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Sayu listened to the digimon speak. She crossed her arms, and rose an eyebrow. "If I 'member correctly, dan dat ot'er girl wit' yas all died, eh? No harm done. Sos, if he dies," she pointed at Chris. "No harm done." She sneered down at the digimon. "'Sides, why should I b'lieve yas? Ya're prolly jes' sayin' dis stuff to keep me wit' y'all." With a shrug, she spat at them, turned her back, and, with a last kick to Chris, wandered off into the woods. Sayu paused, contemplating, then turned, threw her digivice angrily at Chris, and left.

Gizamon broke off mid-wail as Foxmon assailed him. Growling and hiccuping at the same time, he clawed at the back of her neck, then started spinning rapidly to dislodge her. "SPIRAL EDGE!" He attacked.

Puppetmon, startled, turned to stare at the closet. "... I WANNA PLAY!!!!" He whined, running over and throwing the door open. He then proceeded to pounce on his new "toys," giggling hysterically. Ioree sweatdropped and sighed.

Gizamon backed away, still growling at Foxmon. All of a sudden, he just shivered. Intuition, maybe, but something was going on with Sayu. He whimpered.

"Sayu?" He asked, looking around. No, she wasn't there. Giza lowered his head, trembling. He was even starting to miss her getting mad at him and kicking him. She wasn't hurt; he hadn't felt like this when she had been attacking Devi-Chris. "Sayu...?" All of a sudden, he yelped. He'd felt something like this when she'd dropped her digivice before, but he'd been in the same room as her then. Now, who knew where she was?!

Labramon stared after Sayu. "There must be eight Digidestined to protect the digital world," she said softly as Sayu disappeared, "That is the way it has been, that is the way it will be always."

"She's gone now." Labramon whispered to Chris, nudging him gently with her nose.

Kyrainia looked as if she were about to injure Chris some more but decided not to and moved back away from him, leaning against a tree. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, glaring at the digimon.

"Eight people? Eight bloody people?" she scowled. "And if one of us dies, we're all screwed, hmm? Well, you know what? That sounds bloody dandy to me, since I'm screwed anyway..." she muttered.

Her eyes went back down to Chris and she looked at him almost thoughtfully, though obviously resentfully. She seemed to be contemplating something.

Kamika smiled at Christo. "Yeah I think that will be okay. . . How many do you think we should get??" She asked, grabbing about 5 in one hand.

Puttimon's eyes wandered over to Labramon. "Wh-What are we going to do??" She sighed. "I know that we need 8. . ." She looked down at the ground, obviously disturbed. "I want Kamika back. . ." She muttered.

"SAYU!!" Wollymon cried, hopping a few, pointless paces forward. He blinked back tears. "Sayu... You shouldn't... I didn't..." Tears started streaming from his eyes. "Oh, what have I done?!"

"AAAAAAAAHHH!!" Inside the closet, Thian was being leapt upon by a rather deranged Puppetmon. "I DIDN'T AGREE TO FIGHT REAL WOOD THINGS!!!"

"Cure Liquor." Labramon attempted to heal Chris, hoping it would work. She looked over at Wollymon, who was being upset, "It's no-one's fault, Wollymon. Hey, look on the bright side, maybe she'll find Gizamon. That'll make the team that bit stronger."

"A lot, I guess." Christo shrugged, and peered at one of the bushes, "Hey, these are blackberries!" She grabbed a handful of them, and, with some difficulty, stuffed them into the outside pocket of her backpack (kinda hard to do, considering she's still wearing it).

"They'll probably get squashed in there anyway." She remarked, walking over to one of the fruit trees and trying to climb it. She promptly fell off again. So she tried again. And fell off again. She glared at the tree, and tried again.

"Somebody really hates me today." she grumbled, falling off for the third time in three minutes.

Wollymon perked up at Labramon's reassurance. "Yeah, that's right! Maybe she will!" He smiled happily again.

Taira giggled as Thian attempted to be a captain of some sorts. She then in turned screamed as Puppetmon came barreling in and tackled them both playfully. In a heat of insaneness Taira bellowed, "Oh, My! Pinocchio is back with a vengeance! Help me help me!" In her best damsel in distress voice.

Foxmon shook her head slightly to help ignore the pain in the back of her neck. She licked her back paw and scratched it as they itched. "Fine, for the sake of you Teku I will back off. Rabidbunnymon you have been warned!"

Foxmon continued to growl slightly then rubbed a cheek against Teku's metallic surface of a face. Then she looked around as Giza did as well saying Sayu's name. Blinking she noticed her own Digi-partner gone. Her eyes went wide as she sniffed the air not getting a scent of her. "Hey. Uh. Guys. Where is Taira.. Has anyone of you seen her since the Pyramid!" The little digimon became frantic, not to mention her stomach was growling in hunger.

Tekumon frowned. "No, I haven't seen her... but don't you all think it's odd that we're all separated from our partners? Wonder where the rest of them are...?"

As for Chris, Labramon's Cure Liquor touched him, and the spot where it touched glowed briefly, and then faded back to its normal color. However, there seemed to be no apparent effect, as he still looked just as beaten up on the outside. He shook his head sadly. "Thanks anyway, Labramon. I'm not sure why it didn't work like it should have." He then stood up carefully, wincing all the way and leaning against the tree heavily. He then yelled out, trying to make sure Sayu could hear him. "DAMMIT! HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL ABOUT THAT! I.... I killed someone. And I couldn't do anything to stop it! I feel awful... Two lives were lost because of me." He slammed his fist against the tree. "Dammit... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... I couldn't do anything...."

Puttimon turned to Chris, her eyes filled with disbelief. "Do you HONESTLY believe that it was COMPLETELY your fault?? You were POSSESSED FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!" She scowled at the ground, completely angry. "Why can't anyone see that? Why can't they see that it wasn't really YOU who caused what happened?"

"Just because he was possessed doesn't change the fact that it happened. That every single bit of it bloody happened," Kyrainia said, her voice low and quiet.

"But that doesn't make it his fault." Labramon pointed out to Kyrainia.

Kyrainia looked darkly at the little digimon. "If you had been through even half of what I've been through in my life..." she hissed, "you would understand a bit more. Did it not occur to you that maybe, just maybe, some of those memories that he forced to the surface were painful?! I realize, I'm not stupid, I'm perfectly aware that he had no damn control over it, but it DOESN'T BLOODY CHANGE the fact that it's god damn PAINFUL!" she yelled.

"It was bad enough when it all happened, to have it be all brought back by him OF ALL PEOPLE--" she broke off abruptly, realizing a few things. First of all, that she was letting her guard down, which was an undeniably stupid thing. Second, that she was yelling at a digimon of all things. And third, that Chris, of all people, was right there watching her let her guard down.

This was really a hellish day. She turned around and slammed her fist into the tree.

Isthian sweatdropped. Protecting distressed maidens was not exactly his normal occupation... but as there didn't seem to be any way out of the closet, except for past the Puppetmon, it didn't seem like he had much of a choice, anyway. He drew his plastic pirate sword and started whacking at the Puppetmon's head. "GET OFFA ME!!"

Friendly boy, isn't he?

Foxmon looked over to Fiona who was rocking back and forth. Seemed to have had a run in with Taira since she looked scared and disturbed. Foxmon ran up to her and pounced. "It's some time in the afternoon... Do you know where you Digidestined Taira Futeki is?"

Fiona broke out of her trance and looked up at the strange little Digimon. "No," she said, shaking her head. "Probably off nancing with Isthian or something." She blinked again. "You wouldn't happen to know what's going on, would you?"

Puppetmon cackled gleefully. "I'm Puppetmon!" He announced. "And you are both my new toys!"

Gizamon was now whimpering pathetically. Something was wrong, he could sense it. Hoping to eventually find Sayu, he wandered off.

Puppetmon, deciding to finally get the REALLY fun stuff going, knocked Taira and Isthian unconscious with his humongous mallet-thing, and left the room. He found, to his surprise and amusement, that a girl and her partner had left their groups, and were actually heading towards each other - but the boy who had been possessed before had the girl's digivice. Not exactly caring about the pair, he ignored them, and brought all the other children and digimon back together (aside from his toys, of course).

"Watch the fort for me, Ioree!" Puppetmon squealed, and left, making his way to the clearing with the children. Once there, he jumped from the tree he'd been in and landed in front of the group. "Greetings, children and digimon!" He announced. "I, the great master of funness, Puppetmon, shall now decide your fate! All the digimon will die, and the humans will more than likely become my slaves. Thank you and have a nice day!" With that, he attacked. "Puppet Pummel!"

"Labramon!" Christo called, running towards her partner. They were both happy for a moment, until Puppetmon appeared.

"ACK!" They both jumped away from Puppetmon's attack.

"Puppetmon," Labramon said grimly, "And there I was, hoping you would never show your face in this forest again.

Christo turned her head, "Labramon? I might be wrong, but I think it just might be advisable to digivolve."

"Right," Labramon nodded, "Labramon, digivolve to... Shiisamon!"

Kamika's view blurred suddenly, and she found herself somewhere else. Standing up, she shook her head. Wanting to look around, she didn't have the time. As soon as she looked up she saw what she ASSUMED to be a wacky version of Pinocchio. From its mouth, it yelled out "Puppet Pummel." With wide eyes, she flung herself back to the ground and covered her head. 'OH MY GOD. WHAT IS GOING ON NOW?!' She yelled angrily in her mind.

Wollymon squealed. "Something just happened to Isthian! I can feel it!" He moaned... then squealed again, as Puppetmon started attacking. "EEEEEEEEEE!!" The little yellow Digimon bounced and hid behind Fiona.

Taira was unconscious!

Foxy on the other hand was now dodging a mallet whack! Her conversation about her missing partner would have to wait. "FOX CLAW!" The attack did nothing since she had no energy...

Chris was still struggling to support himself against the tree, clutching Sayu's digivice, and was about to make a reply to Kyrainia, when she literally went all out and started yelling. He blinked, and was about to say something else, when the air blurred around him. When it cleared again, he saw everyone else... before he realized that he wasn't against a tree anymore, and he collapsed onto the ground. Namely, onto something both hard and soft. "OW!"

As for Tekumon, the 'mon was sighing in relief at having broken up the fight, although wondering where Gizamon was headed off to. However, then the air blurred, and when he could see again, he saw that just about everyone was together again. Of course, then something large fell on him. "OW!"

Chris blinked. So did Tekumon. Those "OW"'s had sounded familiar.



"It's great to see you!"

"Yeah... but would you mind getting off of me?"

Chris blinked, and said "Sorry." He then went about trying to get off of the little 'mon. A few painful seconds later, he was off and back up against a nearby tree, with Tekumon's help.

"Chris, how did you get so beat up? Did you guys get in a fight with an evil digimon? I'm so sorry I wasn't there!"

"No, no, nothing like that. More like evil girls..."

Suddenly, what appeared to be a possessed wood puppet popped into their midst, and started swinging a big hammer and yelling "PUPPET PUMMEL!"


Tekumon blinked a few times, and a robotic voice issued out of his mouth again. "Puppetmon, an Mega-Level virus digimon. His Puppet Pummel'll knock you into next week, and his Puppet Strings definitely aren't funny, either!" He blinked a few more times, and then leveled his arm cannon at Puppetmon, and, in his normal voice, shouted "TEKU BLASTER!" A series of machine-gunlike projectiles shot out of the cannon, but just dinged off of Puppetmon's skin without even injuring him. All they did was draw his attention to the pair...

Puppetmon cackled gleefully, eyeing Chris and Tekumon. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. Funness! "Puppet Strings!" He jumped into the air, throwing out strings that latched onto all of the children and digimon present. Then, controlling them from a nearby tree, the chaos began.

Chris and Kamika found themselves tackling each other, attempting to beat the crap out of one another. Tekumon and Foxmon were doing the same, as were the following pairs:

Christo and Fiona
Shiisamon and Penguinmon
Puttimon and Kyrainia
Mushroomon and Wollymon

Sayu and Gizamon did end up bumping into each other. "SAYU!!" Gizamon leapt into her arms. Startled, the girl didn't drop him.

"Whadahell?!" Sayu growled, and glared at the digimon in her arms. Gizamon, suddenly realizing the lack of a certain important device...


"I threw it at 'Ossessed b'Set Cha'tic D'mon Boy. Why?" Sayu eyed him coolly, wondering what the hell was his problem. Gizamon gawked.


"Dun yell in m'ear, ey!" She snapped. Then, she paused. Gizamon tensed. They'd both heard something, a distance away. They crept closer, and peered through the trees into a clearing. Where they saw their teammates pulverizing each other. Gizamon was happy, because Tekumon was fighting his girlfriend. Sayu was happy, because Chris was fighting HIS girlfriend. The two glanced at each other, shrugged, and sat down to watch in their hiding place, watching as if it were a form of entertainment. Which, to them, it was.

Chris felt some thin stringy things attach to him, and then all heck broke loose. He found himself tackling Kamika, and attempting to, apparently, beat the crap out of her. "This is all wrong! What's going on?!" He tried frantically to stop himself, but to no avail. 'This is just like that other time... no. NO! I won't think of that! I can't let that happen again!' Suddenly, he heard something in his mind...

<*diabolic chuckle* Did you miss me, worm?>

Kamika's eyes widened. "Not this again." She muttered to herself. Closing her eyes tightly, she tried her best to block the blows. She couldn't stand it. She didn't want to fight him again. "St-stop it!" She yelled out in pain.

Puttimon found herself attacking the tall female, Kyrainia. She started to tackle, headbutt, anything! As long as it made contact with the girl.

Wollymon didn't know why, but suddenly he was trying to beat up another 'destined Digimon -- Mushroomon. He bounced repeatedly into the stocky Digi, trying to knock him over... or something. It probably felt more like an overly-vigorous massage, anyway.

Christo lunged at Fiona. "Oh my God!" she said, looking like she was imitating Sayu. "I can't help this! Something else is doing this." She said, trying to look at Puppetmon, but she couldn't even turn her head.

Shiisamon, meanwhile, was also attacking Penquinmon. "TIIDAIYA!" She suddenly saw what she had done. "Oh my god. I can't help it!"

"AUGH!" Fiona was suddenly tackled by Christo. "WHAT DID I DO?" she cried.

"Sorry Fiona! I can't help it, it's like when something was making us all kiss and glomp eachother without us wanting to." said Christo, rather panicked.

Puppetmon cackled gleefully. "This is fun! All my puppets, all mine! Toys, toys, toys! And not a friend strong enough to help you!!!!" Laughing madly now, he continued to torment the Digidestined.

Sayu had not liked that. Not one little bit. She bolted to her feet, eyes flashing dangerously, flecked with crimson. Gizamon bristled, but stopped Sayu.

"We can't fight him on our own. I'm not strong enough, even if I could digivolve. Let's get some help! There're two children missing, see?" The Digimon coaxed, and Sayu, albeit reluctantly, followed him. They ran through the forest, and after getting directions from a lost Kiwimon, found Puppetmon's mansion. They snuck in, but Puppetmon had left only Ioree to guard the place, and some threats from both Gizamon and Sayu (the latter of which scared the crap out of Ioree), the Kiwimon left them in peace, and even told them where Isthian and Taira were. Sayu threw open the closet door, and began shaking Isthian and Taira to wake them up.

"Hey! Dammit! Wake up! Ra, b'ya sleep laike ROKZ! Wake up!"

Isthian groaned as he slowly began to wake up. He blinked open his bleary eyes. "Big mallet," he muttered. "Bigger'n a daemon woman's..." He groaned again and sat up cautiously, trying to keep from accidentally knocking himself out -- head injuries were bad like that. He gave his head an equally cautious shake to try to clear his vision, and frowned at Sayu. "So," he said, a little more clearly, "did you get captured here, too?"

Sayu glared at him. "Nuh-uh, I comes ta save ya, b'lieve it're no." She grumbled, and dragged him and Taira to their feet. "C'mon, dose ot'ers are all fightin' some wacko dijiman. Dey need yar help. C'mon!" And she pulled them off, Gizamon running close behind. After some running, they finally made it to the clearing. "'EY, YAO!" Sayu screeched at Puppetmon. The Digimon turned, and, seeing a Digidestined and his new toys, growled angrily.

"Those are MY toys!" He hissed angrily, discarding the strings and jumping to attack Sayu. "PUPPET PUMMEL!"

The girl tensed, not about to dodge but unsure of how to block something like that.

"SAYU!!!" Gizamon rushed to his Partner's rescue - and the Digivice that was still in Chris's possession began to glow. "Gizamon Digivolve to... Maildramon!" The silver-and-gold armored Champion jumped in the way of the attack, his armor causing Puppetmon to bounce back. Golden wings tensed, Maildramon crouched into a battle position. "No one gets away with trying to hurt my Partner!" He hissed.

Sayu could only gawk, shocked that the annoying little Gizamon had transformed into such an awesome creature.

Fiona cringed. "DON'T REMIND ME OF THAT!" And then, without warning, she found her own self throwing a punch at Christo.

Penguinmon was having troubles of his own as Shiisamon was attacking him. "What do you MEAN you can't help it?" cried Penguinmon. "You're attacking me, aren't you?"

Isthian gaped at the gleaming Maildramon, his head still reeling. 'Am I seeing things, or is that the same thing that hurt Taira?' He took a step in front of her and shouted, "I won't let you hurt her again!!" In his dazed state, he entirely forgot that the Maildramon that had been their first enemy in the Digital World had been destroyed.

Wollymon, now freed from Puppetmon's control, was about to dash over to his partner... when he heard what Isthian said. And stopped, and blinked. "What's wrong with him?" he squeaked, fear lacing his voice.

Maildramon leapt at Puppetmon, snarling angrily. Sayu, realizing that she still didn't have her digivice, ran over to Chris and held out her hand expectantly. Yah, she hated him, but right now she wanted her device-thingie back so she could be of more help to Maildramon.

Puppetmon dodged out of the way, and attacked Maildramon. "Puppet Pummel!"

Maildramon growled. Even though his armor absorbed most of the attack, that had still really hurt. A lot. Flapping his wings, he got up in the air. Puppetmon couldn't fly, at least.

"Lightning Spear!" Bolts of lightning shot at Puppetmon, who dodged most of them and was pretty much unaffected by the ones that did hit.

Isthian blinked in confusion. "She's... ATTACKING that thing?" The Japanese boy was mystified -- that didn't seem very evil!

Chris collapsed to the ground as Puppetmon's strings were released, rather like a puppet cut from his strings. That...voice... was still in his head.

<What? What is going on? The control has been released... damn. My opportunity is lost. Don't worry, though... I'll be back soon.>

" No. NO! You're supposed to be dead!" Chris beat on his head weakly. "Get OUT!"

<*chuckle* Oh, that won't be happening anytime soon. Oh, and by the way? I don't die. Heh heh heh... Farewell for now, worm.>

With that, the voice was gone from his head. Chris screamed incoherently and continued beating on his own head in a useless attempt to exorcise the presence. Tekumon watched worriedly, keeping an eye on the battle. "No way will I be able to digivolve with Chris in this condition..." He saw Sayu approaching, and immediately leveled his arm-gun at her. "Hey, no more beating him up!"

Christo stumbled as the control was released. "Ohhh..." She sat down, shaking her head, confused, "Boy, does it feel good to control myself again," She looked up, talking to the group in general, "I am controlling myself, right?" She paused, not even knowing why she asked that, and looking at the group, "Maildramon?" she questioned, making very little sense of the events.

Shiisamon tensed momentarily as she felt herself regain control of her body. She turned to Puppetmon. "You are sick," she growled at Puppetmon, "You would rather have us destroy each other than fight us yourself. You could have caused me to delete Penguinmon, and for that you must pay," she paused, then, "I admit I am not strong enough to defeat you, but I will try as best I can! TIIDAIYA!!!" Shiisamon attacked Puppetmon, putting as much power into the attack as she could possibly muster.

Kamika opened her eyes as she noticed that the attacks had stopped. She turned and stared at that wooden digimon, Puppetmon, just in time to see Maildramon attack. 'It. . . dodged the attacks??' She thought in amazement as she saw the lightning bolts didn't seem to affect. Turning around she spotted Puttimon who was staring at her hands for some reason. "Puttimon, let's help out!" She yelled, taking out her digivice and holding it tight in her hand.

Puttimon suddenly halted from her attack on Kyrainia and fell to the ground. She started to stare at her hands. "I. . . Attacked a human. . ." Suddenly she heard Kamika's voice yelling out to her. "Huh??" She spun around, and heard the command. Nodding, she rushed towards Puppetmon, not knowing what was about to happen. Kamika's digivice started glowing and Kamika smiled.

"Puttimon digivolve to. . . Bitmon!" The new digimon was a complete change from the Puttimon. The digimon seemed to be a cross between a rabbit and a. . . dog. It gained some type of dark pink armor on its head, back, all 4 arms, and somewhat on the ears, which just made it look like stripes. Its entire body was a light pink and its height was just about double that of Puttimon, considering how small Puttimon was.

Kamika's jaw just about dropped. "She. . . Changed!" She grinned as she first saw Shiisamon attack Puppetmon. "You too . . . er. . ."

Bitmon continued her sentence. "It's Bitmon." She turned to Puppetmon. "I'm here to defend these children! Ear Lancer!!" The somewhat stripes on her ears started to glow as Bitmon held her ears out straight. The energy from each came together, forming a kinda beam of bright light straight at Puppetmon.

Sayu had no idea what Tekumon was saying, without her digivice. She got the gist of it, though. She rolled her eyes angrily, glared at the little digimon, then turned back to Chris. "I need m'glowy-t'ingy back." Sayu said, meaning her digivice, of course.

Puppetmon dodged Shiisamon's attack, and though Bitmon's hit, it didn't do much more than make him pause briefly to shake it off. He recovered his rage, and attacked the three champions, full-force. "PUPPET PUMMEL!"

Maildramon crashed through several trees as the attack hit. He pulled himself to his feet, groaning. "You... jerk...!" He panted, glaring at Puppetmon. "Shiisamon! Bitmon! Are you alright?!" Maildramon galloped over to the other two champions.

Bitmon skidded on the ground as the attack hit her full force. She stopped only when she smacked against a tree. Groaning, she tried her best to get back on all four legs. "I'm fine. . . He's just too powerful. What are we going to do?!"

Kamika bit her lip as she watched her digimon get hurt. "Bitmon!!! Do your best!!" She yelled out in support.

Isthian watched the Champions get pummeled... but it wasn't long before he got tired of watching. Throwing his worry about Maildramon to the four winds, he clutched his digivice and raised it aloft. "TSAFMON!" he cried, his head starting to pound. "Let's help them out! DIGIVOLVE!"

The little yellow Wollymon felt the surge of his partner's energy, and began to glow. "Wollymon digivolve toooo... TSAFMON! Tsafmon digivolve toooooo... SPRINTMON!" Suddenly the large, serpentine lizard was standing there, flicking his long tail. "SPRINT BOMB!" He attacked Puppetmon from behind.

Puppetmon huffed indignantly as he was attacked from behind. Shaking it off, he glared at Sprintmon. "Y'know, you're not very nice!" He hissed. "Puppet Pummel!" He turned his attack on Sprintmon, but since he'd been facing the opposite direction, the turn left him off balance and the attack went in the children's direction, instead.

Shiisamon tried to take everything in. Puppetmon dodged her attack, which was bad, but then Puttimon had digivolved into Bitmon, which was good... then Puppetmon attacked, which was bad. She cried out as the attack hit her.

"Shiisamon!" Christo yelled.

Shiisamon heard Christo call out, and got back on her feet-and saw another of Puppetmon's attacks go in the direction of the children. "Christo, move! Now!" Shiisamon called.

Christo rolled out of the way, the attack coming down just inches away from her foot. Shiisamon ran over, to see if her partner was OK. Christo was, thankfully, unharmed. She buried her face in Shiisamon's fur, crying and shaking with fear.

"NO!" shouted Sprintmon, watching helplessly as the attack meant for him shot straight at a group of Digidestined. Horror washed over him, just as it had when a similar thing had happened during the fight with DarkSaibdramon.

Isthian found himself re-playing his previous role, as well. He leapt on Fiona, knocking them both aside. The momentum from his jump made him roll off of her and across the grass, stopping with a mild *bump* at the base of a tree. Something glittering green and gold fell tinkling down through the leaves and landed on his chest.

Kamika's eyes widened as she watched Puppetmon's attack aimed straight towards. . . Well, the area she was kinda standing in.

Bitmon acted quick as she saw the dangered Kamika. "Kamika!" She yelled out as she quickly grabbed Kamika by her shirt and somewhat flinging her onto her back. She dashed off to another area, slightly panting. "Are you okay??" She asked her partner.

Kamika tightly clinged onto the champion digimon. "That . . . was so scary!!" She exclaimed as she shook in fear. 'This. . .Isn't possible. . We can't beat him. . .'

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