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Chapter4:The Death

Cillia was running. There was something after her, it was going to find her. No matter how she tried to hide, it would find her. "Help me, someone,Please!" she screamed. Something answered. She turned around. Ther was a dragon facing her hunter. Beside it were two boys. As she watched, they melded, twisted into one being. The boy and dragon stood protecting her. She could barely see her enemy hammering away at their defenses. A feeling of gratitude overcame her, then...
She woke up.
The machines sensed her waking up and gently pumped tranquilizers into her through the IV Bulma had installed in her wrist. She went back to sleep and did not remember her dream.

Trunks yawned. It was 96 hours after that fateful day. He and Goten were alternating turns for watching Cillia and Dr. Fen. Well, just watching Cillia. Dr. Fen didn't move but Cillia was prone to thrash and strke in all directions. This wasn't really a problem, but there was another danger. Trunks and Goten had not told their parents about her unusual power. Trunks remembered Bulma telling him a story about the time he got the chicken pox...
** "It was dreadful to be near you. You were very strong for your age. You would make things fly in all directions with your brain." Bulma had looked very proud of her son for this, no matter what damage he had caused.**
Trunks hoped desprately that her ki wouldn't manifest itself. The next few moments proved his hope in vane. Her ki was rising rapidly. She started sweating before his eyes and she was frowning.She's having a nightmare he realized. Up and up her ki went. 1,000, 10,000, 50,000, 75,000,....
Trunks started as the door burst open, revealing Goten, who had obviously been in the middle of a shower (evidenced by the soap in his hair) and a very surprised Vegeta, who must have been taking a nap (or something *snicker*-_-;) because his hair was tousled and looked as though he had hastily thrown shirt on.
"What the heck is going on!" Vegeta demanded.
Goten gasped and pointed to Cillia. Trunks looked back at her. He gasped as well. She was levitating off the bed! Only 3 inches, to be sure, but as they watched, she slowly rose another 20 inches. On impulse he jumped into the air and began pushing one side of her back onto the bed.In a twinkling Goten was on her other side. Together they pushed her down, but it wasn't easy. They couldn't power up to super-saiyan or they'd hurt her. She relaxed in their hands and they had enough warning by the decrease in her ki to catch her. Vegeta had a puzzled look on his face.
"What's up dad?" Trunks asked.
"Her ki, it's enormous. But besides that, it feels...strange. Like the midget's. What's his name. Krillin."
"You know, he's right," said Goten.
"OF COURSE I AM YOU PIG!" yelled Vegeta angrily.
Goten hurriedly backed away from the angry Vegeta. "We know dad, we know," said Trunks thoughtfully, not paying attention. "I wonder why."
Goten walked out of the room, presumably to finish is shower. Trunks sat back down. Vegeta lingered a few seconds more, then left as well. As Trunks sat there staring at her face, he made the painful realization that he was in love with her. This made him feel like he was betraying his best friend because he knew that Goten loved her, all you had to do was look in his eyes. He hoped desperately that it was just puppy love and he would get over it but he knew, deep down, it wasn't. This was going to be a huge tangle. He didn't want to lose Goten as a friend just because of her, but he couldn't help himself.
Goten came to relieve him when he finished his shower. Trunks went to get a snack, still deep in thought.
He sat on the couch drinking his soda. He turned on the TV, intending to watch cartoons or something. As he was flipping through the channels, something caught his eye.
"All over the world, there have been reports of a shining, fairy-like light that will hover at your door, then disappear. We have some footage of it here," the TV announcer said as a shining ball of light flashed over the screen. "It has been seen in Africa, England, and America. There may have been a sighting in Russia and China as well. And now, for the weather. Over to-"
Trunks growled deep in his throat and changed the channel. He found the cartoons and dismissed the "fairy light".

Goten stared at Cillia. There was something wrong about her. He didn't know what. She was humanoid, that wasn't it. It was like Vegeta said. Krillin. Bulma had done some secret tests on Krillin and, well, he wasn't human. No one knew but him, Bulma, Trunks, and of course Krillin. Maybe Bulma should run tests on her. He had a suspicion they were of the same race. The only reason he doubted it was because a race are usually roughly the same height. Vegeta was the exception to the rule that saiyans are tall. Cillia was tall. Almost as tall as him. Krillin barely came up to his waist! He would definetly ask Bulma to run tests. Then a movement on the monitors caught his eye. He didn't believe it! Her fever was gone and so was the virus! The computer printed a report:
Patient:Cillia Fen
Current Diagnosis:
The patient is now ready to resume a normal life after she wakes up. However, no strenous activity is encouraged for 3-4 days, on danger of a more dangerous relapse.

"Wow, this is amazing, Bulma said she wouldn't be healed until next week, although maybe she's better off asleep. I saw that glint in Vegeta's eye. Huh, no strenous activity my butt! He's going to train her so hard it would kill a normal person, then again, I doubt she's 'normal'. HEY BULMA!" he said in a louder voice, instantly regretting it as Cillia stirred. Bulma rushed into the room, fearing the worst. Goten handed her the report. Her mouth formed a silent 'oh!' as she read.
Cillia's eyelashes were fluttering. They opened. She looked around in startlement.
"What am I doing here?" she asked.
"You've been a very sick girl," Bulma said, still looking disbelievingly at the print-out.
Cillia screamed. She had looked at the table with her father.
"Bulma," she shouted, turning eyes full of fear to Goten and Bulma. "What's wrong with him! Tell me!"
Bulma had tears running down her face. "Cillia, he's,he's in a coma," she choked, tears crawling down her face.
Trunks came in as Cillia's face crumpled, no doubt drawn by the shouts. He rushed to the other side of the bed to hold the hand Goten wasn't. Bulma noticed. Then Vegeta burst in.
"Oh, she's up," was all he said before he walked out.
Trunks sighed, he knew as well as Goten that he was going to train her to pieces once she got a clean bill of health from Bulma. He also wondered where she was going to stay. She'd want to be near her father, surely, which meant staying here. Oh well, I'll leave that up to her.
Bulma seemed to echo his thoughts as she said, "You can stay with us. Or you can live in your house. Gohan can pick you up for school."
"I-I think I'd like to stay here if you don't mind. What day is it?"
Trunks heart leaped at the thought that she would be staying here as he answered, "It's saturday, you were out for four days."
Goten felt his heart sink as quickly as Trunks' had risen. He made a resolution.I am staying here until something happens. Mom will let me if I tell her about the situation. "Bulma, do you mind if I stay too? I can take the room that I usually do. I've got enough clothes here from sleep-overs that I don't even need to stop by my house."
"That's true enough. Well, that's fine by me, just run it by Chi-Chi first. And you may have clothes but would you two mind running by her house to get her some clothes?" Bulma suggested, knowing full well they wouldn't pass up a chance to spend time with her.
"Sure!" they chorused happily as they both picked her up and headed for an aircar.
Bulma laughed and turned to Dr.Fen. Her face immediately became concerned as she read the monitors. "Heart rate failing rapidly? This isn't supposed to happen! His face is already turning blue! VEGETA! I NEED HELP!" Vegeta appeared instantly, thinking she might be hurt.
"What woman! I was eating!" he said, annoyed.
"Vegeta, shut up! You're always eating! This man is about to die! Show some compassion! I need to know if you can do anything!"
Vegeta looked a bit shocked at being told to shut up, then studied the man. "I could shock him, although it might instantly kill him. We don't have any senzus, that's about it."
Bulma wimpered. She knew that a shock was what he needed to start his heart, but Vegeta was always too fierce. "Vegeta, I want you shock him, however, make it weak enough that you would use it on me." Vegeta grunted and raised his hand. a shining light appeared in his palm. It slowly floated over to the patient and melted into his chest. His chest jerked once, then he lay still. Bulma felt a single hot tear roll down her cheek. Dr.Fen had been as much of a father to her as her own. She had gone with him to adopt Cillia(although Cillia had no idea she was adopted). She loved Cillia as much as her own children. She couldn't tell Cillia that her father had died. And to make things worse, he had already been wished back to life by the dragon after machinery had crushed him although Cillia had no idea of this either. As Cillia's gaurdian she had to tell her the truth of her parentage and sudden lack thereof. She didn't want that job. As she pulled the sheet over his head it acquired several wet splotches.