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Kamika's eyes went wide. "No. . ." She whispered, nearly dropping to her knees. How could Chris do this? She shook her head, disbelieving. "It just can't be possible. . ." She dashed towards the fallen Kyrainia, hoping that she wasn't too deeply hurt. She turned to look at Chris, glaring slightly. "How could you?" She hissed, knowing that by now it wasn't Chris anymore.

Christo watched as Devi-Chris knocked Kyrainia down. "Monster!" she cried, under her breath. She took a step forward, but Labramon held her back.

"Don't be an idiot," scolded Labramon, "you saw what he did to Kyrainia. You're no-where near as strong as Chris in his NORMAL state, you don't stand a chance now! Stay back and try to get everyone outta here!"

Fiona turned to Christo. "Christo... what HAPPENED to him? How can someone turn evil like that? Chris is the last person I can imagine doing that..."

Christo grimaced. "I know," she said, "but remember when he disappeared? It wasn't like him to wander off, and there were no signs of a struggle. But now... Well the way I see it we have two options: Get out of here, or Stand and fight. We're no match for him alone, but together we might stand a chance. But if we run, he might catch us. Don't forget that this is the digi-world, and logic and reason don't mean anything here."

Meanwhile, Labramon had made her way over to Kyrainia. "Cure Liquor!" she said, under her breath... and then fell over.

Kyrainia blinked and sat up, her head throbbing. Raising her eyes to survey the place, she realized it was much the same. Chris was still being the possessed psychopath. Standing up, she approached the nearest group member.

"So, what'd I miss?"

Fiona looked over at Kyrainia, "Nice to see you conscious again," she said. "But you didn't miss anything..."

Taira gave a slight groan as she lay unconscious on the ground somewhere.

Devi-Chris sighed in exasperation as Kyrainia woke up, assisted by Labramon. "Why can't you people just remain down?" He shrugged. "Ah, well. Easier to destroy you when you're all clustered together." He saw Taira lying on the ground and smirked. He walked over to her and gave her a swift kick in the ribs, right in the sore point where the Maildramon had spiked her. "Wake up, Sleeping Ugly!"

Taira was having a great dream about swiffer sweepers when a sharp pain entered into her side. She gave a slight groan of frustration and opened her eyes some. "Yes, Oh prince of rudeness?" She sat up rubbing her side. " How would you like a kick in the..." She didn't finish her sentence when she saw who had kicked her. "Buttermoth? I mean...Chris? What was the deal with kicking me while I'm down?" She started to get up glaring at him the whole time.

Devi-Chris smiled evilly and crossed his arms. "Ah, the goggled one with the oh-so-delicious issues. You'll be fun."

Taira grinned "I'm sorry, But you will get no fun out of me..." She was standing up completely and took a look around noticing the others' faces and wounds. "Did you go nut so alien again?"

Devi-Chris shook his head sorrowfully. "So naive... So clueless... Just how many knocks to the head did you take?"

"About four." Teeg said holding up three fingers. "Same as your I.Q. loverboy." She giggled and winked at him. "So you all going DragonballZ on us or something?"

Devi-Chris growled, and in one swift move, stepped in close and grabbed the front of her shirt, lifting her high with inhuman strength. "If you dare to disrespect me like that again, I will destroy you in an eyeblink."

"You blink?" She said sarcastically, kicking him in the stomach and continued to kick as best she could " Put me down before I fall out of my shirt! And if that happens you will be destroyed in a blink of and eye! FOXMON!" The mysteriously disappearing digimon came running in and growled "Put her down unless you want to fight...." Taira's digivice started to glow and foxmon began to glow.

"So cute... the little pet defending its master.... you are nothing but a flea to me!" Devi-Chris smiled, and without putting Taira down, reached out his other hand toward Foxmon and shouted "DATA CORRUPT!" A black ball of energy shot toward Foxmon, and hit dead on, catapulting her into a wall. Taira's digivice's light dimmed.

"Foxmon!" She glared at him. "You will pay for that one day...."

"That day will be anything but soon! You cannot do anything against me!" He tossed her on the ground. "You wretch... you are not even in your right mind."

She lands hard against the wall "I'm more sane than you are....And is wretch your only comeback..pathetic..."she whispered. "You don't even know anything about me. You are the pathetic one. Picking on people who can't even match your power..."

Devi-Chris smirked. "Oh, I've only just begun." He pointed at one of her fingers where there was a small silver band that appeared to have previously been a coil of wire. "Tell me, do you recognize that ring? Can you tell me where you got it? Or do I need to, shall we say, remind you?"

Taira looked to the ring and blinked. She had no idea at the moment where it had come from. In fact she hadn't even noticed till he pointed it out. A spark in her mind clicked and a brief flash of the Guardromon dying into little bitty pieces shined across her eyes. She grabbed her head and started remembering certain thing. She looked at the ground as if following a fast pacing ant as everything started to come into focus, well sorta. "You...killed him...."she whispered hoarsely and glared daggers at him.

Sora kind of looked blankly that everything that was happening in front of her. She could sometimes lack in common sense, and she didn't really know what to do. She wished she had some Panadol to help get rid of her headache from all the hyperactive screaming and shouting going on in front of her.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! I DUNNO WHAT YOU'RE ON ABOUT BUT WHATEVER IT IS IT CAN WAIT! I'M GONNA DIE FROM YOUR SCREAMING!" Only then did it occur to her how selfish she sounded. "Sorry...."

Isthian was, by now, thoroughly lost. Which is to say, he'd ALWAYS been thoroughly lost, but he was beginning to actually recognize it now. But after all, realizing that you have a problem is the first step toward recovery, right? ... Okay, maybe not.

Fortunately for everyone involved, (or perhaps fortunately), the metal walls of the giant sausagey candy computer of doom carried sound quite a long way. And Isthian's friends (for lack of a better term) were being quite loud.

"Is that... Taira?" whispered Isthian, pausing to listen. "Is she... crying?" Thian and his partner stood silently, intent on the faint sounds of the struggle.

"Come, Tsafmon!" he suddenly cried. "They need us!" Isthian took off running, and didn't even notice that his digivice was starting to glow...

Devi-Chris blinked at the outburst from Sora. He looked around at the group. "Oh, don't worry.... you'll all get your turn. I'm in no hurry." His eyes picked Kamika out of the crowd. He grinned and pointed at her. "You, I will save for last."

Kamika shuddered at his voice. It was so different. Why was this happening??! That was all she could think of. Puttimon stood by her side, turning from Chris to Kamika and back to Chris then Kamika. Worry showed in her eyes.

Devi-Chris smiled cruelly. "Nothing to say, girlfriend dear? Don't worry- your number will come up soon. Now to finish my business with Taira here..."

Kamika gritted her teeth and she said one line, "I will have the old Chris back no matter what. . ." Puttimon turned sharply to her partner, feeling the emotions that were running through her. "Kamika. . ." She whispered in caution.

Fiona scanned the current scene in a bit of a shock. Well, maybe not. "You know," she said to Penguinmon. "I always thought he'd be the first to go evil."

"What about Isthian and Taira?" Penguinmon replied.

"I said evil, not crazy."

With a bright green flash of light, Tsafmon digivolved. As the light died away, a much larger creature could be seen, about the size of a mountain lion. He was, however, slightly sleeker and more sinuous -- an appearance which might well be attributable to the fact that it had smooth scales instead of fur. These scales had the same patchy green and brown colors as had Tsafmon's had, again melding into pale pink leather for his underside. On top of his head was a fan-shaped crest that ran between where the ears would have been on a cat, with the same sort of creased patterning of a seashell. Ripples ran down his long tail as he twitched it, contemptuously keeping pace beside his partner.

Isthian didn't even stop to think. He reached out and grabbed his partner's head-crest and swung himself onto his back, settling with the ease of instinct into a place where he wouldn't impede the Digimon's stride or get tossed from his back. He grabbed onto the fin with both hands and leaned forward, some small, quasi-conscious part of his mind being surprised at the leathery feel of the scales.

The new Digimon lengthened its stride and streaked down the hallway.

"Woww..." said Fiona, finding no other words to say. "How the heck did that happen?" She looked at Isthian. "That's impressive, even for him."

Devi-Chris shook his head mock-sorrowfully. "No, you don't remember it all. I didn't kill him...though I SHOULD have."

"Who then....." Her eyes shot daggers of hatred at his direction. "Who!?"

"Why, you, of course!"

"Me? How did I kill him! LIAR!" The expression in her face was of confusion. Her eyes looked ready to burst into tears as they glazed over. "How or why would I ever do that!?"

Devi-Chris smiled. "Ah, you must not remember. Allow me to show you." He gestured, smirking, and a certain memory began to replay itself in Taira's mind.


*ZAP* The Guardromon flew back from the wall he was trying to unlock, and landed with a loud "clank" in a heap. "Ow..." Taira ran over to him... and began to viciously kick him in the side. "STUPID GUARDROMON! You can't do anything right! Nothing!" With a final "AAARGH..." the Guardromon faded away, leaving behind the coil of wire and Chris's items.


The memory faded, and Devi-Chris smirked, thinking to himself, 'That's not what really happened, of course, but I love how I can twist things around so it looks like she's a heartless person... Lord, I'm evil. Heh heh heh!'

Taira backed up. "No...that's not right...It isn't like that." She gripped her head and started muttering things to herself. "Buttermoths are good. Buttermoths are your friend....MEET THE MUSICAL LITTLE CREATURES THAT HIDE AMONG THE FLOWERS!" She shrieked suddenly. Her face went from sad to giddy. Taira smiled and promptly jumped at Chris out of fun. "RIDE ON HORSEY!"

Devi-Chris rolled his eyes. "Gods, it is so boring having to resort to physical violence every freaking TIME!" He backhanded Taira away, and she landed next to Foxmon. He sighed in irritation. "Now I'm getting ticked off." He whirled. "Who's next?" He heard the pounding of rapid footsteps coming down the hall toward them, and snapped his fingers. "Perfect." He turned to DarkSaibdramon. "You handle this."

DarkSaibdramon nodded and moved into position blocking the hallway. "Yes, master."

Devi-Chris smirked and turned to Christo. "Hm. Your digimon was the one that healed the first human fool I targeted, was it not? You will die with her for that."

"You *censored* *censored*!" Christo spat.

"Language!" scolded Labramon, running over to her partner.

Devi-Chris raised his eyebrows and chortled gleefully. "What wonderful language, and from one so young! You've got potential, my dear..." He made shooing motions with his hands at Labramon. "Now, you foul thing, why don't you leave us be?"

Kamika's eyes widen with fear. First Kyrainia then Taira. . . Now Christo? With tears starting to form, she shook her head violently. She tightened her hold on her head. "Stop it. . ." She said softly. "Just stop it. . ." She just couldn't stand it.

Labramon growled, as Christo crouched down and put her arms around her.

"I will never stop fighting you, not until I see the real Chris come back. I don't fear you, you *censored*!"

"CHRISTO," yelled Labramon, "STOP SWEARING!"

Fiona raised her eyebrows and stared at Christo, quite impressed. "Wow," she said. "Never knew the girl had it in her." She fell silent for a second. "GO CHRISTO!" she yelled.

"You know," said Penguinmon, tugging at her jeans. "Maybe we should help..."

"You're right," Fiona said, and cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled, "HEY! CHRIS! YOUR MOTHER WAS A HAMSTER AND YOUR FATHER SMELT OF ELDERBERRIES!"

Devi-Chris clapped slowly and mockingly. "Bravo! Fight on, and fear nothing! Makes my job much more fun... If you must have your pet stay, at least have IT do something interesting. Does it do tricks?" He snickered. "That's all Digimon who serve humans deserve to be classified as... pets."

He turned to Fiona for a second. "Don't worry, girlie, you're next."

Kyrainia leaned against a wall, not really comprehending her surroundings. Despite her being awake and 'active' she still had a splitting headache.

Feeling a tug on her pants, she looked down to see Mushroomon. "Kyrainia..." the little thing whined. "We need to help them!" Kyrainia nodded, trying to regain her thought process and suppress the memories that were still haunting her mind. "Yeah alright..."

Fiona backed off and hid behind Penguinmon (rather unsuccessfully). "Eep."

Labramon glared at Devi-Chris. "You wanna see a trick, huh? Well, how about this? RETRIEVE BARK!" Labramon attacked.

"Much as I appreciate you trying to help me, Fiona, the elderberry comment hasn't made one bit of difference." Christo then turned to Devi Chris, "And may I point out that Dark-Thingymon over there is serving you. What does that make it?"

Devi-Chris frowned. "You're a fool. Haven't you been listening to what I've been saying? I said that Digimon who serve HUMANS are worthless... I, as you may have guessed, am definitely not human. Far more than that... heh heh heh! You'll see soon enough the true extent of my powers combined with this shell's own weak powers. Ah, you don't know who I am yet, do you? Never mind... you'll find out soon enough." Labramon's attack hit him right then. He blinked and chuckled. "Hey, that tickles." His smile turned into an ugly grimace. "My turn." He raised his hand, aiming towards Labramon and baring his teeth. "You won't survive this!"

"Yeah," said Christo, "But I said that Dark-Whatsisfacemon serves YOU. And from the few moments I've seen you in action... That would make him even worse."

Labramon backed off, almost stepping on Christo's toes.

Isthian rounded another corner, the sound of his friends' voices continuously growing louder, and then abruptly pulled back hard on his Digimon's crest. "Whooaaaaaaggghhh!!" His cry changed from a command to a shout as his Digimon turned sideways and skidded to a stop, his claws scraping harshly against the floor.

"Well!" Thian said, twisting around slightly to look at the hulking form blocking his path, "that doesn't look good, now does it?"

His partner merely growled in response.

Fiona heard a loud cry from a connecting corridor. "Is that Isthian?" she said.

Devi-Chris smirked and lowered his hand. "Heh heh heh... It's rather amusing to talk to someone with such low intelligence. Fun, really. But, believe me, you have NO idea what I really am... so how can you truly judge my worth when you do not know me? Ah, enough of this... it's hopeless. I might as well just delete this filth and move on." He raised his hand and shot a blast of darkness at Labramon. "Data CRUSHER!"

A bit further down the hall, DarkSaibdramon smirked toothily. "Perfect timing... it always pays to be on time for your own funeral." Before either the boy or the digimon could react, he swiped at the digimon with his claws.

Isthian screamed shrilly as DarkSaibdramon's claws caught his leg, echoed by a deeper cry from his partner. Thian was dragged onto the floor, where he landed hard and rolled a couple of feet before coming to a halt. The right leg of his jeans was almost torn off, and there were deep cuts on his leg. Fortunately, his partner was less harmed, although his leathery scales definitely showed the damage.

Without his 'destined to worry about dislodging, the good Digimon could react instantly. He swung and lashed out at DarkSaibdramon with his long tail, then bounced forward onto his forepaws, leaving the back ones free for a kick.

Isthian lay still on the ground and groaned. The scratches were still new enough to be numb, but the fall had been enough to discourage moving. "Well," he said, pained, "there are some things it would be rude to be late to, you know?"

Kamika shook her head furiously. She wanted to interfere, but HOW?! And now, a partner digimon was about to get deleted. She couldn't seem to move. All that was going through her head was that CHRIS had done it. How could he? What was going on?! Her thought jumbled together as she collapsed to the ground, holding her head tightly. "No more. . ." Was all she could mumble out.

Puttimon stared at her partner in worry. She was doing so many strange things. She could hardly comprehend it anymore.

A loud *BONG* was heard as the new lizardlike digimon's tail smashed into DarkSaibdramon's head, hitting one of the metal plates. DarkSaibdramon shook his head, creating several more odd clanging sounds, and growled. "Filth. Stinking filth..." His eyes moved over to Thian lying prone on the ground, and he grinned toothily. "You know, I COULD make this a lot easier... but, hey, I love a good fight. So, time for you to die!" He was about to slash again when something occurred to him. "Hmm... before I delete you and destroy your data, shouldn't I know your name? It's just good manners. Heh heh..."

"LABRAMON!" called Christo.

Labramon looked up and saw the blast. She jumped out the way, knocking over Christo -- "Hey! Watch it!" -- and letting the blast go over her head. It ricocheted off various metal... things... and eventually, after bouncing around the room, headed back at Devi-Chris.

Devi-Chris smirked and held out his hand, thinking he would just absorb his own blast, no harm done. But instead...

"WHAT?" The blast hit his hand and exploded into a wave of darkness that burst over him. "AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH! NOOOOOOOOOO! Too....much....darkness....can't....take....itttt..." He collapsed to his knees, holding his head. A few minutes passed. Then a strange sound began to be heard...

"Heh heh heh... HAHAHAHAHA!" He was chuckling demonically. He straightened back up, with his eyes now glowing redly. "Consume... I will... consume everything... All will die... GRRARRRRRRRRR!" He threw his head back and let out another howl, and turned towards Kamika...

Kamika's head bopped up at the sound of Chris's frightening laugh. With slightly scared eyes, she looked at him and with unknown courage, she stood up. "Wh-What do you want from me?" She quivered, hoping that her legs wouldn't buckle from all her fear.

Isthian rolled his eyes, still gritting his teeth. "You oughta know our names already, you freak. Hanasaki Isthian and Tsafmon. Ringing any bells?"

"Well, actually," corrected his Digimon, allowing his eyes to flick away from DarkSaibdramon for only a split second, "I'm not exactly Tsafmon anymore. I'm still the same 'person,' just a bit different. I'm Sprintmon now."

"Sprintmon, eh? I'd make a snappy comeback to that, but I'm not being able to bring anything to mind. Wonder why." Thian shifted slightly and winced as his leg dragged across the floor. It was really starting to hurt like hell now.

WARNING!! Character death ahead. If you do not wish to read it, click here to skip it and continue.

Devi-Chris laughed evilly again. "Consume... I will...destroy...YOU!" He pointed at Kamika.

Kamika's eyes widen in horror. "I. . . I. ." She bites her lip. "What do you want with me?!" She yells, with unknown courage.

Taira bounded quietly behind Chris and punched his back hard. "YOU BUTTER MOTH WANNA BE I MOCK YOU WITH MY MONKEY PANTS! SPOOT!" She then proceeded to laugh.

There was a slight flash in Devi-Chris's red eyes, and then he smirked. "Why, all I want is to destroy you and consume your data. Simple as that." His eyes flashed again as Taira pounded on his back. "GRRRARRRRRRRR!" He whirled, lashing out with his arm.

Kamika gasps. "No Taira!!!"

She gets knocked down and thrown towards the wall Sora is currently standing idly by. She wasn't doing anything and looked lost. Taira figured that she would make a good rock and scampered behind her.

Kamika gasps, slightly backing up, almost knocking into Kyrainia. "Taira. . No. . ." She whimpers.

Losing her balance slightly, Kyrainia looked at Kamika in shock. "Dear god..."

"NONE SHALL ESCAPE FROM ME! I WILL CONSUME EVERYTHING! GRRRAAAAHHHHHH" Devi-Chris threw out his hands, forming a small black spiky ball of energy that grew progressively bigger.

Taira whimpered pushing Sora ahead of her. In an odd voice she seems to make Sora say "Don't make me eat you!" Then she hides.

"You? Eat ME? WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The ball got bigger. "I WILL CONSUME YOU!"

Kamika turns around to face Kyrainia. With a slightly low voice, all she could mutter out is "sorry."

Taira took this literally and dove for her digimon not wanting to be eaten herself. Then she moved her and foxmon near Kamika. Sora looked at him blankly. "She is so....Alien food..Poor idle buttermoth"

Chris released a huge roar as he shot the spiky ball of energy at Sora.

Kamika spins around in time to see the ball heading towards Sora. She screamed slightly in horror.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Taira latched to Foxmon and yelled enough to wake her up.

Kyrainia looked blankly upon the girl about to get killed, wondering who the hell she was anyway.

Foxmon "I SWEAR I DIDN'T EAT THE DIGIBERRY BUSH!" Yelped upon waking up.

The spiky black ball hit Sora dead on, creating a huge explosion. A scream was heard as Sora began to dissolve from the feet up. Devi-Chris laughed maniacally and began to suck in, creating a mini-whirlwind that started to suck up the dissolving data.

A gasp escapes Kamika's lips as she falls to the ground. "No. . A part of our group. .."

"No more messing with alien Buttermoth Chris dude...." Taira backed against the wall hoping her prince would show up.

Sora was almost half gone now and fragmenting at a faster rate, still screaming. Devi-Chris continued to suck in, laughing.

Kyrainia still stood there, her look blank. She was still trying to figure out who that girl was.

"Talk about sucking in the boredom..." Hides behind foxmon.

Puttimon was confused. "What is going on??"

Finally the very last bits of Sora dissolved, and Devi-Chris sucked them in. He burped loudly, and grinned, turning to the rest of the kids. "That's one... she was delicious, by the way. Just like digi-chicken." He burped again. "Ahhh... Now, who's next?"

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