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Ash and Stupid Flashbacks

This is something that really, really pisses me off. Whenever one of Ash's Pokemon leaves, it's BOOHOO! FLASHBACK! When Brock left, he was kinda nice to him, but he wasn't as crazy as he gets when one of his Pokemon leaves.

Example One:When Lapras leaves, Boohoo! Flashback! Lapras was his Pokemon for how long? The Orange Island Adventures, right? Brock was the first gym leader he met, and was his good friend throughout the eight-badge long Indigo League. NO FLASHBACK! Just a,"Bye Brock-o." Now, I admit, it was sweet when Brock was said, "Friends to the end, right Ash," and they had their moment, but that was it!

Example Two: When Butterfree leaves, Ash says,"Butterfree is the very first Pokemon I ever caught," and CRIES! HE FRICKIN CRIES! That's sweet, but why doesn't he care about his friends like that? I mean, geez! Nothin when Brock leaves.

Example Three: When Charizard leaves, Ash is so upset he just runs off. What is wrong with him? He just runs off! He doesn't even say bye! He really cares about Charizard, but how much does he care about Brock? Maybe he gets mad at me because he knows that he is in the way of Misty. :x Sorry, Gymshippers, but Ash is the hero of the show. He'll probably get the girl.

Example Four: When Squirtle leaves, I don't remember Ash getting too upset. I remember flashbacks, but he wasn't as upset as he was with the rest of them. But Squirtle rules! Even I was sorta depressed when he left. I love Squirtle! Why do all my favorite characters leave? GEEZ! Or, they are in a few episodes, or they are hardly in the show. Well, anypoo...

Conclusion: I could go on and on with all the Pokemon Ash has left, but it would all be the same. Flashbacks and crying. Sort of too corny for me. Except for Squirtle. And why didn't they ever do something for Brock. Although, that would be pretty corny. But still, Ash and Misty didn't seem to upset that he left.

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