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Chapter2:Hidden Powers

Cillia screamed but stood her ground. She tried to will some part of her to life. Some part that could fend it off. and amazingly, something answered her call, like a dragon uncoiling from a long sleep.

Trunks and Goten both raced toward her, even though they knew it would be too late. Trunks suddenly felt a ki flare into life just before the blast hit her.

Cillia felt the dragon flare out of her chcest and rear up to protect her just as the blast hit. As the energy swirled around her, it felt like slipping into a warm bath or jacuze tub. Suddenly there was someone in front of her.

Trunks watched, amazed, as the blast swerved to the sides of her, not even touching her. However, Goten was not paralyzed by indecsion and landed in front of her and deflected the rest of it. Goten turned around as Trunks landed beside him. They stared. She stared. They have perfect bodies thought Cillia. Trunks and Goten began to mentally druel. She's beautiful. they thought in unison.They stood staring for a few more seconds when Cillia decided to break the silence.
"Th-thank-you for rescuing me."
" No thanks necessary. We wouldn't have had to rescue you if we had been more careful,"Goten said.
"My name is Cillia."
"I'm Goten and this oaf here is-"
"You're Goten?!"gasped Cillia.
"Uh, yeah."
"The second son of Goku , the person who made the finals for the old Martial Arts Tournament when he was only four years old?" Goten put his hand behind his head and laughed,"Yeah, that would be me! And as I was saying, this oaf is Trunks."
Cillia snapped her head around to face the tall, puple-haired young man. "YOU'RE Trunks?" she gasped.
"uh-huh."said Trunks with a vacous expression on his face.
"I've been wanting to meet you for a long time. I've heard so much about you."
Trunks straightened,"From who?" She giggled,"Your mother. By the way," she gasped I can't believe I forgot my father! "do you know where Dr. Briefs is?"
"Oh yeah. He's working on a new way to travel faster than light."
"Great!" she replied, and set off at a run for the Capsule Corp. building that she knew contained experimentory equipment.

SLAM! "Hi Bulma!, Hello Dr.Briefs!"
"Father, you are going home for your own health," said Cillia angrily as she stalked across the room.
"Oh, hello dear," said Dr.Fen rather calmly, not bothering to look up at his daughter.
Bulma giggled. "You won't get him to budge, you may as well spend the night here. Hello Trunks, Goten."
" Oh no, I wouldn't impose!" said Cillia.
" fffffft! what imposing! You can have the room next to me and Vegeta's."
Cillia fidgeted nervously. She had tried to push it out of her mind when she was running, but it came back now. She had seen Trunks and Goten floating in the air. She hadn't imagined it, she was sure. What's going on. Why were they floating? "I, uh, oh, ok."
"There we are. Dinner will be done in a few minutes so you can eat with us," said Bulma cheerily.
Cillia and the boys shuffled out of the room. She kept throwing strange glances at them.
Goten noticed. "Uh, Cillia, what's the matter? Are you ill?"
"No, no of course not! Nothing like that, but well," she looked down, blushing. how am I going to broach this subject? I don't want to sound crazy. "Do you two, well, always walk?" She waited with baited breath.
Goten and Trunks looked at eachother. "Why?" they asked in unison.
"Well," she said,still blushing furiously," I thought I saw you floating." At their dumbfounded looks, she quickly added,"I'm sure it was just a couple insects or something. Pretty crazy, neh?"
"Yeah, pretty crazy!"

Trunks sighed and turned to Goten. Dinner was over and he had to help Goten pack. "Goten, was it just me or did you sense a power level from Cillia when my blast hit her?"
" It wasn't just you Trunks, she wouldn't be here if she didn't have a ki, but it's gone now."
"Yeah, I know, and how are we going to explain flying? I don't think she's convinced it was insects."
"Well she'll be gone tommorow so we don't have to worry do we?"
"It's not that simple Goten, She's Dr. Fen's daughter. I can't believe I haven't met her before. I must just miss her. He's here almost as much as grandpa, I actually can remember something about his daughter always coming to fetch him. Now that she knows me, I'll probably see her every week."
"That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, would it?"Goten snickered.
"GOTEN! You're missing the point! She'll probably spy on the place so that I can't do anything but gravity training. We have to tell her the whole truth or I will go insane!"

Cillia let out a huge sigh. She was tired. School was unusually boring today. She was in the middle of her history class, the last period of the day, last day of the week. Hurry and finish up, I want to go home! Cillia thought to herself. Just then, something the teacher said caught her attention."The Cell Games were a particularly interesting bit of history. Cell was an amazing creation by the late scientist, Dr.Jero. Dr.Jero was hungry for power. He was the leader of the Red Ribbon Army, which you should have read about in your text. Cell terrorized everyone and was made up of the cells of the great martial arts masters. Mr.Satan was given credit for his defeat. I am here to tell you this is false. Mr.Satan wasn't even concious for most of the match. The man who gave his life to defeat Cell was Goku."
"But that's impossible Mr.Son!"
"Why is that, Miss Fen?"
"Because Goten was born after the Cell Games."
"What makes you think,"Mr.Son said in a low voice, "he didn't grow up without a father?"
Cillia remembered...**"Well, bye Trunks, see you later, I gotta zoom or Dad will kill me," said Goten before getting into an aircar** "Because he told me so," said Cillia bravely.
"See me after school, Cillia," roared Mr.Son over the noise of the bell.
Cillia nervously stuffed her backpack with homework and thought what does he want to talk to me about?She was done filling her pack in surprising little time. She walked down the hallway where previously friendly statues seemed now ominous and dangerous. She opened the door to her history classroom. There was Mr.Son< by now most of you know who he is but i just had to twist the plot > grading papers.
"Mr. Son?"
"Ah! Cillia! One moment."He scribbled a grade and put the papers away. "Don't be afraid, you aren't in trouble. grab a seat and come over." She did as she was told. Cillia was on a first name basis with most of her teachers, however, no one to Cillia's knowledge knew Mr.Son's first name. She'd been surprised enough that he knew her first name.
"I am very anxious to know how you know Goten."
Cillia looked up, surprised. "Actually," she began, very confused on how to explain,"I was going to get my father from capsule corp.(Mr.Son nods) I was heading up a path when I saw- "Cillia looks dubiously at her feet, "a, ball of light. It was going to hit me when he was suddenly, THERE, I mean, he wasn't, then he was. I can't explain it."

Gohan sighed. He felt an almost instinctual need to probe her. He did and looked up, startled. He had always thought she was strange. What Power! She must not know she has it. She's stronger than me."Well thank-you Cillia. Bye the way," Cillia was almost out the door,"My name is Gohan." Cillia simply gaped as he smiled. She had a million questions but the tide of people outside the door swept her away. He was going to have to get the whole story from Goten tonight. He would also have to get someone to start training her, preferably Goku. He had watched her over the weeks and heard all the gossip about her and thought she could be someone that Goten should know. She was just his type, although she was also Trunks' type. He sighed and reached for the phone. There would be a family reunion tonight.