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Dead End : Divergence

Divergence Title: A.A. Meeting
Author: Ukyou Kuonji
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: This came about after reading perhaps one too many deranged-Kodachi stories, as a sort of antidote to that perception of what I consider to be the most misunderstood of the Ranmaverse characters. Of course, this is an "elseworlds" approach -- the real Kodachi might never admit she has a problem.

Divergence Title: A Wish Come True
Author: "Brian"
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Akane gets hold of a ring that will grant her one wish.

Divergence Title: Aa! Ranma Muyo : Fate and Destiny
Author: Long Ngo
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: The crossover that will combine all three series into one.

Divergence Title: All Mixed Up
Author: The DragonBard
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: And contiuing our stories by the Dragonbard we have a tale that he began to relive a little frustation. Following the classic example set by Eyrie Productions he a bunch of the possibilities from "The Bet", dumped them in a blender and set it on high. Here is All Mixed Up.

Divergence Title: All Over Again
Author: Andy Searles
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: The main series I've been writing in is called "All Over Again". It is mainly called that since the series begins diverging from the Ranma ½ animated series at the first episode.

Divergence Title: Alternate Landings
Author: Shadow Dancer
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: This is a weird story where I take a couple ideas from out there, and mash them together. Ranma fell in a hot-spring of drowned young girl, and did some really stupid things after. This one is currently still being written, albeit very slowly. Let me try that again...INFINITELY slowly.

Divergence Title: Anime Night Live
Author: "Scrivener"
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Imagine what happens when Saturday Night Live meets the Muppet Show meets a whole slew of anime series? You get Anime Night Live! Madness and chaos all around, and we haven't even reached the first act yet.

Divergence Title: Blonde 1/2
Author: Ace
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: This is a alternate reality / parody fic. I've read a lot of fics which describe Ranma-chan as really beautiful. Let's see what happens when it's done to the max! And why does Ranma's hair turn red anyways? Why couldn't he have been a BLONDE?

Divergence Title: Careful What You Wish For
Author: Richard Beaubien
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: RD's Note: Ranma, born a girl, deals with her life as it comes.

Divergence Title: Cat's Eye
Author: Lord Archive
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: A change occured long ago to the Ranma continuity. One that has sent ripples of change through most of the Ranma 1/2 characters.

Divergence Title: Catscratch Fever
Author: The Olsens
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Also being contiued by the Olsens is Catscratch Fever. A tale that ponders the question - what would Ranma be like if he had gotten the proper psychological care needed when he first learned the Neko-ken.

Divergence Title: Chris Nibun-no-ichi
Author: Chris Davies
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Anyway, what Chris Davies has done with his first story based on my life was a lot like that, but different. Chris doesn't get dumped from his dimension to mine, picking up amazing powers along the way ... he basically gets lost and hitches up with me and Pop in China, just as we get to ... you guessed it. And then he picks up his cursed form. So, imagine a guy with the same problem that I've got, without any martial arts at all ... and you've got Chris. He wants to help me out, but as often as not he's completely bewhildered by everything that's goin' on.

Divergence Title: The Contrary Jewel
Author: Jefferey "OneShot" Wong
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: My own version of a follow-up to the 'Desperately seeking Shampoo' OAV. What will happen if Mousse ends up putting the contrary jewel on? Will he act like he always did and love her, or will he act cold and uncaring? Where does Ranma and Akane fit into this?

Divergence Title: Cousins
Author: The DragonBard
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: The next tale from the Dragonbard is one that isn't based of the Bet. Here is a tale of what happens when you don't keep track of your Cousins. One fine day in Nerima Cologne recevied a visit from an amazon she had not seen in years, Losange, Shampoo's cousin. In the course of the conversation that followed Losange was shocked to here about the horrors Shampoo's prosepective husband has undergone. But she didn't think much of it until she heard the fiancee's name. Then she freaked. After all until then no one knew that the amazon Losange was the Japanese woman Nodoka Saotome.

Divergence Title: Crippled
Author: Dale Ratner
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: RD's Note: A second alternate divergence for the "Crippled" storyline.

Divergence Title: Cut Wood, Carry Water
Author: Bob Barnes
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Bob Barnes' new series. It carries on in the continuity established by The Masks We Must Wear.

Divergence Title: Falling for an Angel
Author: Kahlil Noriega
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: The Second War of Heaven...

Divergence Title: God-Like
Author: DarkCitadel
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Ranma 1\2 readers out there like Ranma so much because he can go no where but up. Ranma has the potential to become a truly great marital artist. Right! or even maybe more. This is one of those series. What if Genma wasn't his true father, it would explain a lot. And his Real one found out how messed up his life was one day and did some thing about it. What if Ranma’s father was a God?

Divergence Title: It Wasn't a Dream
Author: Lord Archive
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Akane being really confused about Ranma's first day at the Tendo home ends up doing something she quickly comes to regret.

Divergence Title: Knights of Moonlight & Dreams
Author: The DragonBard
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: And here we have a mixing of Sailor Moon and Ranma 1/2. A long time ago eight warriors served the Moon kingdom as protectors. But in the final battle with Beryl their immense powers were not enough. When Queen Serenity sent everyone else to the future she sent them as well, but until now they have slept. I wonder what will happen when the Knights of Moonlight and Dreams awaken.

Divergence Title: Mother's Gift
Author: The DragonBard
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Everyone knows the Mrs. Tendo died when the girls were very young. But what if she didn't really die. What if the truth of the situation is she was summoned home and had to leave her children behind. Here is a tale by the Dragon bard that explores that possibility. Read on and see what happens when the Tendo girls receive their Mother's Gift.

Divergence Title: Mother's Son
Author: "Sachs"
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Ranma is his mother's son... more so here.

Divergence Title: Natsumi, the Magical Girl
Author: Richard Beaubien
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Magical girl mayhem invades Ranma 1/2 in my homage to Sailor Ranma, Sailor Moon and other Magical Girl shows. The BFC comes to town looking for a few good martial artists to join their company and help them take over the world. Of course you know who they'll probably want....But their plans are stopped by the most unlikely of hero's, Kasumi the newest magical girl. Can Kasumi save Ranma and company from the BFC, and can anyone save Kasumi from Nabiki's mass marketing scheme's? Five epsiodes written so far with more to come....

Divergence Title: Neon Ranma Genesis
Author: Albert Liu
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: This fic is a sort of sequel to my Ranma fanfic 'Second chances' (which I have yet to finish sorry), it is not necessary to read my 'Second chance' fic to understand what's going on in this fic though.

Divergence Title: New Beginning
Author: Long Ngo
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: One in a long string of stories which gives Ranma a Second Chance.

Divergence Title: No Need For Ranma
Author: Henry J. Cobb
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Genma loses a son, gains a daughter, trades her in for a son, comes out about even, right?

Divergence Title: Of Honour Won and Time Lost
Author: P-R-P-Chan
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: (none)

Divergence Title: One Hundred Percent Woman
Author: Mark Doherty
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: A relatively simple alternate universe idea: what if Ukyou caught up to Ranma before Nerima?

Divergence Title: Onnaphobia
Author: Henry J. Cobb
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: "Yes, my son can only overcome his fear of girls by becoming one."

Divergence Title: Ranma's Curse
Author: Bryan Neef
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Ranma is locked into his female form by Cologne... permanently. How does he deal with it? How do the others, for that matter? Read on to find out.

Divergence Title: Ranma's Second Chance
Author: Albert Liu
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: RD's Note: Ranma meets the originator for the Spring of Drowned Girl...

Divergence Title: Redo
Author: DarkCitadel
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: A chance, a last chance to make everthing right again. A chance to bring back the ones he loves and make everything right. A wish not quite thought out. Ranma wishes for a chance to Redo everything and he gets to... literally. Will Ranma be able to fix the mistakes that he and his father have made over the course of his life. Or will Ranma just make his life more complicated making bigger mistakes than before.

Divergence Title: Twins (was When There Were Two)
Author: Long Ngo
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: Sorry sir, you fall in spring of drown twins. Twice the Ranma and double the fun.

Divergence Title: Untitled
Author: Jen
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: This fic was actually started way before Silicon Madness and is the tale of Ranma getting on with life after Akane. In the story, he is attending college in California, meets a girl named Shayla and Akane is engaged to Shinnosuke back in Nerima. It is still unfinished and up to chapter 10 and I don't know how long it's going to go. Again, prereaders are a big help, so feel free to contact me if you're prepared to read the musings of a madwoman! :)

Divergence Title: Wasting Away
Author: Ukyou Kuonji
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: It should be pretty clear to all that part of Akane's jealousy toward Ranma stems from a poor self-image... a lot of which Ranma himself brought down upon her. The first Shampoo continuity shows him at his cruellest -- what if Akane had taken his insults to heart? (RD's Note: Someone *PLEASE* take this up..)

Divergence Title: Worse
Author: Scott "SKJAM!" Jamison
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: RD's Note: The sequel to Sequence.

Divergence Title: Young at Heart
Author: Long Ngo
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: (None)

Divergence Title: The Youngest Tendou
Author: Bloodblade
Status: Abandoned
Synopsis: I normally give a short blurb of what the story is about, but I'd hate to ruin the surprise, so you'll just have to read it to see what happens. ^_^

Altaverse | Continuation | Divergence |  Fusion 

A - C / D - F / G - J / K - M Divergence Alley N - P / Q - S / T - V / W - Z
A - C / D - F / G - J / K - M Continuation Road N - P / Q - S / T - V / W - Z
A - C / D - F / G - J / K - M One-Shot Way N - P / Q - S / T - V / W - Z
A - M Altaverse Drive N - Z
Fusion Lane
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