The guidelines are quick to read and simple to comprehend. Bear with me for a moment, and then go write to your heart's content. Remember, all fics that do not follow each and every one of these little rules will not qualify in the contest. Thank you for understanding.
Guideline #1
All stories are to be original works. No plagarism will be accepted. Not only is it illegal, it's just plain rude. If you try to pass other people's work off as your own and then I discover you have, I will pass judgement. Be warned.
Guideline #2
Stories can be of any genre, as long as they are well-written and in good taste. A lemon can be in very good taste, provided it is a great story. If romance is your cup of tea, the following Digipairings are accepted: Taito (of course), Yamashiro, Taishiro, Jyoushiro, Koumi, Jyoumi, Mira, Miyami, Jyoura, Kouyako, Kensuke, Takari, Daikeru, Kenkeru, Kenyako, Takori, and Hiyako. This is the only rule I will allow exceptions to, but IF AND ONLY IF, you clear the pairing with me beforehand.
Guideline #3
You MUST address the challenge I have given you.
Guideline #4
Entries will only be accepted at appropriate times.
Guideline #5
There must be a disclaimer somewhere on the fic about your complete lack of ownership of Digimon. Contrary to what some of you might think, YOU do not own Digimon, I do not own Digimon, and we are only able to make pages and fanfics because a) The true creators are nice like that. or b) They just haven't found me yet.
Well, that's about it. Write, damn you, write!