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Wilhemina + Brock

The reason I had to have a separate page is because this is the only girl out of about 500 that has shown feelings toward Brock. It all happened in the episode For Crying Out Loud (Johto Journeys). This is how it began. Ash, Misty and Brock are heading toward Azalea town. Brock notices how pretty the place is and says that a beautiful place also has beautiful girls. He tells Ash and Misty that this is the place where he's going to meet the girl of his dreams. They ask why. "Becuase she's standing right over there!"

Brock's moment of love is interrupted when a Marrill comes into view. Misty tries to catch it. The pokebal hits it, and it starts to cry. (This happens way too much in this episode.) Brock calms it down. They then notice it has bow on and it must belong to someone. Misty picks it up and apologizes. Its reply is crying! Then, two hicks with blue and red hair (hmm, who could that be?) drive up. James shoves them in a trailer and a pair of metal arms grab Pikachu and Marrill. While TR are bragging that they got both of them, Marrill starts crying and it starts to cry again. This throws Meowth off of his concentration of driving, which leads to them blasting off again and Pikachu and Marrill start to tumble down a hill. Ash and Misty runs after them. (Togepi is with Brock.) Stupid Ash trips and falls into a tree. Misty keeps running. Right after she get a hold of Pikachu and Marrill, she trips and falls into the river below. Ash and Brock yell at her reassuring her they'll meet her downstream. Just after Misty fades out of view, the southern girl with a parasol, Wilhemina, walks up to Ash accusing him of stealing her Marrill. Brock pushes Ash out of the way.

He tells her his name, and says,"Please tell me your name so that I may emblazon it upon my heart." "My name is Wilhemina, Brock,"she replies. "Did you hear that Ash? Her last name is the same as my first." HAHAHA! He made a funny! Then the show goes back to Misty, but we don't care about that right now! The scene comes back to Brock, Wilhemina and Ash. Ash tells Wilhemina that Misty will take good care of her Marrill. Wilhemina starts crying because her baby Marrill might be never seen again. Brock, being caring, sexy and sweet, tells her that they will find Marrill. "You think so?"she asks.

Taking her hands in his, Brock says,"I know so. And no matter what happens and no matter how long it takes, I promise I will be her for you until Marrill comes back safely." AWWWWWWW!

Wilhemina's eyes glow as she tell him,"Oh! Brock you're great!"

"She must really like him,"notices Ash. Ash can even tell!
While they are looking for Marrill, Brock realizes something. If they find Marrill she'll be happy, but he'll be sad because she'll leave and won't be with him. If it's the other way around, he'll be happy and she'll be sad. Poor Brockie!
During the whole ordeal, there is a scene where Brock hugs Wilhemina.

Damn! I wish that was me!
Anypoo, some stuff happens. At the very end, Wilhemina gets Marrill back and offers to let them stay in her house by the lake for a while. Ash declines telling her they need to get to Azalea town. Did he ask Brock first? NOOOO! Brock and Wilhemina say their goodbyes stating they will never forget each other.

My Feelings

This is a subject I'm not real sure about. I love to see Brock flirt with girls. It's so funny! It surprised me though to see someone flirt back. When she got all gooey eyed I literally jumped around in my living room. I was so happy for my Brockie! As an afterthought though I was sorta sad. If Brock falls in love with Wilhemina, that means he may not fall in love with me!!! Overall though I'm happy for Brock, becuase I just want him to be happy! (That was way too sappy!)

I think I should mention that I took all these pictures from Brock-O-Rama. I know she gets mad if people take her pics, but I can't find any anywhere except there! I asked her permission, so thanks Eji! To go to Brock-O-Rama go here.

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