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Ranma 1/2 Superhighway

Oneshot Way : W

Oneshot Title: War of the Ranmas
Author: Jack Staik
Synopsis: Ranma's out to do himself in, but not in the way you think.
RD's Two Bits: Read more of Jack Staik & Lady Tesser's fanfics on their Feature Page!

Oneshot Title: What Cost Love?
Author: Jack Staik
Synopsis: How much will the future cost us?
RD's Two Bits: Read more of Jack Staik & Lady Tesser's fanfics on their Feature Page!

Oneshot Title: With Or Without You
Author: Demon Saya
Synopsis: Ryoga gets the guts to finally nerve to propose to Akane and she...accepts?! Ranma realizes she is lost to him and is ready to do anything to get her back...even confess his true feelings...but it may be too late...even for them...  (Warning, Ryoga is REALLY OOC in this fic.  You have been warned.  Ryoga is put into the 'villain' place...I'm sorry to all you people who love Ryoga, I do too, but it's the only way the story would work...gomen  ^.^;;;  Don't kill me too much)

Oneshot Title: A Work of Art
Author: Demon Saya
Synopsis: Mnnn...Ranma is doing something in his room and Akane doesn't know what.  The next day, a rather revealing charcoal sketch of Akane has won first prize in a school art contest...?  It's anonymous?  Who's the mysterious artist and why is RANMA buying pictures from Nabiki?!

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