, Luna!" the white tomcat hissed. "Stop the double- talk! Where are the Sailor Senshi?" "Those *are* the Sailor Senshi!" Artemis went to the door and peeked out. The blonde - Usagi, they said her name was - looked decidedly unfeminine in a muscle-shirt and camouflage pants. Looking at her face-on, you might mistake her for a boy unless you noticed her small breasts. Or she turned and you saw the single long braided ponytail reaching clear to her ankles. The blue-haired girl with the blue eyepiece of the Mercury Computer - Ami, he recalled - had a cheerful expression, with oddly deep and wise eyes. The denim jacket and jeans and plain white t-shirt didn't diminish her femininity in the least. The black-haired girl called Rei wore a Shinto temple- maiden's garb. She had an intense air about her, as if everything were serious. She hovered a few centimeters above the floor in lotus position; no one seemed to notice. The girl with the ponytail who he learned was named Makoto seemed full of energy. Her leotard in green and silver at least seemed close to the appropriate colors. She briefly vanished, only to reappear a second later, soft drinks in hand for all assembled. Only his own protege, Sailor Venus, *looked* like a Senshi, or had the abilities that senshi were supposed to have. "Then where are their uniforms? Their special attacks? During that battle with the Dark Kingdom Generals, they used attacks I never heard of! And displayed abilities no Sailor Senshi ever possessed!" Luna sighed. "As I said, I only have a theory." Artemis nodded. "Well, maybe it'll help." Luna began; "When Usagi Tsunkino was a child, her parents were killed in an accident. She went to live with the Kumon family, relatives of her mother. They were poor martial artists, barely able to maintain their family dojo. "About a year later, Kumon-sensei acquired the secret of the Yamasenken, a powerful and exotic martial art. So powerful, in fact, that he accidentally destroyed his own dojo, dying in the process. "The sole survivor of the Kumon family, Ryu, taught Usagi the Yamasenken as well as his own family's Art, and they set out on a quest for the creator of the Yamasenken. A quest Usagi is still on." Artemis nodded. "Go on." "The Yamasenken techniques involve some immensely powerful maneuvers - and advanced techniques of ki manipulation are part of its fundamentals." "Ki manipulation?" Artemis asked. "But even the basic techniques take years to master. An advanced form can't be mastered at her age." Luna snorted. "That's what I believed, too. But the techniques of the Yamasenken are apparently unique, and Usagi began as a child." "So what does that have to do with the dearth of Sailor Senshi among our ranks?" "I believe - and the Mercury Computer agrees that it's a possibility," Luna answered, "that when I gave Usagi the Moon Locket and tried to transform her into Sailor Moon, her trained and focused ki resisted the change and somehow destroyed the power template for Sailor Moon. "When the power entered her, it had no template to shape it, so it simply reshaped itself to her previously existing abilities. "Techniques that she knew before as theory became actual. Her strength and speed increased. Her senses became more acute." "But what about the rest?" Artemis demanded. "Were they all trained in exotic martial arts?" "No - but I believe that Usagi may very well be the Moon Princess. If so, her template would have been the central one, the one all the others would be based on. Any changes in that template would affect them all. Her power-up may have destroyed all the templates for the Sailor Senshi. Only your Sailor Venus seems unaffected, and that may be because she was awakened first." "So when they used the henshin sticks -" "They were flooded with magic power. This power was without a template to shape it, so it simply shaped itself according to the inclinations of the host." "Hmmm ... " Artemis thought hard. The situation might yet be saved. "What abilities are we talking about here?" "Usagi's abilities are an amplification of her martial arts style," Luna explained. "Before her power-up, she had been training much of her life. And she had become good - the day before I gave her the Moon Locket, I saw her defeat six armed men with her bare hands." Artemis whistled appreciatively. "And those energy crescents she was throwing -" "It's called the Kijin Raishu Dan - the Demon God Assault Bomb. An advanced maneuver of the Yamasenken, one which Usagi had failed to master before receiving the Moon Power. Her foster brother Ryu has completely mastered that technique." Artemis looked apprehensive. That such power could exist apart from magic - a power *anyone* could learn - made him nervous. "And with the Moon Power, she's fully mastered the Yamasenken?" "And other forms as well," Luna confirmed. "Without the Moon Power, she is still a formidable warrior. With it, she's all but invincible." "And the others?" Luna continued. "The girl Ami - with the Mercury Power - was a very intelligent girl before her power-up, but isolated. Her need to expand her intellect and desire to be less isolated enhanced her genius and changed her into a telepath." "'Telepath'?" "A telepath," Luna confirmed. "Of at least seventh order, by the Silver Millenium-era rankings. She's destroyed more than one youma by simple psychic blasts." "A telepath and genius, with the scanners and databases of the Mercury Computer," Artemis said quietly, his mind seeing the potentials. Luna nodded. "Already, she's the de facto leader of the group. Her tactical and strategic abilities are quite formidable." "The rest - the rest," he said impatiently. "Calm yourself!" Luna admonished. "Sorry," Artemis said. "Rei received the Mars Power," Luna continued. "Before her power-up, she served in her grandfather's temple, and had developed her spiritual gifts to a high level. With the Mars Power, those gifts have been magnified enormously. "Without the Mars Power, she could do things like ward spirits and even see the future to an extent. With the power, she can penetrate most disguises and psychic camouflage, sense exact locations of specific individuals from great distances, astrally project, and even create solid objects from spiritual force. Her Spirit Javelins are rather effective against Youma." Artemis was impressed so far. This group seemed formidable even before their power-ups. "And the other one - Makoto, was it? The one with the Jupiter Power?" "She was a street brawler," Luna answered. "She had some martial arts training, but nothing on Usagi's level." "So what did the Jupiter Power do to her? I noticed she was - fast." He saw her run to the kitchen and back so fast she might as well have teleported. "An understatement," Luna confirmed. "The Jupiter Power took her desire to be tough enough not to be hurt, and her desire to run away from problems, and made those traits tangible. She's little slower than a bolt of lightning. Few human eyes can follow her. And she's all but indestructible; cars have destroyed themselves running into her, and bullets bounce off." Artemis whistled in awe. "It sounds like these girls might be tougher than the Sailor Senshi we were supposed to train!" "They have fewer restrictions on their abilities," Luna commented. Artemis sat deep in thought. "Now how can we turn them into proper Sailor Senshi?" he said. "I don't believe that would be wise." "It's necessary!" Artemis argued. "The Sailor Senshi weren't just a military force; they were a political and propaganda tool. They allowed the concepts of unity and cultural conformity to be sold to the masses in a pleasing shape. A sentai that dressed alike, had complimentary abilities, and followed the lead of the Moon Princess aided us in creating a single unified culture over an entire solar system that followed the lead of the Moon Kingdom. If we're to recreate the Moon Kingdom, we need that tool!" "And how are you going to get that tool?" Luna asked. "We have Sailor Venus," Artemis said. "We can use her template to restore the Sailor Senshi to their proper state." "And if they don't agree?" Luna asked. "We won't tell them. Besides, I know a few tricks with that Mercury Computer; it can affect neural patterns with the right reconfiguration. We can use it to edit their memories. They'll think it's their own idea." The powerful mind of Ami Mizuro settled over Artemis' consciousness. He sat immobilized. "But it's for a greater good!" he whined. "But Evil would be banished!" "You can't allow the Dark Kingdom to triumph!" Artemis felt something strange, like tiny pinpricks in his mind. "What's happening?!?" * * * * * * * * * * Artemis and Luna trotted out of the other room and went to their respective humans, Minako and Usagi. "Say, Artemis," Minako said. "I was wondering - how come the rest of the girls didn't get fuku's and magic phrases like I did?" "The Powers shape themselves to your desires and personas," Artemis explained. "What did you want to be before becoming Sailor V?" "I wanted to be an idol!" Minako said dreamily. "With a fan club and movie deals and maybe even my own manga and TV show!" "And now you're practically a stereotype of a magical girl," Artemis said wisely. "And magical girls have fan clubs and movies and manga and TV shows!" Makoto said helpfully. Sailor V nodded understandingly. "Oh, I get it!" Luna hoped no one saw her shudder. Artemis wasn't even aware of what Ami did to him! Ami smiled briefly. Everything seemed to be going well; there was no need to let the rest know about what she had discovered about the source of their powers, or the goals of the moon-cats. After all, what they don't know won't hurt them.