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If you know of any fics that resemble these ideas or plots let me know, I'd really love to read them.
I've gotten these ideas stuck in my head at one time or another, and really hope to see them in some fanfic somewhere.

June 4, 2002: This page is no longer being maintained.
Plots & Ideas

General ideas (Can be implemented anywhere within or after the Ranma story):

  • (Cont.) Something happens or is discovered that would make marriage to Ranma pointless for one or possibly all of the girls.
  • (Any) Ranma just plain doesn't like his mother. It's not THAT unreasonable.
  • (Div or Cont.) Ranma is more abusive towards Genma.
  • (Any) Genma or Nodoka are stripped of their name and cast out of the family.
  • (Any) Offhand comments. An offhand comment to the right person at the right moment can seriously alter the course of events...
  • (Div.) Ranma gets colder and colder towards the Tendous and/or Shampoo.
  • (Div. or Cont.) Ranma terminates his father training him.
  • (Div.) Ranma takes a vow of celibacy.
  • (Div. or Cont.) Either in a calculated manuever, or purely out of unthinking anger, Ranma gives Shampoo and/or Cologne the Kiss of Death.
  • (Alt.) Ranma has the same temper as Akane, but not the same penchant for overwhelming violence.
  • (Cont.) Ranma starts laying blame for his problems on those who actually deserve it.
  • (Cont.) Kasumi has her own ideas about how Ranma's marital mess should be resolved... And it doesn't involve any member of the Tendou family.
  • (Cont.) Any kind of out-of-the-ordinary Genma-Gets-His story. Seppuku is getting boring.
  • (Cont.) Any fic where Ranma openly and *majorly* defies his mother. I get a kick outta that kind of scene.
  • (Div. or Cont.) Astonishingly, GENMA cancels the Tendou-Saotome agreement after he sees Akane use near-lethal force in bashing Ranma around. A serious amount of blood is spilled, and at that (to me at least) even *Genma* would lose it.
  • (Div. or Cont.) Nodoka fulfill's the Tendou-Saotome agreement herself... by adopting a Tendou!
  • (Cont. or Div.) Ranma tells Soun in no uncertain terms that the only way to have the two families joined is if Soun adopts him as his son.
  • (Any) Any fic in which Ranma does his damndest to NOT marry Akane.
  • (Cont.) Ranma / Shampoo matchups within the normal Ranmaverse, where Ranma picks her over the others at some point.
  • (Div.) Ranma gets out of the Tendou agreement.
  • (Any) Ranma / TNC (Totally New Character) matchups.
  • (Cont.) Some aspect of the Ranma gang's future (or someone from it) appears in present day life.
  • (Any) Nodoka insists upon changes in Ranma's life, be it involving his fiancees for some reason or him personally. I *don't* mean seppuku.
  • (Any) Ranma / Kasumi matchups. Hey, what can I say?  I'm a big softie when it comes to Kasumi.
  • (Cont) A Ranma with more experience is placed in the regular Ranmaverse.
  • (Alt.) Ranma has nothing against hitting girls.
  • (Alt.) Either Ranma or Akane is immediately attracted to the other, while said other doesn't (and won't) feel the same.
  • (Alt.) Ranma dislikes martial artist women.
  • (Alt.) Ranma the manic-depressive. I don't mean the Ranma-kills-him/herself oneshots. A divergence or a full alterverse with the pig-tailed warrior suffering from this condition.

  • From the beginning of the Ranma story (or close enough to it as to make no difference):

  • (Alt.) Ranma is emotionally cold, or at the very least unpleasant.
  • (Div.) When Soun tells his daughters about their new possible fiancee, instead of listening and arguing they more or less roll their eyes and walk out on him.
  • (Alt.) During his younger years, perhaps when Genma stopped somewhere for a significant period of time during thet training journey, Ranma got accustomed to girls. Not lemony, mind you. He's comfortable with them insomuch as he *knows* what he likes in a woman/girl... And the Tendou's just don't fit the bill.
  • (Alt.) A more intelligent Ranma knows how to manipulate "honor" as best he can to get what he want, or at least something close to it. Imagine him spouting the same kind of gobbledygook Genma does.
  • (Div.) Akane attacks Ranma & Genma when they arrive for the first time in order to convince them to leave.
  • (Div.) Ranma discovers he is the head of the Saotome family, and that anything he says regarding that family is as good as law.
  • (Div.) When Soun gets Genma's postcard, he has a Tendou relative in the Department of Public Records (or whatever they call it in Japan) alter Ranma & Akane's personal records to that of a married couple.

  • From within the Ranma story (prior to Shampoo's arrival):

  • (Div.) Early in the Ranma story, Ranma and Akane agree to avoid and ignore one another.

  • From within the Ranma story (prior to Cologne's arrival):

  • (Div.) Soun sees just how horrendous and miserable the situation is making his precious baby girl Akane, and calls it all off. (He's gotta have some sense of compassion, when he opens his eyes, at least)
  • (Div. or Cont.) Ranma & Akane become bitter enemies.

  • From within the Ranma story (after Ukyou's arrival):

  • (Div.) Ranma sticks with, and acts upon, his original belief that Ukyou is Genma's illegitimate son. Ranma originally thought this in canon, but learned otherwise later. What if when he normally would learn that the "illegitimate son" angle isn't accurate, he's so convinced that it's true that he just can't believe otherwise?
  • (Div. or Cont.) Ranma says the Ukyou would make the perfect sister. And he voices an offhand wish to the same effect. This comment is overheard by Skuld, who's just entering the Ucchan to grant Ranma a wish...

  • From after the end of vol. 38:

  • (Cont.) Ranma does marry Akane... and they decide to close down the dojo.
  • (Cont.) Ranma gets angry at something and blows up at one of his fiancees, saying something he later wished he hadn't. I know it's been done but I like the premise.
  • (Div. or Cont.) Ranma agrees to marry Akane, but afterwards they all discover Ranma has some peculiar notions about marriage. He believes that it's supposed to be the way *Genma's* marriage is: Spend as little time as possible with your spouse, no *cough* intimacy, evade responsibility, etc. Regardless of everyone's insistence to the contrary, his ideas are firmly implanted. (Picture Ranma refusing the wedding night & honeymoon, consistently sleeping in the dojo, generally being gone most of the day and doing as little as possible)
  • (Cont.) Post-marriage Ranma & Akane where either one or both of them is *miserable.*
  • (Any) Any fic in which Ranma gets out of his marriage/carry-on-the-school obligations without marrying a Tendou or dying. Especially fics in which he decides never to marry. They're out there, I've read a few... But I can't remember the titles.
  • (Any) Ranma calls it quits from the whole damn mess.
  • (Cont.) Ranma gradually comes to dislike his mother and her ideas.
  • (Cont.) Nodoka decides (for whatever reason) to help Ranma resolve his personal mess in whatever way he chooses, regardless of whether or not what he wants coincides with what the others want.

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