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Notes: The story may be a bit choppy, since I took a long break between chaps.6&7. Also, some may want to chew my head off, but I use the dub names for characters. The name Mariel was taken from the Redwall series. I do not own any rights to it. I know nothing about medicine or DNA. Both my parents are doctors, so I used information from overheard conversations or movies.

Chapter7: Memories

"W-W-What in the world!" Cillia exclaimed.
Everyone around the bed breathed a sigh of relief.
"Cillia, what is the last thing you remember?" Bulma asked her slowly.
"Well, I just had a very..." Cillia shuddered, "vivid vision. The last thing I remember is Trunks carrying me to the car and feeling really cold."
All of them exchanged a glance comprised of worry, confusion, and something else. Sadness. Cillia had no idea what was going on. She wanted to know what was wrong. In her dream, she remembered floating like Trunks and Goten had. She wanted to see if the ability would hold over to the real world.
"What happened? How long was I out? Has," she choked as she realized that she was on the same medical bed she had been before, but her father was no longer on the bed beside her, "Has my father come out of his coma?" Their faces told her all she needed to know. "No," she wimpered. She turned her head to the side, tears slipping down her face. Then she remembered that Bulma, Goten and Trunks were watching, and she tried to swallow her tears.
Bulma saw what she was trying to do. It was not healthy to reject the truth. She walked over to the side of the bed where Cillia's head was, and helped her sit up.
"Cillia, let it out. It's normal. I know how it is to lose someone you love. Other people in this world are here to love, to support you," Bulma said, embracing her. Trunks and Goten each put a hand on her shoulder to reinforce Bulma's words.
"She's right, Cillia," whispered Trunks.
That was all it took. Cillia broke into frame-racking sobs. No one else moved, lending quiet support.

Some 5-10 minutes later, Cillia had cried herself to sleep. Bulma gently layed her head down. She signaled for them to leave. Bulma shut the door softly behind her. She turned to the teens.
"You two will be found nowhere near this door for two hours. Then I think I'll get you to help me put her in her room. I don't think that this one will be very comforting. Now scram!" She giggled softly as she watched them slink around a corner, metaphorical tail between their legs. She turned around, heading for her bedroom so she could change her recently-soaked shirt.

Trunks and Goten turned the corner, trying their best to look hurt and beaten.
"What do you say we get back here in one hour, fifty-nine minutes and," Trunks checked his watch, "twenty seconds?
Goten grinned hugely, "Sound's great! And what do you think of the idea that we train outside, right around the second-story level?" he said with a twinkle in his eye.
Trunks looked at him for a moment, then burst into laughter. "Let's do that, Goten, let's do that!"
They both careened down the hall to the nearest door, bellowing with laughter.

Cillia was having another dream. In this one, she saw a hooded figure. Everyone she had ever seen, from history books and personal aquaintance that belonged to the Z team had formed a sort of isle between them. She recognized Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, a green man he had never met, Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin. There was also a very beautiful woman standing at Krillin's side. Cillia shuddered at the presence of the shrouded figure. As she watched, it slowly started to advance.
Tien and Yamcha were at the beginning of the lines. They both moved to engage the figure. She tried to scream a warning, knowing somehow that they were moving like lambs to the slaughter. As she watched, her hand outstretched in warning, the thing raised its hands, one pointing to each man. A light began to form in its hands. It gave a shout, and beams pierced them both through.
Cillia screamed, watching as everyone stepped forward to die except for Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Goten and Trunks. All of them crouched down and screamed. As an astounded Cillia watched, black and purple hair became yellow. The hair looked like it had been caught in some kind of updraft and stayed. Their eyes became green and the quintet stood. From the cloak came an evil chuckle, then it threw back its head and howled with laughter.
It raised its arm and fired three shots faster than the eye could see. She watched in horror as Vegeta, Goku, and her teacher Gohan fell to the floor of her dreamscape, clutching the place on their chests where she could see small holes. All of them were bleeding so profusely that they must have been hit in the heart.
That left Goten and Trunks. Cillia watched with sorrow deep in her eyes as it raised its hand once again.
NO! No, I won't let you DIE! I let my father die. I can't lose you too! I won't let it happen! she mentally screamed. Cillia watched as the two moved their arms in an eery dance and suddnly cried "Fusion...HA!". She averted her eyes from the light, and when she loked again, there was one warrior in a fighting stance, facing the demon. The thing just laughed its cruel, inhuman laugh and fired another shot. The warrior fell backward to the ground, head nearly touching her feet. Again there was a bright light, and Goten and Trunks lay separate. Goten coughed up some blood, then they both lay deathly still. The cloaked figure walked up to her until their faces(her face, his cloak hood) were inches apart.
He smelled musty, his cloak was tattered in places. His eyes glittered like diamonds.
"Now," he whispered, raising his hands so that one was on either side of her frightened face, "REMEMBER!" he shouted.
She woke, panting, in the room she had spent the night in the other day.

Cillia sat in the bed, processing her dream. The thing, it had said 'remember'. Cillia now had memories she did not have before, of a father not her own, and a mother. Cillia had never had a mother. She also remembered dragons. A stuffed dragon, a real, huge, dragon, and dragon decorations. She remembered a tail. She remembered wings. She remembered gold and jewels and other things. She remembered a palace. She remembered the golden crown her father had worn everywhere he went. She remembered a similar one on her mother's head. She remembered silken gowns and beds. She remembered her name. Princess. Princess Mariel.
She remembered martial-arts training with a soldier. The strange thing was that all of these things were remembered from a child-like perspective.
She could possibly have continued on the subject, except Bulma slowly eased open the door.
"Oh, Cillia, you're awake!" she exclaimed. "I brought you some lunch, but I thought you'd still be asleep. I hope you like chicken." At Cillia's nod, Bulma entered the room, showing a tray laden with chicken, fried, baked, and sandwiched. Cillia's draw quite literally dropped four feet when she saw how much food it was. "Oh, I forgot," Bulma giggled, "No one can eat as much as a Saiyan!"
"Ah- what?" Cillia asked, confused.
Bulma looked horrified. She covered her mouth. Cillia could hear something that sounded like "Oh nothing forget I said it" and immediately decided that she would get the story out of Trunks. Almost everything Bulma knew, he would know. She turned her attention to the food to make Bulma feel more comfortable. She ate with an apetite that surprised even her, forgetting all about her memories as she watched all of the food vanish from the plate.
Bulma also watched, her already phenominally huge sweat-drop growing larger with every bite. She eats like a Saiyan! She couldn't possibly be one...could she? "Cillia, do you feel up to some tests?" she asked.
Cillia groaned. She hated tests. It was probably because they usually involved needles, but the other reason was that it made her feel like a bug under a microscope, instead of a person. "Yes, as long as it doesn't take too long, and it's only you," Cillia replied, feeling comfortable enough with Bulma to feel normal.
"Alright then," the scientist said cheerfully, "Follow me."
Cillia sighed and followed, knowing that this would probably take 4-8 hours.

Bulma hummed softly to herself as she took a blood sample. Cillia was against a wall, eyes tight shut. Bulma extracted a full syringe of blood, then scrupulously cleaned and sanitized the needle puncture. Cillia's skin was white as paper, but she looked relieved when she felt the cotton swab.
Bulma gave her the usual glass of strange looking fruit juice and put a small amount of blood in a petri dish. She gave it to the computer to get a copy of Cillia's DNA strand. Certain races left their own special signature on blood. The Saiyan's distinctive handwriting was on the section controlling instinct and ferocity. Human individuality was in-who'd o' thought- the intelligence section of a DNA column. Nameks(she had managed to steal some blood from Dende "in the name of science") had a distinct feature in that there was always an extra strand which seemed to determine mental discipline. Krillin's(she hadn't come up with a name for the race) had almost every quality of all known species. the only one missing was Namekian.
The computer made a hologram of Cillia's DNA column, rotating it slowly.
Bulma gasped as she recognized the structure and format. It was almost identical to Krillin's. The only differences were, she had the Namekian feature, and the other signatures were stronger than Krillin's had been. "Cillia, I need to tell you something."
She looked up, startled by the panic in Bulma's voice. "Yes, what?" she replied, still a bit light-headed from blood-loss, the syringe had been big.
Bulma swallowed nervously. "Cillia, your father, he adopted you." There it was, out in the open. Cillia fell over.
"WHAT!?! Why didn't he tell me? Did that crazy scientist of a man think I wouldn't love him just because he wasn't my biological father?" Cillia raged, forcefully reminding Bulma of Vegeta.
Bulma smiled, a sad, regretful smile. "I guess so. He was a funny man."
Cillia seemed to have vented all of her steam. She looked desperately at the one person who had ever come close to being a mother to her. "Bulma, what am I going to do? I," she gave a whimper, "I don't want to live in the house by myself. I know that I'm almost sixteen, but you're still my guardian. Would it be alright if I just...stay here?" she asked hopefully.
"Of course! All you needed to do was ask Cillia! Our home will always be open to you," Bulma said. "I called Gohan and he arranged for you to catch up since break starts today. Now Cillia, this is very rude of me, but I need to check on my father."
"Sure! Go right ahead Bulma. I'm fine. Really," Cillia told Bulma, getting off of the exam table.
Bulma made a noise of disbelief and walked out the door.
As soon as she was gone, Trunks and Goten entered the room.
"Man Cillia, do you like passing out and waking up in hospitals?" Goten inquired.
"No I don't!" Cillia replied, suprising them both by kicking Goten into the nearest wall.
"Wow Cillia," Trunks said as he watched Goten pull himself free. "I didn't know you had any martial arts training."
Cillia grew silent. She still remembered the dream. "Goten, Trunks, I've had two...dreams lately and I see both of you shout 'fusion', and then you disappear and this other person is there instead. Do you know what I'm talking about?" she asked, knowing they did from the expression on their faces.
"How does she know about Gotenks?" muttered Trunks to Goten.