Fanfic Central: Suya-chan's
this is going to be sort of a "control room" for accessing fanfics. If
you have a fanfic you've written that you'd like me to post, please e-mail
me at serena1a@hotmail.com. At the moment, all I've got is stuff that I'm
kinda working on writing. My friends have asked that I type it up before
they'll read it, so I figured, what the heck, I'm gonna type it to post
it anyhow, so why not just post it unfinished and then keep working on
it. So here goes. I don't have a title for it right now, I thought of one
the other day, but I can't remember what it was. Any ideas for a good title?
E-mail me!
Fanfic Listings:
Natsuya Manetsuyo
By Suya-chan
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